Set your sights on Greater Faydark because the Kelethin City Festival returns from February 1-7! Spend City Tokens on local specialties, generic festival goods, and more. Make sure all your characters have finished the Kelethin Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 94 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Bixie Barnstormer title. WHEN: 12:01am PT on February 1st – 11:59pm PT on February 7th WHERE: Greater Faydark, Green Knoll, /way 536, 44, 53 QUESTS: Special Delivery, Special Order Crafting, Special Order Gathering ACHIEVEMENTS: Delivery Ahoy, Harvesting Hoopla, Kella...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Lost City of Torsis: Reaver’s Remnants[Challenge Heroic] Neh’Ashiir has had her max health reduced. Monolith Of Wrahzul Reduced the control immunity on Fathad Zastim. ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Spell Weapon Damage Bonus and Weapon Damage Bonus have been consolidated into one stat, Weapon Damage Bonus. Corrected an issue with Glacial Freeze that would cause the targets to heal after returning to their natural level. Pass Judgement will now correctly grant a Fervor component to Heretic’s Destruction instead of Fervor Overcap. Targets of Oration of Sacrifice may now trigger Fierce Combat for...
No details at this point, but players have been reporting an issue connecting to EQ2 servers for the last 15-20 minutes or so. Brad Wilcox, VP Customer Service for Daybreak did tweet this: We are currently looking into login issues, watch the normal channels for updates. — Brad Wilcox (@thegreatmutato) January 27, 2017
From the EQ2 Forums: All US EverQuest II Servers will be brought offline on Wednesday, January 26th, 2017 at 2:00PM PT (10 PM UTC) for an update. Estimated downtime could be up to 4 hours. All EU servers will come offline at 9:00 PM PT (5 AM UTC January 27th) for this update. Downtime is anticipated to be approximately 2 hours. From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION General Ikile Harmonia <Tradeskill Tutorial> and Ralika Mekkila <Crafting Trainer> in Kelethin should no longer fall to the forest floor. Lama Mukhlisah in The Stonebrunt Highlands should no longer fall...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Vaedenmoor: Realm of Despair [Raid] High end difficulty encounters have had their “Panic” mechanic made a bit more lenient toward the beginning of the encounter. Vhaksiz the Shade has had his health adjusted. Ruins of Kaesora: Ancient Xalgozian Temple [Raid] Xalgoz has had his health adjusted. Xalgoz’s Staff of Control should now correctly be able to be used on Xagloz but is still not a required item to defeat his encounter. The Strathbone Runelord should no longer remain immune to damage at low health for an extended amount of time.
The monthly Moonlight Enchantments event begins tonight! The grottos open up on the 20th at 12:01am PT and close on the 21st at 11:59pm PT. The time applies directly with no conversion for all servers. Grotto Zone & Location Collection Quest(s) Brownie Darklight Wood /way 14, -32, -238 Tree Bark Festive Flowers Strong Brew Root Beer Zygomyd Nektulos Forest /way -363, 0.42, -682 Mushroom Spores Earthly Tasks Comforting Confections Naiad Enchanted Lands /way -278, 5, 18 Naiad Scales Naiad Aid Dryad Antonica /way -696, -4, 621 Dryad Leaves Pollution Problem Fay Greater Faydark /way -132, -44, -771 Flower Petals...
Downtime notice from the EQ2 Forums: All EverQuest II Servers will be brought offline on Thursday, January 19th, 2016 at 7:00AM PT (3 PM UTC) for an update. Estimated downtime is approximately two hours. The EU EverQuest II Server will be brought offline on Thursday, January 19th, 2016 at 9:00PM PT for an update (Approx. 5:00 AM UTC January 20th). Estimated downtime is two hours. From the EQ2 Forums: ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Fixed an issue with Ethershadow Assassin that was granting it two points of base damage per point of power spent. Smoothed out the curve for obtaining...
The original Epic Weapon quests introduced in 2009 were crafted by 18 designers working on nothing else for 3 months. All 24 quests required the completion of prior Heritage quests, befriending various Factions, and a fair share of “filler” content. It was expected, or certainly anticipated that the Epic Weapon 2.0 Quests would have similar prerequisites. However nothing could have prepared increasingly jaded players for the mountain of homework which has dropped into their laps as the curtain has been pulled back on Epic 2.0. Only two characters have reached Ascension Level 8 at publication time, so we have yet to...
For level 100 characters who complete the Signature quest line, the Kunark Ascending expansion introduces four new Ascension classes of Elementalist, Etherealist, Geomancer, and Thaumaturgist. These new “classes” are not tied to your current class, and with enough patience, you can eventually level all four of them up to Ascension level 10. Ascension also grants powerful new spells/abilities which can be upgraded through Crafting, Research, or by spending Daybreak Cash. We are happy to announce that EQ2U has gained an Ascension tab to let you chart your character’s progress on gaining Ascension levels and abilities.
All EQ2 servers are now down as of 6:00pm PST (9:00pm EST, 02:00 GMT) to fix a problem with Spells (buffs) causing entire zones to crash. The update is expected to take approximately 1 hour.
We are monitoring a situation where some players who use the streaming client are experiencing non-rendering (invisible) Character and NPCs and extreme rendering lag after today’s update. Others cannot even zone their character into the game, getting stuck with a “Loading UI Resources” error. There’s a discussion on the EQ2 Forums. The developers are aware of this issue and investigating. UPDATE from Discord as of 8:45am PST: We’ve got a process running that should correct the issue with the bad data being on some of the patchers, may take about an hour. In-Game Update from Gninja: If you are...
