It’s time to grab some white marble – the Qeynos City Festival returns to Antonica from October 1-7! Spend City Tokens on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink. Make sure all your characters have finished the Qeynos Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 134 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Bridge Buzzer title. WHEN: 12:01am PT on October 1st – 11:59pm PT on October 7th WHERE: Antonica, outside North Qeynos, /loc 6, -14, -61 QUESTS: Special Delivery, Special Order Crafting, Special Order...
Month: September 2016
* artist’s conception of the expansion logo From the EQ2 Forums: The EverQuest II: Kunark Ascending expansion stream will start on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 10AM PDT* and we would like to invite YOU to join us! We’ll be doing this stream from Facebook Live, and you can tune in here: This day will be full of information on the upcoming expansion. Join us for the stream, and log into Facebook to chat with us and other players! Looking for some advanced info? Check out the Producer’s Letter from Holly talking about what’s coming up for EverQuest II. We look forward to hanging...
Original notice:
Remember in 2014 when SOE missed renewing the main DNS server for all of SOE’s websites including This resulted in thousands of SOE customers becoming unable to reach any of the company’s websites. Now it seems a similar situation is once again striking Daybreak Games, this time due to the continued use of the deprecated “” domain. Despite the company’s transition from Sony Online Entertainment to Daybreak Games two years ago, the game Launchpads and in some cases the game clients themselves (such as EverQuest2.exe) still make extensive reference to or even It seems that today, an...
Certain players of Daybreak games trying to start the Launchpad this morning have been receiving this error: This is being discussed on two different forum threads: Error on Startup Unable to Download An Update May Be In Progress It seems the Ops team is aware of the issue as Domino posted this news about Landmark: Ops team is working on this: anyone else having this problem? Or has it improved? @Miss_Candela @hammerman1993 — Emily (Domino) (@pentapod) September 26, 2016
From the EQ2 Twitter: Summer Ethereals end on October 14th so be sure to jump in while you can! — EverQuest II (@everquestii) September 23, 2016
The reward for completing all the collections in Game Update 101’s Fabled Nizara has received a less than enthusiastic response from players. The item, Misstress Zhvari’s Sash of Station, has rather low stats given the difficulty of acquiring it. In the new EQ2 Discord chat which was opened yesterday, Kander had this response: we’ll have it fixed next update. It should have 10 fervor and we upped the resolve and some other stuff, and now they are Fabled.
Players are always looking at methods to keep in communication with developers. Of late, the forums have been less than successful at serving that mission. Community has tried different things, including engaging us on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit, however these social media platforms haven’t been adopted as much as they have in other games. Connecting the player community to the developers is something I am hugely in favor of and some methods have been more successful than others. I thought the old EQ2 ZAM Question & Answer sessions did rather well. Yesterday, a new EverQuest II chat server was launched on Discord, which...
From Kaitheel on the EQ2 Forums: Nights of the Dead has been activated on Test server! Nights of the Dead brings goblins and ghoulies out from the shadows. Those inclined to celebrate the holiday through crafting will find a new book of recipes full of new house items being sold by official event merchants. And those feeling more adventurous can hunt ghosts in Antonica, and the Commonlands, or investigate the multiple haunted locations! Setri Lur’eth returns, and may or may not have another task for those willing (or not so willing) to help. Be sure to keep your eyes...
With Tuesday’s patch, hundreds of art assets were changed and clearly some changes were made to the game client, because ever since, certain players have been experiencing missing foliage on plants, missing NPCs, missing clothes, missing city bells in Freeport, etc. From Jamiss on the EQ2 Forums: Several people have noticed issues of equipment not appearing on their character at all, or their character not being visible, NPCs not being visible or Lodizal’s missing shell. The underlying cause has been found and we also have a fix in place which we are working on getting out to you. I checked,...
A great article from Micah Whipple didn’t believe in Real ID. It was unveiled in 2010 as a new social initiative in the Blizzard forums, effectively forcing players to register their real names instead of aliases to cut down on the witch hunts and treachery that so often define anonymous, online public spaces. Whipple thought the policy would be unsustainable and unenforceable, but as a World of Warcraft community manager it was his job to go to bat for it. The CM role is simple: be a plebeian, embed yourself in the community, serve as liaison between...
From the EQ2 Forums: BATTLEGROUNDS Corrected an issue that allowed adornments to apply in Battlegrounds. Many consumables have been reduced in power while in a Battleground match. Increased the amount of tokens rewarded from the Battlegrounds Quests. Battleground missions are now repeatable quests, and no longer subject to mission timers. ABILITIES Joust now has a range of 35 Fixed an issue with Accuracy from Strength that prevented it from applying. ITEMS Fixed an issue that prevented Aura of Immolation from applying. Mastercrafted food and drink should once again apply it’s bonuses on Time-Locked servers.
