Here is our list of dungeons and raid zones from Destiny of Velious and some difficulty indicators provided by developers updated with player feedback. Updated for Game Update 62. Destiny of Velious Solo Zones: Great Divide (86-90) Eastern Wastes (89-90) Crystalline Breaks (solo) Instanced Group Zones: Crystal Caverns: Collapse Tower of Frozen Shadow: Shadowed Corridors Tower of Frozen Shadow: Umbral Halls Tower of Frozen Shadow: Haunt of Syl’Tor Velketor’s Labyrinth: Forgotten Pools Velketor’s Labyrinth: The Ascent Velketor’s Labyrinth: The Fortress Spire Kael Drakkel: Iceshard Keep Kael Drakkel: Throne of Storms Kael Drakkel: Temple of Rallos Zek (EM) The Fortress...
Here are some notes from Friday night’s live Webcast of Rich Waters, Dave “SmokeJumper” Georgeson and Salim “Silius” talking about the upcoming Destiny of Velious expansion, including player-submitted questions. Getting into the mechanics and itemization changes, we get very close to a full transcription as there is a lot of detail and information here. We recommend listening to the webcast to get a complete picture of what was said. Some bullet points: The EQ2 team have the next year of Game Updates planned out with more group zones, raid zones, heritage quests, etc. The first Game Update will add...
February 12, 2011 11:18 am
From A ton of in-game events are coming up, including some run by media sites, some run by players, and some by the Community Relations Team! Have you made plans to attend yet? Massively Livecast – EverQuest II: Saturday, Feb 12, 9:00 p.m. EST This week, Karen from Massively will take a closer look at the mentoring system in EverQuest II. She’ll cover the basics of how to mentor down in level, highlight the chronomage system, and then take a trip into Deathfist Citadel, a lower-level instance from the original EverQuest II that remains one of her favorite...
December 12, 2010 11:28 am
After the launch of Sentinel’s Fate, players quickly noticed that a huge percentage of the level 81-90 gear had armor appearances from either the newbie islands, or level 40-49 armor sets, just recolored. It turned out that new armor appearances had been built, but very few had been wired up, so most of the armor had placeholder appearances. It took at least a couple of months for another art build, and much work behind the scenes to get the situation resolved. Even still, there are considerable swaths of armor appearance choices which have remained limited. Covic does not want...
If you’ve been hoping for any hint of class tweaks we’ll see in Velious, Xelgad has posted an early preview. Naturally this does not include any mention of new AA lines or other abilities we may gain. We’re still three months from the Destiny of Velious launch, and more sweeping changes than the ones listed below were made in less time, so take this as an early teaser, subject to change. In short, there is great news for Illusonists and Summoners, and some news for other classes as well.
Here are your update notes for Tuesday, 19 October 2010 after the break:
Here are your update notes for 14 October 2010 after the break:
Hiding in every Game Update, there are changes that go through that are either undocumented, or otherwise slip under the radar. Some of them appear as a single line item in the Update Notes, but have significant ramifications. Some don’t appear at all. Today, we shed some light on these changes.
Amnerys has posted the complete Game Update Notes for Game Update 58: Arcanum Revealed on the EQ2 Forums. Here they are after the break:
If you’re an officer or leader of a small guild, odds are there have been times late at night, or really any time when you have been the only one logged in, yet wanted to invite your own alts to the guild. Previously, you’ve had to wait until another officer or leader of the guild signed on, or signed in another account, to invite your alts. File this under M for Maybe, but that Guru of GUIs, Rothgar, has had a brainstorm on a possible solution. There is no announced date, and there may be unforeseen issues, but it’s...
Game Update 58 is looking to be a massive update, not so much in content, but in changes large and small to the game, and its User Interface. Game Update 58 includes: A level 90 dungeon – Zraxth’s Unseen Arcanum New bosses in the Vasty Deep dungeons with new loot Spell Animation and Sound Effect tweaks Click-to-Cure Mounts and Currency tabs Numerous UI tweaks Outdoor Balconies have been added to 6+ room houses, making them feel a part of the city they belong to. House item limits have been increased, and Moving Crates now count independently of house item...
October 8, 2010 4:32 pm has been updated with the first of several previews of Tuesday’s Game Update 58, named “Arcanum Revealed”. A news item has been posted which says that each time a new instance is created, there is a chance of an additional named spawning in each of the Vasty Deep zones. Check out the original news item for pictures of each new named.
The folks over at have posted an interview with SmokeJumper. In it, he talks about F2P, comparisons to other MMOs, the possibility of a dungeon finder, and the class balance manifesto. Interesting read.