Additionally… From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed an issue where client updates for Beastlords would be sent way too frequently. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION General Shady Swashbuckler XVIII – Now offers The Shield of the Magi, for those who have completed “Koada’dal Magi’s Craft”. Several Heroic bosses have had issues with spawning more adds than was intended. These should now properly spawn the correct number of adds more reliably.
From RadarX on the EQ2 Forums: The vote is complete and 64% of the server voted to unlock the next expansion, The Shadow Odyssey. This content is scheduled to unlock on January 12th. It seems this vote got a little help as the original rules indicate the vote shall be a supermajority of 2/3 or 66%. Players will have the option to vote to unlock content every 30-days. The voting period will last a week, and it will take a majority vote of 2/3 (or more) of the server votes to unlock the next expansion. The time-locked Stormhold server...
Although we have no forum announcement or tweet to link to, there is a MOTD in-game and it was mentioned in Discord chat that there’d be a Downtime today.
In a eulogy, it is customary to say positive things about the deceased. Now where to begin… I played Landmark in Alpha and quite enjoyed what depth it had in the progression of harvesting nodes, huge array of crafting materials, compounding recipes, and choice of crafting tables. And I was blown away by what players were able to create. Inside of just a few days, players discovered bugs (unintended features?) with the engine that allowed the partial removal of voxels which allowed for incredible designs and nearly photorealistic structures to be created. While there wasn’t a whole lot of “game”...
From the official Landmark website: To the Landmark community, With heavy hearts, we are writing today to inform you that after much review, we have decided to close Landmark game servers on February 21, 2017.
A bunch of Update Notes, but the one you’ll probably be hearing the most about appears, at first glance, to rein in the incredible power of items such as Ethereal Onslaught, Ethereal Conduit, Ire-Dread (the hammer), Spine of Ancient Terror, Spine of the Deep One, which can Reset the Reuse of some or all of a character’s abilities sometimes several times a minute. This effect has been the subject of much debate on the forums for the last year and a half. From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Added Resolve as a searchable stat on the broker. Fixed a bug where switching your...
For about 3 hours, there has been an outage affecting Daybreak Games and specifically EverQuest II logins, Forums, Websites, etc. It was such a complete outage that websites could not be loaded at all. We’ve now received confirmation that it was indeed a DDoS attack. Sorry folks. DDOS earlier. Teams are on it. — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) January 2, 2017 Games and websites do seem to be functional again for many players, although some continue to experience issues as Daybreak closes off different windows of attack.
Ring in the new year and come visit the shores in Timorous Deep for the Gorowyn City Festival, returning January 1-7! Spend City Tokens on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink. Make sure all your characters have finished the Gorowyn Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 244 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Wind Warden title. WHEN: 12:01am PT on January 1st – 11:59pm PT on January 7th WHERE: Timorous Deep, on the dock, /way 2339, 80, 1441 (the merchants are found...
From and also sent by e-mail: Have we got a New Year’s surprise for you! To wrap up 2016 and start 2017 off with a bang, we’re having a HUGE sale in the EverQuest 2 Marketplace! Beginning today and running through Tuesday, January 3 @ 11:59AM PST (~NOON), the Marketplace discount for All Access Members will be increased to 40% off. That’s 40% off many of your favorite items* – including the newest Frostfell additions! What has been missing from your collection that you just can’t wait to add? Now’s the time to get it!
NOTE: Contains no EQ2 content. From the EQ2 Forums: Greetings Norrathians! DING! Another year has slipped by like a roguish Gigglegibber. Santa Glug is up to his old tricks and it’s time to usher in another new year! This past year was a whirlwind with GU100 in Spring, live events, weekly live and Stormhold updates, new Isle of Refuge and Race to Trakanon servers, and, of course, the Kunark Ascending expansion. Whew! And we are ready to keep on keepin’ on! We are well into our planning for 2017 and have some exciting plans, including a very cool concept...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Values for current and max character Health and Power are now on separate lines in the character UI to better fit the values. Time-Locked Servers: Corrected an issue with players not being able to fill out the Shadow Odyssey expansion unlock poll.
NOTE: No EverQuest II content. Turbine has announced today that Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) and Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO) are being spun off to Boston, MA-based Standing Stone Games. As part of the announcement, we’ve learned that the two Free-to-Play games will fall under the publication of Daybreak Games. It is unclear if the two new titles will become part of Daybreak’s confusingly titled “All Access” program which includes EverQuest, EverQuest II, PlanetSide 2, and DC Universe Online, but excludes H1Z1:KotK, H1Z1: JS, and Landmark. Here’s Turbine’s announcement: Greetings, Today we have some momentous news! The game...
After much consideration and consultation with players in the EQ2 community, I have decided to launch forums for EQ2Wire and our EQ2U Players site. Player research and sleuthing has already begun for the Epic Weapon 2.0 quests, and now more than ever, a place is needed to discuss and document Combat Mechanics and Itemization strategies, while sharing Class builds and other knowledge. I also want a place to discuss the incredible Data API (Census) which Daybreak Games offers to players that makes sites like EQ2U possible. I want a place that EQ2 players really feel like they’re at home,...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed an issue where summoning a merc when using a custom UI that did not have the new merc equipment page would cause a client crash. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Lost City of Torsis: Ashiirian Court [Raid] The first earned revive location should no longer revive players in the wall. PUBLIC QUESTS The Danak messenger now rides a less stampeding rhino. Missions tied to “Shade of the First Brood,” “Battlement Bound,” and “Long Live the Emperor!” should now update when their public quest rewards are accepted. “Shades of the First Brood” and “Battlement Bound”...