While we do not receive official “loot table” data from Daybreak Games to see which items drop from which enemies in which zones, we have been able to crowdsource this information using Dedith’s Dragon’s Armory Tracker plugin. Those who are running this plugin are helping to populate EQ2U’s Loot Database! If you setup this plugin a while ago, it’s possible it may not be setup correctly. I suggest anyone who runs Advanced Combat Tracker to go ahead and follow the instructions at the following link to install or update your plugin and make sure your settings in EQ2 and the...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION General Fixed a bug that could cause some overland zones and popular dungeons to crash. Vaedenmoor: Realm of Despair [Raid] Raenha, Sister of Remorse should now allow a little extra time to defeat her. ASCENSION Adjusted the minimum time required to gain ascension levels to account for the four extra scrolls granted to all characters.
After years of watching players race through content and levels within hours of expansions launching, the EQ2 devs clearly wanted something different this time around. With Kunark Ascending, a new Ascension subclass system was put in place. Most important, gaining Levels in the new Ascension system strictly time-limited. The design ensures that no player will hit Ascension Level 5 until December 13th, one month after the expansion launched. It was designed so that even if a player somehow did find a way around the rules, a failsafe was put in place to prevent progression before the aforementioned date. After...
We’re happy to report that Ablivion’s invaluable EQ2Library site has received some updates for the new Kunark Ascending expansion. For the past few expansions, his site has contained detailed strategies for Heroic zones, Gear recommendations, selected Loot information for popular zones, and more. For Kunark Ascending, he’s already started working on documenting the Overland Achievements, Collections, Timed Treasure Hunt quests, the Ascension system, Tradeskills, Consumables, Merc Gear & Leveling, Adornments, and much much more.
In light of the issues with the Kunark Ascending Signature Quest Reward “Dread’s Vision of Greenmist” being NO ZONE and with existing Ascension XP scrolls having their XP amounts cut in half, there is an unscheduled downtime happening in just a few minutes… All US servers will come offline for unscheduled maintenance shortly. Downtime is anticipated to be less than 2 hours but we will provide updates should they become necessary. People keep asking about a rollback. There should be no need for a rollback to restore people’s missing Greenmist weapons or the infusing and adornments which have been...
With this morning’s patch, one of the two powerful new level 100 Greenmist weapons rewarded for completing the Kunark Ascending Signature Quest was accidentally flagged NO-ZONE: Dread’s Visage of Greenmist — now flagged NO ZONE Fear’s Visage of Greenmist As a result, players are losing the weapon as well as impossible-to-replace Ethereal adornments earned over this summer’s Ethereal event. Take heart though — According to Gninja in the Discord chat, this was not intended and will be fixed ASAP: We will get you your lost greenmists back and adornments. We have logs of all that stuff. Caith is taking...
From the EQ2 Forums: CENSUS Fixed a bug where characters who had wardrobe items would not export properly to census. ASCENSION EXPERIENCE The method for gaining available ascension experience has changed! Based on feedback, you now gain available ascension experience similar to how vitality is gained, about 20,000 per hour online or offline. Additionally, you can acquire items that further increase that amount instantly, up to a maximum of 7,000,000. Members get a 20% bonus to all guided ascension experience earned, the guild buff for level 200+ guilds grants a 10% bonus and you get a 100% bonus for...
Two days ahead of schedule, Frostfell seems to be going live tomorrow morning after the patch. From Kaitheel on the EQ2 Forums: Due to scheduling issues Frostfell is now going to be activated on Tuesday, Dec. 6, instead of Thursday Dec. 8 on the live servers, which means everyone will have two more days to enjoy it! From Kaitheel on the EQ2 Forums: Join us in celebrating this Deepice holiday! Whether you are an adventurer or tradeskiller you’ll find something new awaits you! Step through the Magic Closet within your city to enter the Frostfell Wonderland Village, an enchanting...
I am happy to report that EQ2 Census is now correctly exporting most EQ2 characters and thus you are once again able to enjoy sites like EQ2UPlayers and Dragon’s Armory to lookup your EQ2 characters. Not every character is exporting however — If your character has made use of the new Wardrobe feature with more than one Head, Shoulder, Primary, etc. wardrobe slot filled, your character won’t update until Tuesday’s patch. If you are really curious, the data EQ2 was trying to publish to the Census server wasn’t formatted in the exact perfect way it had to be. Anyone who...
Servers were up after 1 hour 8 minutes. Woot! From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Obulus Frontier The shadeweave bud will no longer lock to the first person that starts to harvest. Lost City of Torsis: The Spectral Market [Heroic] The Algae Fiend should no longer target pets with his curse. Vaedenmoor: Realm of Despair [Raid] Raenha, Sister of Remorse should no longer cause the zone to crash. Raenha, Sister of Remorse will now reset her health triggers if the script is failed. MERCENARIES Fixed a rare case where gear would no longer load on a mercenary....
