From the EQ2 Forums:
Obulus Frontier
- Sarnak Infiltrators are no longer quite as hearty.
- Players who have not completed “Kunark Ascending: Opportunity ‘Noks” will now evac inside the Crusaders’ Cave.
- Banker, broker, collector, and other service NPCs in the Greenmist Crusader caves no longer require you to speak sathirian.
The Frillik Tide
- Iksar on The Frillik Tide now speak common.
Arcanna’se Spire: Order and Chaos [Raid]
- Amalgam of Order and Chaos now use the correct amount of resolve.
- The Guardian of Arcanna’se should now properly look for the specific statue to draw power from instead of any statue.
Lost City of Torsis: Ashiirian Court [Raid]
- Behemoths within Torsis should no longer be quite as powerful.
Arcanna’se Spire: Vessel of the Sorceress [Event Heroic]
- Reduced the combat mitigation of The Armor of Sul.
Arcanna’se Spire: Repository of Secrets
- Tabor’Zaai will spawn a lot less adds during the fight.
Arcanna’se Spire: Forgotten Sanctum
- Queshaun, Keeper of Pestilence will cast his Endemic Redoubt much less often.
Crypt of Dalnir: Ritual Chamber [Heroic] and [Solo]
- The doors within The Kly’s chamber will no longer remain shut if all parties leave the zone and return.
- Search and Destroy – Primordial Malice Warlords will now spawn.
- The City of Mist Home Builder’s Kit recipes now use common harvests from the original Kunark zones.
- Ingredients on the recipes of the tradeskill daily missions have been rebalanced to require fewer mycelial tendrils and a more even distribution of ingredients overall.
- If you fail to craft a healing goo brew, you can now obtain more slug slime.
- Corrected an issue that prevented stat bonuses from applying to level 80 adventurers on the Skyfire Phoenix.
- City of Mist Waterfront Estate portals may now be placed correctly.
- Corrected an issue that prevented several relic items from displaying their relic tag.
- Corrected the issue that prevented the Ascended and Cae’Dal Merchant Crates from being placeable into broker slots.
- Kunark Ascending: Ghost Whisperer – All magma elementals will update this quest when on the appropriate part.
- A Goblin Nightmare – Kly abductors will no longer update for the entire group when killed as they and the rescued goblins can only be seen by a single player on the quest.