EverQuest II is now back online after an extended downtime of four hours. — 2:00pm EDT
Original notice:

From the EQ2 Forums:
Veeshan’s Peak [Raid]
- Silverwing can no longer charm more than 3 players at a time.
- Corrected an issue with the battlegrounds quests not completing correctly when a match is won.
- Fixed an issue that showed an erroneous percentage based damage effect on several abilities.
- Corrected a bug that caused fervor to apply to the base spell value on wards instead of the modified value. Fervor will not display in ward tool-tips, but will now correctly modify the final ward value.
- Corrected a bug that was causing several abilities and items to display erroneous requirements.
- Corrected an issue that would cause Repent to apply for zero when it critically hit in any case where the caster had zero crit modifier.
- Several items from Veeshan’s Peak have had their Fabled status restored.
- Terrors of Thalumbra heroic and early raid mounts now award Resolve.
still having an issue logging in to the game. The update error is now fixed, thanks for that btws….but now im getting this https://www.dropbox.com/s/3pczke8w5ifixv9/Screenshot%202016-09-27%2010.45.06.png?dl=0
how do i fix it?
Until they fix the client at their end you won’t be able to connect.
That would sure explain why you get a fatal error and the game crashes after trying to launch it. lol.
hmmm? and what is that reason?
After reading the delay, I’m honestly happy to be at work today. Sorry for those of you that had the day off and wanted to play some EQ2. I’ve been in that same situation before.
wouldn’t be related to this perhaps?
Fatal Error Everquest II has detected an unrecoverable error and must be shut down.
G:\live\eq2\game\Client\ClientNet.cpp (647):
m_pCon->GetStatus() ==
Neither Launcher or Exe working.
And whats this G:\ reference … I have no G:\. Looks suspiciously like DEBUG code left in the RELEASE code.
Yup, and that is the error I am hearing all over. Day break da broke it. Good thing I branched out to other games. lol
i run a RAID6 on my tower for running servers on mincrafte, eq2 happens to be on my G drive
all my MMOs/multiplayer go there hehe
Over the years I’ve seen g: drive mentioned in various error messages. Just how the client references data files I guess.
I was able to play just fine this morning prior to the patch, now my launcher turns grey with some long error listed and will not launch the game.