The monthly Moonlight Enchantments event begins tonight! The grottos open up on the 20th at 12:01am PT and close on the 21st at 11:59pm PT. The time applies directly with no conversion for all servers. Grotto Zone & Location Collection Quest(s) Brownie Darklight Wood /way 14, -32, -238 Tree Bark Festive Flowers Strong Brew Root Beer Zygomyd Nektulos Forest /way -363, 0.42, -682 Mushroom Spores Earthly Tasks Comforting Confections Naiad Enchanted Lands /way -278, 5, 18 Naiad Scales Naiad Aid Dryad Antonica /way -696, -4, 621 Dryad Leaves Pollution Problem Fay Greater Faydark /way -132, -44, -771 Flower Petals...
From There will be a general maintenance on Monday, September 19, 2016 beginning at 6:00AM Pacific Time*. The estimated downtime is up to four (4) hours. The following services may be impacted during this maintenance: Game Logins Forum Logins Account Management (including filing Customer Support tickets) Commerce Please follow @DaybreakGames on Twitter for any necessary updates. Thank you for your patience as we complete this maintenance.
Players on the subscription-required Race to Trakanon and Stormhold (Time Locked Expansion) servers have been requesting changes to itemization which would bring Heroic and Raid gear (specifically the iconic Mythical weapons that conclude the Kunark storyline) above the level of Solo and Crafted gear. We got an answer of sorts on that question today from RadarX on the EQ2 Forums: You are taking a few liberties with this statement but to reiterate Kanders post and to ensure there aren’t concerns this hasn’t at least been communicated, there are no plans to do further itemization on current content. As with each...
From the EQ2 Forums: BATTLEGROUNDS Mounts will no longer apply in battlegrounds. Fixed a slurry of items that were still casting effects in Battlegrounds. Stat conversions that convert primary stats into other stats now grant a reduced amount in Battlegrounds.
From There will be a general maintenance on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 beginning at5:00AM Pacific Time*. The estimated downtime is up to four (4) hours. The following services may be impacted during this maintenance: Game Logins Forum Logins Account Management (including filing Customer Support tickets) Commerce Please follow @DaybreakGames on Twitter for any necessary updates. Thank you for your patience as we complete this maintenance. Time Zone Conversions PDT: September 13 @ 5:00am – 9:00am 7:30 EDT: September 13 @ 8:00am – Noon 10:30 BST: September 13 @ 13:00 – 17:00 15:30 CEDT: September 13 @ 14:00 – 18:00 16:30
From the EQ2 Forums: PUBLIC QUESTS Increased the amount of currency rewarded for the Kralet Penumbra Attacks! public quest. Corrected a bug that allowed extra rewards to be granted from Search and Destroy in Tranquil and Phantom seas. Crusader’s Medals are now rewarded from the level 95 version of The Crusade in Jarsath Wastes. BATTLEGROUNDS Live Battlegrounds have been removed and replaced with a Battleground Beta. Full details may be found in this thread:…-when-they-do-bg-beta-feedback-thread.572174/
Update: This issue seemed to be resolved. From Twitter: Router issue. Team is on the problem. — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) September 4, 2016 From the EQ2 Forums: Status: 9/3/2016 17:08 PDT – We are currently investigating a potential issue with network connectivity to the game.
From Between Noon PDT on Thursday, September 1, 2016 and Noon PDT on Tuesday, October 4, 2016, expansions will be available to players for 50% off, including all released versions and upgrades! Are you an All Access Member? You’ll receive an additional 10% off expansions during the sale! Don’t miss your chance to get huge discounts on the Premium or Collector’s Edition of EverQuest II: Terrors of Thalumbra. The unique bonus items that come with EverQuest II: Terrors of Thalumbra won’t be available with an expansion purchase once pre-orders begin for our next expansion!
From From 12PM PDT on Thursday, September 1, 2016 until 12PM PDT on Tuesday, September 6, 2016, ALL players will receive Double [sic.] XP for Adventure, Tradeskill, and AA experience! Additionally, members will receive 40% off all marketplace items! If you’ve been waiting to pick up something from the Marketplace, now is the perfect time! Time Zone Conversions PDT: September 1 @ Noon – September 6 @ Noon EDT: September 1 @ 3:00pm – September 6 @ 3:00pm BST: September 1 @ 20:00 – September 6 @ 20:00 CEDT: September 1 @ 21:00 – September @ 21:00
From Greetings citizens of Norrath! Fall is on the doorstep! What does that mean? Expansion news, of course! We have some epic adventures in store this year as we delve into undiscovered areas of a familiar continent in our thirteenth expansion, EverQuest II: Kunark Ascending! Quite a bit of time has passed since we have explored Kunark’s secrets and there are some great stories to be told and adventures to be had. Danger awaits you in the Crypt of Dalnir, Kaesora, Warslik’s Wood and more!