For level 100 characters who complete the Signature quest line, the Kunark Ascending expansion introduces four new Ascension classes of Elementalist, Etherealist, Geomancer, and Thaumaturgist. These new “classes” are not tied to your current class, and with enough patience, you can eventually level all four of them up to Ascension level 10. Ascension also grants powerful new spells/abilities which can be upgraded through Crafting, Research, or by spending Daybreak Cash. We are happy to announce that EQ2U has gained an Ascension tab to let you chart your character’s progress on gaining Ascension levels and abilities.
EQ2 Data & EQ2U
While we do not receive official “loot table” data from Daybreak Games to see which items drop from which enemies in which zones, we have been able to crowdsource this information using Dedith’s Dragon’s Armory Tracker plugin. Those who are running this plugin are helping to populate EQ2U’s Loot Database! If you setup this plugin a while ago, it’s possible it may not be setup correctly. I suggest anyone who runs Advanced Combat Tracker to go ahead and follow the instructions at the following link to install or update your plugin and make sure your settings in EQ2 and the...
From the EQ2 Forums: CENSUS Fixed a bug where characters who had wardrobe items would not export properly to census. ASCENSION EXPERIENCE The method for gaining available ascension experience has changed! Based on feedback, you now gain available ascension experience similar to how vitality is gained, about 20,000 per hour online or offline. Additionally, you can acquire items that further increase that amount instantly, up to a maximum of 7,000,000. Members get a 20% bonus to all guided ascension experience earned, the guild buff for level 200+ guilds grants a 10% bonus and you get a 100% bonus for...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Lost City of Torsis: The Spectral Market [Heroic] Adds in the Merchant Caniz encounter should respawn slightly slower. Crypt of Dalnir: Baron’s Workshop [Heroic and Solo] Placing the Main Valve Lever and pulling it to open the slime grate will no longer cause smaller races to be stuck with a MAIN VALVE LEVER IN THEIR HEADS. Kaesora: Xalgozian Stronghold Colonel Gozier should no longer port you out of the world. Lost City of Torsis: Ashiirian Court [Raid] Lord Ghiosk will now be guarding the library once again.
Just a note that EQ2U Players has been updated with from Game Update 101, as well as from Game Updates 100 and 101. Don’t forget to check out our to see the progress on this special server!
From the EQ2 Forums: ZONES / POPULATION Qeynos The Aerakyn Mentor has had his name changed to Lonce Jellysmots. ITEMS [eq2u]Orb of Concentrated Memories[/eq2u] can no longer be modified by reuse speed. Writ of the Arena Master now has its effect. Undying Champion’s Knuckles now has the correct class restrictions for a fist weapon. Epic Weapons that lost their FABLED tag are once again fabled. Undying Champion’s Dagger can no longer be used by brawlers. QUESTS The unicorn-rump-sitting-cheap-Far-Seas-wine-drinking escaped fabled spirit in The Village of Shin can now also delete your active “Warzone Devastation” quests. RACE-TO-TRAKANON EVENT SERVER Corrected...
With the advent of the EQ2 Census service which allows us to build websites like EQ2U and Dragon’s Armory, we’re able to track the progress of players on the new limited-time Race to Trakanon server as events unfold. If you want to check things out as they happen, click on the button below to taken to our EQ2U Race to Trakanon Leaderboards page: The Race to Trakanon server is also included in our EQ2U Leaderboards site which lets you see PvE, Quests, Collections, Crafted Items, Rare Harvests, and other trackables as characters complete them. Check it out!
We are happy to report that our update of EQ2U Players for the Terrors of Thalumbra expansion is now complete. We have loaded all of the Quest data for the expansion, including the new Signature lines, adventure, and tradeskill quests. This required updating Factions, Zones, Rewards, and QuestGiver info. This brings us up to 12,183 Quests on EQ2U. We have also re-imported Recipes and can now report that we have 30,948 Recipes on EQ2U. We’re missing 3 and have submitted a bug report on this. You can see what else we did to update EQ2U in our article from last week....
EQ2U has received several updates since the launch of Terrors of Thalumbra: Loaded all Terrors of Thalumbra Recipes*. Loaded all Terrors of Thalumbra Collections. Extended the Lore & Legend page to include Cepholex, Fathomlurker, and Poxfiend. Updated Guild Achievements. Added RELIC, PRESTIGE, etc. flags to item popups and details. Added INFUSED support to equipped items on the Character Details page. Updated Item Search to include RELIC, PRESTIGE, etc. flags. We’re evaluating turning the flags menu into a row of checkboxes to allow the selection of multiple flags. Updated Tradeskill Report to include the 21 new quests in the Terrors...