Button up that winter coat – the New Halas City Festival returns from December 1-7! Spend City Tokens on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink. Make sure all your characters have finished the New Halas Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 104 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Snowflake Chaser title. WHEN: 12:01am PT on December 1st – 11:59pm PT on December 7th WHERE: Frostfang Sea, near the Cairn of the Huntress, /way 26, 148, -82 (Kella is found at /way 99,...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Lost City of Torsis: The Spectral Market [Heroic] Adds in the Merchant Caniz encounter should respawn slightly slower. Crypt of Dalnir: Baron’s Workshop [Heroic and Solo] Placing the Main Valve Lever and pulling it to open the slime grate will no longer cause smaller races to be stuck with a MAIN VALVE LEVER IN THEIR HEADS. Kaesora: Xalgozian Stronghold Colonel Gozier should no longer port you out of the world. Lost City of Torsis: Ashiirian Court [Raid] Lord Ghiosk will now be guarding the library once again.
For the last two weeks, players have been hard at work on the unforgiving Kunark Ascending quests, solo zones, and dungeons. Much of it has gone smoothly, but there are always issues, and with EQ2’s expansions coinciding with the American harvest celebration of Thanksgiving, the fixes seem to arrive at a Tryptophan-addled pace. Here are some issues we’re monitoring which will hopefully see patches tomorrow and possibly Thursday… Census Updates Over the last 5 years, Census — the public data API which makes sites like EQ2U and Dragon’s Armory possible — has been incredibly reliable, with only about 3...
There’s a black Friday sale. Info here: https://www.everquest2.com/news/eq2-shady-swashbuckler-black-friday-sale-2016
From the EQ2 Forums: Status: 11/22/2016 15:59 PST – US servers will be coming down at 4:15PM PST for a brief maintenance. And Twitter: All US EverQuest 2 servers will come down at 4:15 PM PT for an unscheduled maintenance. Downtime is anticipated to be approximately 1 hour.
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Lost City of Torsis: Reaver’s Remnants [All Versions] You should no longer be able to kill the Spirit Flames in the Tzirathk encounter. Kaesora: Tomb of the Venerated [Advanced Solo] Icicle Storm no longer reduces potency.
From the EQ2 Forums: Hey all, Don’t miss your last chance to finish up special rewards from The Race to Trakanon Event Server. This server is scheduled to close in January 2017. Transfer tokens will go out to players on The Race to Trakanon server on Thursday, December 1 at (or around) noon PST. Players on this server can use this token to transfer to a server of their choice. If you do NOT use your transfer token before the server closes, your character will be moved to Stormhold.
It’s now a week AFTER the release of Kunark Ascending and Marketing needs to justify their existence, so they’re holding a contest! From the EQ2 Forums: We’re excited to be celebrating the launch of Kunark Ascending! To add to the festivities, we want to give YOU a chance to win some great prizes!
The monthly Moonlight Enchantments event begins tonight! The grottos open up on the 20th at 12:01am PT and close on the 21st at 11:59pm PT. The time applies directly with no conversion for all servers. Grotto Zone & Location Collection Quest(s) Brownie Darklight Wood /way 14, -32, -238 Tree Bark Festive Flowers Strong Brew Root Beer Zygomyd Nektulos Forest /way -363, 0.42, -682 Mushroom Spores Earthly Tasks Comforting Confections Naiad Enchanted Lands /way -278, 5, 18 Naiad Scales Naiad Aid Dryad Antonica /way -696, -4, 621 Dryad Leaves Pollution Problem Fay Greater Faydark /way -132, -44, -771 Flower Petals...
From the EQ2 Forums: All servers will come down at 3 PM PT (11 PM UTC) for a brief update to address an outstanding issue. Downtime is anticipated to be approximately 1 hour.
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Obulus Frontier Sarnak Infiltrators are no longer quite as hearty. Players who have not completed “Kunark Ascending: Opportunity ‘Noks” will now evac inside the Crusaders’ Cave. Banker, broker, collector, and other service NPCs in the Greenmist Crusader caves no longer require you to speak sathirian.
From the EverQuest II YouTube:
The Kunark Ascending expansion is now live! Welcome to Kunark Ascending from #EQ2! Servers are now unlocked! — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) November 15, 2016 Have any questions for the developers?
Table of Contents So what’s new in the Kunark Ascending expansion? How do I get to the new Obulus Frontier overland zone? Where do I find all the Instances (Solo, Advanced Solo, Heroic)? What are the Prerequisites for starting the Kunark Ascending signature quest line? Is there any easy way to lookup my EQ2 character and see if I have done all the prerequisites for the expansion? Do I have to do the Terrors of Thalumbra signature line before I can start the Kunark Ascending quests? The first part of the Kunark Ascending signature line has a sneaking quest...
From the EQ2 Forums: KUNARK ASCENDING Norrath remains in danger from Lanys T’Vyl, God of Malice, and her pursuit of power! Return to Kunark and adventure through unexplored lands full of strife as a powerful force of iksar plan to overthrow the lich emperor, Venril Sathir. Uncover dungeons long sealed or lost, amassing power and piecing together the history long buried, in an attempt to keep the last Chaos Stone out of Lanys’ evil clutches! It will take great courage to stand against the coming darkness and stop her from ushering in a new age of dominance by the...