From the EQ2 Forums: All EverQuest II Servers will be brought offline on Tuesday, August 29th, 2017 at 7:00 AM PT (14:00 UTC) for an update. Estimated downtime is less than 2 hours. At the 3 1/2 hour mark, the forums were updated with this notification indicating a possible total 4 1/2 hour downtime: This morning’s downtime downtime is running longer than expected – EQ2 servers should be unlocked by approximately 11:30AM PT. From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Isle of Refuge (Free Trade) Random events in the Obulus Frontier are now more common on a Free-Trade server. All waves...
PvP/BG/Proving Grounds
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed an issue with spacing in the group window. PROVING GROUNDS The revive point within Tower of Frozen Shadow will now revive you within the zone. Corrected an issue that prevented the 101st orc from granting the final reward in Scourge Keep Duo Arena. FAMILIARS Mission crates and public quests now have a chance to drop either Season 1 or Season 2 familiars. Corrected the damage multiplier that was granting some season 2 familiars higher damage hits than intended.
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION General Fracture, the Inheritance Merchant has returned to Freeport and Qeynos. Vaedenmoor: Heart of Nightmares [Raid] Terris-Thule’s “Drain Life” ability should no longer hit the entire raid. It should work the same way as it does in Vaedenmoor: Realm of Despair[Raid]. The allowable deaths in the Summoned Foes encounter has been increased. The platforms in the Summoned Foes encounter no longer randomize colors beyond the first time.
From the EQ2 Forums: PUBLIC QUESTS It should be much harder for mercenaries to hold aggro against The Omen Feeder. PROVING GROUNDS The reward for completing a checkpoint in a heroic proving ground has been increased from 1 to 2 Marks of Glory. The reward for completing a the final checkpoint in a heroic proving ground has been increased from 5 to 10 Marks of Glory.
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Vaedenmoor: Heart of Nightmares [Raid] Territus should no longer cause the spell “Mark of Nobility” to damage ally pets. Baliath should now take longer to start regenerating after he leaves the playable area and returns. Corrected an issue where if you had the Golden Recognition spell on, you could not execute that part of the script the spell implies. Chamber of Rejuvenation [Raid] Trakanon no longer forces a tank swap. Swapping tanks is now fully up to the fighters engaged in the encounter. Detonators should now auto-engage the raid instead of...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Platinum amounts over 1 million should be displayed better. PROVING GROUNDS Fixed an issue with proving grounds where loyalty points could be reset. The Underdepths [Proving Ground] Corrected an issue with damage variance on several Skyshrine Guardian and Skyshrine Infiltrator abilities that allowed them to hit for higher then intended amounts.
From the EQ2 Forums: PROVING GROUNDS Defiler Crystallized Soul, Necromancer Dark Heart, Conjurer Shard of Essence and all priest summoned resurrection baubles should now function in Proving Grounds. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION All Raids Minor adjustments to incoming damage to players in raid boss encounters Chamber of Rejuvenation [Raid] Corrected a situation where the ritual barrier did not block the “Basilisk Bite” spell. Vaedenmoor, Realm of Despair [Raid] Vhaksiz the Shade should no longer wipe out the raid if the “panic” script is triggered. Vaedenmoor: Heart of Nightmares [Raid] Corrected an issue with Baliath’s enrage timer causing the duration...
Presumably… From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL You can now hide your ‘Not For Sale’ items when at a merchant. You can now filter the broker by Ascension Classes. PROVING GROUNDS Most cleric reactive heals have been increased in the Proving Grounds by 30-40%.
We’re going to assume: From the EQ2 Forums: PROVING GROUNDS General The “All Hands on Deck” and “Nature’s Fury” incrementing buffs cast by many of the non-boss NPCs in Battle upon the High Seas and Battle for Felwithe now apply 5.0% strikethrough per increment. Battle upon the High Seas Corrected an issue that granted extra hit points to human Brokenskull pirate’s on the blue side. The number of pirates answering Cap’n Ketch’s calls has been reduced. Turbulent spirits (drakes) will no longer attack groups not engaged in combat. FAMILIARS Five new familiars are now available from different merchants...
From the EQ2 Forums: PROVING GROUNDS Battle upon the High Seas Poxy can now be damaged. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Chamber of Rejuvenation [Raid] The Reet Ritualist should now despawn when encounter resets. The entrance door should no longer require 18+ players to enter. The exit door should now allow use. Basilisk Bite should no longer overwrite itself when attempting to apply it twice.
Any change to Proving Grounds (PvE Battlegrounds?) likely requires patching both US and EU servers, so we’re going to go out on a sturdy limb and guess… Also it looks like EQ2 Developer Snark has now leaked into the update notes. From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed an issue where guild events may not display the most current events after a server restart. PROVING GROUNDS Increased most heals in Proving Grounds. Each member of the winning team will now receive their bonus tokens after completing the final objective. The final zone bosses are now immune to Verdict. Mayong smiles....
All EverQuest II Servers will be brought offline on Tuesday, May 9th, 2017 at 7:00 AM PT (14:00 UTC) for an update. Estimated downtime is less than 3 hours. From the EQ2 Forums: NEW KUNARK ASCENDING HERITAGE QUEST Interested adventurers should search within Obulus Frontier for clues on how to begin this new quest. Good hunting! FAMILIARS Experts in the mysterious menagerie have discovered a subspecies of creatures that have been found to increase the master’s ability to channel greater power. You can access the Familiar window via a tab in your character UI. PROVING GROUNDS This update includes...
