From The Children of War update brings changes to the Player versus Player gameplay style available on our PVP servers, a new battlegrounds lobby, as well as a new battleground scenario. Read more at
PvP/BG/Proving Grounds
Multi-attack Not Working on Offhand Weapons In a two different forum threads, players reported that Offhand Weapons are not multiattacking unless their timing is staggered (use a combat art to interrupt one, or use weapons with two different delays). Zoltaroth‘s response: We found what is causing this and are working on a fix. Most likely the fix will be in the next hotfix after tomorrows (ie: not tomorrow). Battlegrounds Tokens for 2 Gold For testing purposes, Battlegrounds Tokens were placed on the PvP Vendor for 2 gold a piece on Test Copy. Unfortunately, these cheap tokens made their way...
As of about 30 minutes ago, an in-game message was received indicating that Battlegrounds have been restored to service. More as we have it… Customer Service are still in the process of handling all those Petitions and support requests to un-stick characters that got stuck in the Battlegrounds Lobby.
Battlegrounds Disabled, Characters Stuck in Lobby From the in-game EQ2 MOTD: The Battlegrounds are temporarily unavailable. Attempting to zone into the BG lobby will cause your character to become stuck. Please refrain from going to Champion’s Respite until the battlegrounds are available once again! If you are currently stuck, please petition a GM. We apologize for the inconvenience. Battlegrounds Tokens 2g on PvP Players are reporting a bug that made it to the PvP servers (Nagafen and Vox) from Test causing Battlegrounds tokens to cost just 2 gold pieces on PvP servers. Who knows how many players will transfer...
From Piestro on the EQ2 Forums: In applying Game Update 60 we have found an issue with Battlegrounds affecting our International and EQ2X players. Battlegrounds have been temporarily disabled for these players as we address this issue, and we will let you know when we have it resolved.
After the jump, your full Game Update 60 Notes for today, May 31st, 2011…
Today, arguably the largest Game Update we’ve seen in years hits the live servers. Game Update 60 adds 4 new dungeons, 4 new raid zones, more crafting, more quests from a solo shard quest to a Heritage Quest, major changes to PvP from gear to itemization to mechanics, not only a new Battlegrounds lobby, but a 4th Battleground 18 vs. 18. We are still waiting for the full list of Game Update Notes, but in the meantime, here’s just a quick bullet point list of what we can expect: New Level 90 Dungeons and Raid Zones The Crystal Caverns...
From Rothgar on the EQ2 Forums: Just a heads up on the change coming with GU60. You will now be able to change your spoken language on Nagafen (and Vox). This will enable you to communicate to the other team via /shout and /say commands. By default, your language will continue to be Lucanic (evil) or Antonican (good). If you don’t change your language, the other team will not understand you.
Today’s Update for Tuesday, April 12, 2011 brings PvP Character Transfers to and from PvP servers, fixes for the Storm Gorge PQ, fixes bugs in instances and raid zones including Tower of Frozen Shadow which has been broken since a week ago Thursday preventing raid progression, and eliminates harassment of other server’s chat channels (players were able to join the 1-9 and other numbered chat channels of other servers). After many years of requests, it is now possible to transfer characters from PvP to PvE and vice-versa on both regular and exchange-enabled servers (exchange-to-regular is still not allowed).
There have been many reasons in the past not to allow PvP to PvE or PvE to PvP server transfers. Over the years, with itemization changes and server merges, some of those reasons have become less important. From Rothgar on the EQ2 Forums: We’ve created a poll and asked for feedback related to PvP and PvE transfers over in the PvP forums. Since many players may not watch that forum, I wanted to make a post here because this decision can impact PvE servers as well. Please feel free to vote and post your feedback/opinions in this thread. PvP...
EQ2 PvP Guru Olihin has given PvPers a taste of Game Update 60: GU60 will bring lots of changes to PvP. Fame is being reworked Fame and title gains will now have their own EXP BAR, no more trying to figure out how long or why you gain/lost a title New armor and adornments Ongoing balance changes (this will never stop and will never be perfect in any realistic way) New Battleground Enhancements to the Matchmaker for Battlegrounds Cross faction communication There will be more details as we get closer to GU60.
From Rothgar on the EQ2 Forums: We’re always looking at ways to improve the fun factor on PvP servers and one point that comes up occasionally is how we handle cross-faction communication. Currently each faction has their own language and there’s no way to communicate other thing minor things like pet names, etc. We are considering opening up public channels to cross-faction chat and wanted to find out how the community would feel about that. We understand that chat in PvP can get pretty heated but also feel that taunting your opponents and being taunted is part of the...