For a while now, there have been items that give a bonus to mitigation. These bonuses are shown as the blue stat on gear that says +x% Mitigation Increase. Apparently, for a long time now, there has been a bug with how this bonus is calculated which has been granting more of an increase than intended. A fix for this has crept its way onto the test server which is lowering the mitigation of most tanks. So, on the test server, if you have any of this gear and yesterday you were barely able to survive during a given...
Here are your hotfix notes for September 1, 2010 after the break:
What’s on Test this weekend? Here are just a few items: UI: The XP bar will now stay put between logins. UI: Designers of custom UIs can now set the XP bar to not “snap” to top/bottom. UI: The Character window has seen multiple improvements. UI: The Implied Target arrow now reflects the ‘con’ color of the enemy, and can have its opacity adjusted. Items: 2-handed Weapons and Ranged Weapons have had their damage ratings increased. Ranged weapons will also have a bit of a damage penalty in PvP to compensate. The Guardian class has had over 25 changes...
When you target another player (say your group’s tank, or the raid Main Assist) to channel your damage through, it is sometimes helpful to not only see the Target Arrow (who you have selected), but the Implied Target Arrow (the enemy which your target has chosen). This can be especially important for scouts. So players have asked for a way to customize or more easily distinguish the color and opacity of the Implied Target Arrow. Rothgar’s comments after the jump…
August 24, 2010 9:51 am
From Xelgad on the EQ2 Forums: As a quick update, internally, we have changed Crane Twirl to grant a total of 20% AE Auto-Attack in addition to the proc it currently grants.
Xelgad has responded to a detailed thread on Illusionist Class Issues: Hey guys, long time no see! We got some good feedback at Fan Faire which I wanted to share. I agree that Time Warp ended up being more annoying than it is fun or rewarding. Unfortunately, it was one of those things that looked okay on paper but didn’t work in practice. We have it changed internally so that there is no longer an immunity timer associated with the spell, and it now grants the Illusionist the buff as well as the target. This should be coming to...
In response to a detailed list of issues with the Monk Class, Xelgad has provided an unexpected commentary: Thanks for the up to date thread! I can’t give an ETA, but we are looking for ways to make Monks more viable in AE-oriented content, especially with heroic content in mind. If the change benefits both brawlers, all the better. In that light, Crane Twirl would seem like a great candidate for a change, but I think the advancement is, at worst, balanced compared to other alternate advancements in the slot, and forcing everyone to take that one would not...
Xelgad has posted a flurry of responses to specific class issues today. This one, in regards to Critical Heals which have been removed from all fighters. For some fighter classes, critical heals might have been overpowered, but for Paladins (joshingly referred to as Healadins), losing all crititical heals has had class altering effects not only in solo situations (which this nerf was intended to fix) but in group and raid setups.
August 21, 2010 6:51 am
We’ve been hearing about some ranger love for about 3 expansions now, but at Fan Faire, we heard the first concrete info. Xelgad has elaborated on just what we can expect in an update falling between GU57 and GU58 (hopefully 4-6 weeks from now: Greetings, Mighty Forces! AE Auto-Attack and Flurry are indeed on the way for bows. We’re also removing the 20% damage penalty for bows, and we’re increasing the damage rating on all 81-90 bows (along with throwing weapons) by about 10%. The intent is to allow you guys to get full benefit from buffs and gear,...
Ah… the Shadow Odyssey. The land of milk and honey… The lost dungeons of… ok I’ll stop now. Ask players of EQ2 during the Shadow Odyssey what they thought of the expansion, and you’ll get many different responses. Ask a developer of the Shadow Odyssey for their frank opinion, and I bet you’d get something like “Ah yes, every level 80 player fully decked out in T2 heroic gear, fabled jewelry, and all carrying bagfuls of platinum coins.”
UPDATE: This article has been superceded by an article at EQ2 ZAM which explains the bug. In short, with the exception of Recruit-a-Friend, current XP earning rates are being restored to the same levels as before Game Update 57.
Today marks the introduction of Game Update 57 to the live servers. Key features of this update include: The EQ2 User Interface has received a facelift, with a new toolbar, a refresh of various windows, and a merged Character/Inventory/Profile window. The default theme is red, but easily switchable to blue by typing /loadui and choosing the Blue graphic set. More character classes are now neutral and may start in either good or evil cities. Spell animations and effects have been revamped. Intrazone travel now supports path linking. Travel within Kingdom of Sky has been improved. Erudin group instances (level...