Original notice:
From the EQ2 Forums: BATTLEGROUNDS Corrected an issue that allowed adornments to apply in Battlegrounds. Many consumables have been reduced in power while in a Battleground match. Increased the amount of tokens rewarded from the Battlegrounds Quests. Battleground missions are now repeatable quests, and no longer subject to mission timers. ABILITIES Joust now has a range of 35 Fixed an issue with Accuracy from Strength that prevented it from applying. ITEMS Fixed an issue that prevented Aura of Immolation from applying. Mastercrafted food and drink should once again apply it’s bonuses on Time-Locked servers.
From the EQ2 Forums: PUBLIC QUESTS Increased the amount of currency rewarded for the Kralet Penumbra Attacks! public quest. Corrected a bug that allowed extra rewards to be granted from Search and Destroy in Tranquil and Phantom seas. Crusader’s Medals are now rewarded from the level 95 version of The Crusade in Jarsath Wastes. BATTLEGROUNDS Live Battlegrounds have been removed and replaced with a Battleground Beta. Full details may be found in this thread:…-when-they-do-bg-beta-feedback-thread.572174/
Two pieces of news from yesterday and today. From Gninja on the EQ2 Forums: We are looking into the issue. For now we have locked the BG server so no more folks get stuck loading. If you have a character stuck send me a Private message with server/character name and I can see what I can do. Meanwhile Roshen has an update about delays in Krono redemption… Hello all, We’re aware of an issue with krono purchases, which is causing long delays between when a purchase is made and when krono is delivered. It seems like krono delivery is currently...
The Time-Locked Expansion servers Deathtoll and Stormhold will come down tomorrow morning in order to merge Deathtoll with it’s PvE-only sister server Stormhold. Time Zone Conversions PDT: April 5 @ 2:00am – 2:00pm EDT: April 5 @ 5:00am – 5:00pm BST: April 5 @ 10:00 – 22:00 CEST: April 5 @ 11:00 – 23:00 Here’s the official announcement from the EQ2 Forums: Both Splitpaw and Deathtoll servers will come down for maintenance beginning at 2:00 AM PT (9:00 AM GMT) for an update to merge servers as mentioned here. Downtime is anticipated to be at least 12 hours to perform this operation. Commentary After...
Introduced as an addon feature fourteen months after the game’s launch, Player vs Player combat in EverQuest II has always had an identity crisis. In spring 2006, open-world PvP was bolted onto EverQuest II’s core game through the introduction of several open world PvP or “red” servers — Darathar (UK), Talendor (DE), Gorenaire (FR), Venekor (US RP), Vox (US), and of course Nagafen (US). In 2009, the population of Venekor, a RP PvP server, was merged with Nagafen. With the collapse of LiveGamer player auctions in 2011, Nagafen absorbed the Vox population. Despite significant and later sporadic development effort to...
From the EQ2 Forums: PvP Fixed an issue where killing players on your recent kill list was not being processed correctly.
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL TLE Servers The ‘Restore Items’ tab on the character window is now available. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Altar of Malice [Raid] Tserrina should once again cast her Malicious Shadows and Malicious Strife spells. Ritual Keeper V’derin should more reliably cast his Rain of Malice ability. Precipice of Power [Raid] Once spawned, avatars should now respawn if they sense they have not been defeated and reset for any reason. Teleporters to avatar islands no longer deactivate when an avatar is engaged. ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Summoner Flash Cast no longer references Empower Servant, as summoner...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL (Full Install only) For those having trouble validating an existing assetslib.vpl file on startup, you can now add ‘cl_force_paklib_create 1’ to your eq2.ini file to force re-creation of this file. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION PvP General Fixed a bug where some guards would get confused when pets start attacking Exiles. Precipice of Power [Raid] Heart Stutter should no longer hit players outside the raid engaged with Cazic-Thule. ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Fixed a crash issue related to Charm abilities [on Deathtoll PvP TLE server] Focus Aim should no longer spam requires time locked server....
We have more details now about the upcoming Server Consolidation for EQ2 live servers, specifically which servers are merging where. To avoid confusion or “TL;DR”, we’ve prepared this handy guide to exactly what the server landscape will look like after this change: (updated on October 6th with the new server names) There’s no word on how character names will be reserved, as that is probably still being hammered out, but the most notable news today will likely be that Nagafen is merging into Freeport and Permafrost. This is not really surprising given how few players were logged in even...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed a client issue with animations taking too much memory after running the game for a long time and zoning around a lot. You no longer get an experience penalty if you are unable to get a hit in on an NPC that your group kills. CENSUS Fixed a bug where PvP KvD stat [a new leaderboards stat] was not exporting with decimal places to census. PVP SERVERS Harvesting time has been reduced by 50% for players who are adventure level 10 or above. ITEMS [eq2u]Dire Balm IV (Adept)[/eq2u] and [eq2u]Dire Balm IV (Master)[/eq2u] will...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Addressed an issue causing some client performance issues. [as discussed here] Fixed an issue where consumables could give incorrect bonuses after zoning. CENSUS API Added total kills and KvD to census data for characters. [additional PvP Leaderboards] POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION PvP General The payments made by the exiles to buy off non-city guards have expired. Non-city guards will no longer assist exiles in PvP combat. Ravens’ Roost has hired a few high level guards. Ssrez’Ras: Chamber of Stasis [Heroic] Deviator Yothsra can once again be slain. ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT PvP Summoner pets...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed a display issue where starting equipment was not showing correctly during character create. Fixed an issue where some nameplates would show incorrect names. Time-Locked Servers Fixed an issue where the house item edit mode wheel was not responding. Time-Locked PvP PvP kills will now reduce faction with city guards. Guards in city zones will now assist citizens in PvP if that citizen is attacked while in proximity of the guard. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION PvP General Guards in City Zones will now come to players’ aid in PvP combat more often. If a...