From Olihin on the EQ2 Forums: Greetings, With GU60, a new battleground will be added that will allow for a 18 vs. 18 combat setting. We are currently working on possible additions to the achievements earned while in a battleground and we would like to hear some thoughts on what you may want to see. We will also evaluate the current achievements and look for ways to reward those that have earned or are in the process of earning them. We believe that someone that can help control all the towers while at the same time having the highest...
A topic is raging on the EQ2 Forums about PvP and Flying Mounts. Rothgar has waded hip-deep into this one, asking for player feedback. Rothgar posted this: If we changed it so that players have a chance to knock other players off their mount, would that alleviate some of the issues? I realize it probably doesn’t solve the entire issue, but perhaps its a move in the right direction. A player responded: Please no knee jerk reactions like just giving people the ability to knock others from the sky. Those that cannot melee, bow shoot, or bring mage pets...
Here are some notes from Friday night’s live Webcast of Rich Waters, Dave “SmokeJumper” Georgeson and Salim “Silius” talking about the upcoming Destiny of Velious expansion, including player-submitted questions. Getting into the mechanics and itemization changes, we get very close to a full transcription as there is a lot of detail and information here. We recommend listening to the webcast to get a complete picture of what was said. Some bullet points: The EQ2 team have the next year of Game Updates planned out with more group zones, raid zones, heritage quests, etc. The first Game Update will add...
Believe it or not SmokeJumper posted a bit about Game Update 60, which will be anywhere from 1-3 months after the Destiny of Velious expansion launches. It’s expected to have some Battlegrounds and PvP tweaks. His post also talks about EQ2X marketing and EQ2X PvP servers: Answers (but you might not like them): 1) We haven’t started spending marketing cash for Extended yet. That’s slated for January. The reason I bring that up is until we bring more people into Extended, we have no plans to open up a PvP server because too many servers dilutes the population and...
Today’s hotfix refunds the purchase cost of Research Assistants, adds 200 house item slots to The Mistmoore Crags Estate and a few other things. Read the full hotfix notes after the jump.
Everfrost players have reported that they are not receiving Battlegrounds tokens for either winning or losing Battlegrounds events, and also not receiving any updates on Battlegrounds Daily Quests. Rothgar has been made aware of the issue and it’s being looked into. From the EQ2 Forums. From Rothgar: Ok, thank you for the info. It’s almost 11pm here tonight and there’s nothing we could do to fix it this late but I promise we will be on it first thing in the morning to determine the problem. Unfortunately its too early to tell if a fix will require a new...
Today’s hotfix adds house items (furniture) to a merchant in Hua Mein, moves Research Assistants into the UI, fixes an exploit in StationCash Item Gifting, and offers additional tweaks to PvP and PvP Warfields. After the jump, your Hotfix Notes for December 7, 2010.
Here are your update notes for Thursday, 21 October 2010 after the break:
Hiding in every Game Update, there are changes that go through that are either undocumented, or otherwise slip under the radar. Some of them appear as a single line item in the Update Notes, but have significant ramifications. Some don’t appear at all. Today, we shed some light on these changes.
Amnerys has posted the complete Game Update Notes for Game Update 58: Arcanum Revealed on the EQ2 Forums. Here they are after the break:
Game Update 58 is looking to be a massive update, not so much in content, but in changes large and small to the game, and its User Interface. Game Update 58 includes: A level 90 dungeon – Zraxth’s Unseen Arcanum New bosses in the Vasty Deep dungeons with new loot Spell Animation and Sound Effect tweaks Click-to-Cure Mounts and Currency tabs Numerous UI tweaks Outdoor Balconies have been added to 6+ room houses, making them feel a part of the city they belong to. House item limits have been increased, and Moving Crates now count independently of house item...
Here are your update notes for 28 September 2010 (since we cover EQII Live and EQ2X, the link is to the EQ2X forums where the full update notes are posted): EVERQUEST 2 EXTENDED Going to Battlegrounds on EQ2 Extended should no longer cause your items to set to 1c sell value. UNDERFOOT DEPTHS There is now a new respawn location right by the entrance to the Underfoot Seal chamber where Master Yael spawns. In order to activate this new respawn location, players will need to defeat fire elemental encounter “Saalax” before it can be accessed.
Here are your update notes for 14 September 2010 after the break: