It’s time to stock up on blue marble – the Neriak City Festival returns to Darklight Wood from September 1-7! Spend City Tokens on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink. Make sure all your characters have finished the Neriak Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 89 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Fearless Flyer title. WHEN: 12:01am PT on September 1st – 11:59pm PT on September 7th WHERE: Darklight Wood, outside Neriak, /loc -554, -53, -74 QUESTS: Special Delivery, Special Order Crafting,...
Month: August 2016
Just a note that EQ2U Players has been updated with from Game Update 101, as well as from Game Updates 100 and 101. Don’t forget to check out our to see the progress on this special server!
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION General Corrected an issue with global NPC hit points that gave level 80 NPCs lower hit points then level 79 NPCs. This change smooths out the progress slightly lowering the HP on many encounters below level 80, and increasing the hit points on encounters between level 80 and 94. The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Heroic] Vzee’rist the Overseer and Mistress Zhvari, Nizari’zhi will now switch targets less often. ITEMS Block chance on Gnasher Toothed Torque has been corrected Weapons that had the default 3 second delay have been adjusted...
Cecilia D’Anastasio of Kotaku has unearthed the legend of how guilds of classic EverQuest on the Rallos Zek server almost killed an “unkillable” mob — the Sleeper — Kerafyrm. My partner was present at this battle and fought right up until the moment SOE panicked and despawned Kerafyrm. It was a big deal and caused much consternation. Now the story can be told… From Kotaku: Rare today are opportunities for gamers to step outside the prescribed outlines of a developer’s intended gaming experience, especially in MMORPGs. Back in the early 2000s, anarchic players eagerly hunted down the virtual unknown, where...
Along with Blizzard, and Playstation Network, Daybreak Games seems to be experiencing a DDoS attack. From Twitter: We are currently investigating a network issue which may impact players ability to login. We appreciate your patience! — EverQuest II (@everquestii) August 26, 2016
From Ready to add another year of membership perks to your account? NOW is the time! Beginning at 9:00AM PT on Thursday, August 25, 2016 the 12-Month All Access Membership will be available for only $71.99 USD* (regular price = $119.88 USD). That works out to less than $6.00/month! Benefits of the 12-Month All Access Membership include: Premium benefits in EverQuest, EverQuest II, PlanetSide 2 (PC), and DC Universe Online (PC) 10% off Marketplace purchases 500 Daybreak Cash Reward to claim each month Special membership offers and promotions throughout the year For full benefits, visit our All Access...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL All characters who were upgraded to [level 95] Heroic and did not receive Opegaz, Horde Bane have had it granted. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Advanced Solo] K’huthas should no longer be stuck in combat if damaged too quickly. ABILITIES Fixed an issue with Devastation of War. ITEMS Fixed the appearance of Nizari’oshu and Nizari Vindicae’s Pauldrons. Undying Destroyer’s Spiritstone will now fit in white adornment slots. Race to Trakanon claimable reward packs for Time-Locked servers now have distinct names from their live server counterparts. Kunark collection rewards...
The day has arrived and the online trading card game Legends of Norrath is no more. I suppose this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who played or is familiar with the game. LoN had long since reached the tipping point where, even in lights-out, no-development, break-fix-only support was costing more than the game was bringing in. There was no fanfare. No sendoff. No final bonanza giveaway week or God-mode gameplay. No last hurrah. Not even a reminder post on the forums. Legends of Norrath went out not with a bang but with a whimper. Honestly between you and...
An archive of wallpapers from the Legends of Norrath website. 2016/08/24
EverQuest II players with an All Access subscription can claim 500DBC every month as a reward for subscribing. To further sweeten this deal (and drive sales rather than stockpiling), a new “Offer Claim” window has been added with limited-time offers. Here’s an example — presumably the offers will change and may even be randomized: Hat tip to stickmack for reporting this to us.
From Beginning their journey in the Tranquil Sea, new Heroic Characters will venture into the battles of Norrath starting as Level 95 Adventurers! Want to experience these new Heroic Characters for yourself? Log in to EverQuest II by 12:00PM (Noon) PT on Tuesday, September 6, 2016, and you will get your first Level 95 Heroic Character FOR FREE! The free Heroic upgrade icon on the Character Select screen. If the graphic is not there, just click in the empty space to the right of your character name. A few things to note: If you have previously purchased a Heroic Character, it will not automatically become Level...
From As August winds to a close, we have doubled up on bonuses for ALL players! From 12:00PM (Noon) PT on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 through 12:00PM (Noon) PT on Monday, August 29, 2016, everyone in Norrath will receive: Double Personal Status Double Guild Status Double Alternative Currency All Access Members – This special promotional bonus stacks with your regular member bonus!
From Hail, Norrathian! Are you seeking an adventure? One that both feels somewhat familiar, but also offers exciting challenges? Then today is your day! With today’s update, the following have been added to EQII: Fabled Fallen Dynasty A portal awaits you in The Village of Shin that will take you to new fabled versions of dungeons from The Fallen Dynasty. You must be Level 100 and have a membership to access these zones. Public Quests New, limited-time Public Quests are available throughout Norrath. Check your map to find these battle regions!
