At SOE Live, we got to see some amazing flythrough videos of the EverQuest II: Chains of Eternity. A Youtube video has been posted by CyberInk which includes just some of this. NOTE: Some of these zone flythroughs were taken a few weeks ago, and we were told by artists at SOE Live that changes have been made since then, so if you want to see how these zones look now, head over to the Beta server!!
Year: 2012
Ahead of schedule, the EverQuest II: Chains of Eternity Public Beta is NOW OPEN! How Do I Get to Beta? Unlike past betas, there is no Non-Disclosure Agreement to accept, and no separate Beta launcher to run. To access the Chains of Eternity, simply close and reopen your EverQuest II Launcher, click on the Version link in the top left corner (US English for US players), switch the region to “Beta“, click Apply, and let the patching begin! Beta Copy is 1000% better from how it has been handled in past expansion Betas. Instead of typing /beta and hoping...
From Holly “Windstalker” Longdale on the EQ2 Forums: Sorry we haven’t been more specific. We will do a stability pass in the morning and open when it is stable. We are aiming before noon PDT and we will keep you updated. So wait a minute… Every other beta, there have been e-mail signups a month prior for us to all sign NDA and all that jazz. I guess we’ll know in a couple of hours what path they choose to go.
Normally I’d be banging the drum about Public Beta being cool, but hory shet I’ve got plenty...
I think dinner is wrapping up. Food choices best described as bare bones. :/ Grand Finale. Also being broadcast on I believe. Every year, Fan Faire goes by faster.
The second Coder’s Panel was like last year’s Geek panel. We got to ask tech questions of SOE devs of all games. It’s not for everyone but its one of my favorite panels. I love behind the scenes stuff. Getting ready for the Banquet, Costume Contest, and any surprises they throw at us. We’ll also see the premiere of Dethdlr’s winning SOEmote video! If you have been reading some of the panel notes going “Wha?” I’ll be going through tomorrow am before my flight adding in some more meaning and formatting as well as a few more panel photos....
I don’t want to misquote anyone, so I am transcribing the most clear-cut questions and answers. Anything else will be in the transcript video. Question about tradeskillers making kilts and getting more styles. Q: Freeport and Qeynos lets anyone do writs. Neriak is more picky. Gorowyn is selective as well. Can this be made more consistent? Q: A Krono is $17.99. Why is it more than 30 days sub costs at Walmart for $14.99? A: We don’t endorse the selling of cards in-game, but it’s a completely supported in-game method of trading in-game subs. Q: Are you going to...
Dave Georgeson – EQ Franchise Holly Longdale – EQ2 Producer Thom Terrazas – EQ1 Producer What’s this panel about? * An overview of our current business model. * What we don’t like about it and how we intend to fix it. – Most of which should come as good news * Short presentation and then Q&A We are not going to reveal numbers because of competitors, but we’ll give ratios and percentages.
Headed to Podcasting panel soon. Dellmon of the awesome EQ2Talk podcast on the panel. Will record a video. Already 7 hours (30GB) of vids, including our EQ2U panel, to crunch down and post. Panel starting now. Dev intros. Back by popular demand — CONTENT * New overland zones * New Dungeons * New Raids * Signature line more accessible * New type of adornments * More Prestige abilities * Level cap to 95
So for those folks behind on AAs, if you buy Chains of Eternity, you get an item you can claim 2 per account (not 1 per character) that if you are level 90 it dings you to 280AAs.
Waiting for Keynote #2 to start. Supposed to EQ, EQ2, and DCUO. Brasse talking about nVidia sponsor. Military gamers on stage. 10, 15, 20 years. This is for an nVidia GeForce 6600Ti card. DCUO keynote up first. Will come back with EQ2 stuff. Wrapping up DCUO. Waiting for EQ or EQ2.
This is a more behind-the-scenes technical type panel, so will not be covered live on EQ2Wire. I’m recording a video. Also got a video of the ProSieben panel. Thanks Dedith — you rock!!! UPDATE: Getting Cozy with Coders was not like Geek Panel last year. Instead, it was EQ2 devs at the front of the room and players can just go up and ask them questions. So kind of an organized Kelethin, without alcohol. 5pm panel is Fansite panel. Nobody told me what I’m supposed to do/so so I guess I’ll just wing it.
Next info is SOE...
Sorry for the late start. I am videoing this panel as well. Just typing the most important stuff: * Remove Adornments from items * Adjustment to Mentor Experience * Group XP Penalty is gone – must be on hate list * 280 AA reward with the expansion * Guild Chronomage * Guild Deity Altars * Guild Standards more
The Data Feeds (Census) panel is just starting in Las Vegas and Dethdlr and I will be presenting a talk about how EQ2U started and our plans for the future. The big news is, we are unveiling a feature we’ve been working on for some time — Achievements. I wanted to do this feature right, and further, I wanted it easier to read than both EQ2Players, and the in-game Achievements window. I hope you’ll agree that we’ve accomplished that! Go ahead and head over to EQ2U and check out the new Achieve tab on each character.
Just starting the EQ2 Art & Animation panel. Dave “covic” Brown, Tom Tobey, Aaron “Gnobrin” Bisnett, Chris Myers Lotsa slides. This is a visual panel, so not going to be a lot of updates. How we create a 3D environment Showing a flythrough of a new outdoor 3D dungeon that’s being worked on. The expac will have 9 individual dungeons (not repurposed)
Player Studio panel starting… Recap of info that has been posted so far. [Editor’s Note: E-mail just received from SOE “Player Studio Now Accepting Game Item Submissions”] From Submission to game * Submission *Evaluation * Paperwork * Art Finishing * Item Design * Item Creation * Placement into world * Testing * Merchandising in Station Cash store * Deployment scheduling * Deployment * Free item delivery [to creator] * Quarterly payments in US $ by mail
Watch live video from sonyonlinetv on [Ed Note – Removed embedded video cause it was autoplaying.]
Just left the EQ2Wire get-together at the Burger Brasserie. Dethdlr, Uberfuzzy and Kodia from EQ2I, Dellmon of EQ2Talk, and 2 other players joined us, as well as Calthine of EQ2 Zam and later, Zoltaroth.
Getting ready for the SOE Live 2012 Welcome Reception. 23 minutes late and no sign of starting… [Cyliena] i stole Feldon’s keyboard, hi!! 7:26pm Brasse is on stage.
From the EQ2 Forums: ZONE PROGRESSION Raid zone timers have been returned to their previous states. Most are 2.8 days minimum and 7 days maximum. Plane of War is again 4.8 days minimum and 9 days maximum. Sleeper’s Tomb Updated shader on golem NPCs to address a crash issue. Players have pointed out that the minimum lockout timer for Plane of War was 2.8 days, so we’re not sure if this is a typo in the update notes, or if SOE is keeping PoW at a longer lockout until they can address the exploit.
From Akil “Lyndro” Hooper on the EQ2 Forums: I have an update! The actual fix is going to be riskier than we expected, and we want to take more time to make sure nothing explodes, so we’re going to roll back the zones to the way they were until we can get the fix to live. We are aiming to have the zones back the way they were on Thursday. Since I know it’ll be the next question, the fix is going to function outwardly the same way things do right now. There are going to be a couple...
From the EQ2 Forums: LIVE EVENTS Nights of the Dead The Troubling Truth – The Scarecrow King now has a reward chest for players level 91+.
From Can’t make it to SOE Live? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with an extensive schedule of live casts! Starting with the opening of the show through our annual costume contest, we will we keep you connected with all of the happenings at SOE Live! Here is a schedule of when you can tune in and where. Broadcasts will occur on the SOE Twitch TV channel, the PlanetSide 2 Twitch TV channel, and on CurseTV! Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:45 PM – 8:15 PM: SOE Live 2012 Kick Off Reception and Keynote Address! (SOE) 10:00 PM – 12:00...
I just received an e-mail indicating that the new Chains of Eternity expansion is available for pre-order at Introducing Everquest II: Chains of Eternity™! This is the 9th expansion of the revolutionary EverQuest II franchise. This expansion contains must-have features such as level increases, prestige abilities and new game items only available with this expansion, such as adornments that become more powerful with your character. Also, explore new content in two overlands in the spirit realm, and experience adventure with new dungeons and quests. Put right the imbalance in the Ethernere!
According to Zoltaroth, the EQ2 team are looking into alternate solutions that would allow them to return to the soft timers. This would restore the ability to do raid zones in as little as 3 days or as long as 5 (or 7 or 9 depending on the zone). More as I have it…
Well, this should change the tone and tenor of the ProSiebenSat.1 Panel at SOE Live a bit. From SOE President John Smedley‘s twitter: [I] wanted to thank our players for continuing feedback. We’ve been listening along with our European partners at Prosieben. We’ve found a way to let existing players of our current games that are migrating over to Prosieben (EQ, EQ II, Planetside 2) keep their SOE accounts and stay with SOE. Down the road we may offer an option to move over to Prosieben. Just to be clear after these games launch on Prosieben’s service new accounts...
Less than 72 hours before this year’s SOE Live fan gathering in Las Vegas, the EQ2 team have rushed a ham-handed fix for an exploit that, according to one player, has been present in the game since launch, and players have been exploiting for at least 5 years. From hennyo on EQ2 Flames: This is a bug that has been in the game since day one. The first time I heard of it being used was [Spirits of the Lost], but the first [expansion] I know it was extensively abused was [Echoes of Faydwer]. Even then though, most people...