From the EQ2 Forums: PUBLIC QUESTS You’ll find new limited time Public Quests throughout Norrath. Just check your map for these unique battle regions! Damage inflicted against public quest encounters scales to allow public quest fights to be relevant for players of all gear levels. FABLED ZONES New Fabled content to explore from The Fallen Dynasty! The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Heroic] The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad [Advanced Solo] The Fabled Cavern of the Crustaceans [Raid] x2 The Fabled Xux’laio’s Roost [Raid] x4 The Fabled Antechamber of Fate [Raid] x4 These new Fabled dungeons can...
As of midnight, it appears that Wave Three of Summer Ethereals have begun. As we wrote about earlier this year, rather than weapons, the new Ethereals are Jewelry and Charms, and in this case, a Cloak ( Bonecaster’s Mantle ). A player brought the rollover to our attention. While the new cloak offers a 15% damage reduction from elemental, arcane, and noxious damage, as well as +10.5 Fervor, it oddly includes a Daze effect. Disabling autoattack for an entire minute of combat seems like a non starter.
The monthly Moonlight Enchantments event begins tonight! The grottos open up on the 20th at 12:01am PT and close on the 21st at 11:59pm PT. The time applies directly with no conversion for all servers. Grotto Zone & Location Collection Quest(s) Brownie Darklight Wood /way 14, -32, -238 Tree Bark Festive Flowers Strong Brew Root Beer Zygomyd Nektulos Forest /way -363, 0.42, -682 Mushroom Spores Earthly Tasks Comforting Confections Naiad Enchanted Lands /way -278, 5, 18 Naiad Scales Naiad Aid Dryad Antonica /way -696, -4, 621 Dryad Leaves Pollution Problem Fay Greater Faydark /way -132, -44, -771 Flower Petals...
From the EQ2 Forums: Status: 8/16/2016 11:40 PDT – The game is currently down for scheduled [sic.] patching.
From the EQ2 Forums: ZONES / POPULATION Lyceum Vilucidae the Priest of Thule is once again Lord over the Lyceum. Scourge Keep [Heroic and Advanced Solo] The Glutton should no longer fail to spawn. ITEMS The ability modifier for Galiaia the Just, Deraklas the Destroyer, Diathena the Reconciler and Uranon the Avenging will now correctly apply. Undying Invoker’s Wand now has the correct number of blue stats. ABILITIES Corrected an issue that prevented potency, crit bonus and fervor buff reduction from applying to many swarm pets. STORMHOLD (Time-Locked Expansion) Rise of Kunark expansion content is now available!
From the EQ2 Forums: There will be a general maintenance tomorrow (Tuesday, August 16) beginning at 5:00AM Pacific Time. Commerce and Account Management may be unavailable for 2 – 3 hours. We will update you after 8:00AM PT if any extensions of this maintenance are necessary. Thanks for your patience!
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed an issue where a character’s backpack appearance would reset after zoning in certain situations. ITEMS Equipment drops from Karnor’s Castle have been brought back down into progression.
The @EverQuestII twitter account posted this news last night: The final set of summer Ethereals is now available so earn them while you can! However we’ve now confirmed that we’re still in the midst of Wave 2 of Ethereals and that Wave 3 won’t start until later this month. From Caith on the EQ2 Forums: The second wave still has a few weeks in it, wave 2 ends and wave 3 begins later this month. False alarm folks! Wave 2 started on July 15th and I believe each wave is supposed to last at least a month.
It looks like the Rise of Kunark expansion, which was up for its third unlock vote on the Stormhold server, has squeaked by with the exact percentage needed to unlock. If the vote had gone the other way, it would be a full three months before the next one. From the EQ2 Forums: The results are in! The community has voted and it looks like everyone is ready to assail Chardok and conquer Karnor’s Castle! The Rise of Kunark expansion will launch at noon PT on August 16th. The final results for those of you interested were 66% of...
From New adventures await you, Norrathains! GU101 is scheduled to release on Tuesday, August 23, 2016, and there’s something in this update for players of all levels. New Fabled Content to Explore From The Fallen Dynasty! These new Fabled dungeons can be accessed through a portal just off the docks in The Village of Shin. This content is intended for level 100 characters, and a membership is required to enter these zones. The Fabled Fallen Dynasty is made up of The Fabled Nizara, City of the Nayad which will have both Heroic and Advanced Solo versions! Also available will be...
The EverQuest II team are working full steam ahead on the thirteenth expansion due to hit this November, but in the meantime, they’re getting ready to drop a whopper of a Game Update which should keep us plenty busy this summer. First up, the much beloved Public Quests first introduced in Destiny of Velious are making a return in current tier content. The EQ2 team have been given new tools to create PQs in weeks instead of months. In addition to faster development, the new tools promise to exhibit less server and client lag as the battles are underway....
The Stormhold Time-Locked Expansion server is back at the voting booth for its third ballot asking whether the Rise of Kunark expansion should be unlocked. The imminent launch of the Race to Trakanon server did little to encourage voter turnout as the last Stormhold vote failed with only 46% voting in favor of unlocking Kunark. Now, for the first time in the EQ2 TLE server’s history, it looks like this server may be stuck on its current expansion for three more months. To unlock an expansion, a supermajority (2/3rds) must vote YES. From the Stormhold server launch announcement comes...