Dedith, creator of the Dragon’s Armory website, has posted an update regarding his EQ2 fansite. He now supports equipped items which have been Infused, as well as further clarification of which stats are available or disabled on Time-Locked Expansion servers. From the EQ2 Forums: While I do update the news at Dragon’s Armory, I’m certain many folks have their characters linked in directly. So, I am taking the time to post here to let folks know of updates that have recently been applied: Terrors of Thalumbra support I’ve added support to show on each worn item the details of any infusion...
From the EQ2 Forums: CENSUS Added infusion stats to census output. Added prestige flag to census output. Added infusable flag to census output. Added relic flag to census output. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION General Beastlord and Channeler Trainers have returned to Freeport and Qeynos.
Six weeks ago, GuildPortal, the community site for guilds of over 100 supported games, went offline due to a domain registration issue. This followed a multi-day outage this summer that remains unexplained. However these outages were eventually remedied and we assumed the site would resume operations for the foreseeable future. Yet last night, a terse notice was added to the top of GuildPortal: NOTICE: GuildPortal will be going offline (permanently) by the end of the month. We can only speculate on the reasons for the site’s imminent closure. After 14 years, maintaining the site may no longer bring any...
elf image courtesy grillghod On Sunday, October 4th, I hosted my first Twitch livestream, talking about Daybreak Games‘ awesome Census API service and how it empowers EverQuest II, DC Universe Online, and PlanetSide 2 fans to create powerful and dynamic websites and mobile apps. This month marks the four year anniversary of Daybreak Games offering nearly unfettered access to rapidly updated static and dynamic data from its games. The depth and quality of this information is unparalleled and possibly unique in the industry. This livestream is rather Technical in nature and lays the foundation of how to request EQ2...
It’s hard to believe this month marks four years that the EQ2 Census service has been in continuous operation. Over that time, there have been just a handful of EQ2 websites that use the service, including Roster Master, EQ2 Mission, Dragon’s Armory and our own EQ2U. However Daybreak’s generous offer of this data was always intended for anyone who was interested in data analysis, or the building of websites and mobile apps. By comparison, DCUO and PlanetSide 2 each have over a dozen websites and mobile apps leveraging this data. Tomorrow, October 4th, I’ll be hosting a webcast on Twitch...
In its eleven year history, EverQuest II has accumulated a large cache of Tradeskill content. Over the years, various Spreadsheets have been created to track player progress in these quest lines. Even with these tools, a lot of tedious back-and-forth between the in-game Quest Journal and sites like EQ2 ZAM and Wikia is necessary to ensure that every quest has been completed. Until now. For the last two days, EQ2 decorating maven “Jazabelle” of Homes and Tomes and I have developed a new Tradeskill Report feature which allows crafters to track the progress of all their characters on over 270 tradeskill quests at...
Daybreak Games aren’t the only ones doing maintenance today. EQ2U and EQ2Wire will be undergoing maintenance starting at 12:01am EDT and we’re hoping the downtime will be limited to 3-5 hours. An opportunity has presented itself to upgrade to a significantly faster server with the same host at roughly the same price. The first step is a hardware migration. In the coming weeks, we will have additional upgrades that will bring our operating system, database, and web server software up to date.
We’ve had Leaderboards functionality on EQ2U for about a year now but we didn’t provide PvP leaderboard tracking…until now! In honor of the new Time-Locked Expansion Deathtoll PvP server which has so far been incredibly popular, we’ve added City Kills, Wild Kills, and Deaths for PvP servers on our Leaderboards. We’re also working with the EQ2 team to add some additional stats to track. Examples: PvP Kills (Wild) Worldwide Top 100 Questers on Antonia Bayle Achievements Complete Worldwide If you haven’t checked out our Leaderboards feature, we show the top 100 characters on each server and worldwide for a...
In 2011, Dethdlr launched his powerful Adornment Calculator for EQ2. Not only did this tool allow players to see all the adornments applicable to their equipment slots, but it also enabled them to pick their desired adornments in white, red, and yellow and then produce a shopping/crafting list of everything needed to craft, earn, and buy those adornments! The development of the Adornment Calculator also fostered a partnership between Feldon and Dethdlr that eventually led to the development of EQ2U. Dethdlr’s Adornment Calculator v2 Because Adornments in EQ2 can come from so many different zones and places, and because crafting...
We are thrilled to announce the introduction of Collections support to EQ2U! Players may now peruse over 850 shiny Collections by accessing the feature from our Search menu.
Over the last few months, Dethdlr and I have discovered a some surprisingly obvious bugs on EQ2U which we can only guess at least one player noticed, but then couldn’t find an easy way to contact us, so the bug remained unfixed. To address this, we’ve added a dedicated Contact Us form for registered users of EQ2U. With this new form, we are hoping to hear from anyone who just wants to give us feedback about the site, pose a suggestion, or of course let us know if they find any issues with the site! It is through player suggestions that features such...
Here are our recent updates to our EQ2U Players site which are all about keeping up with the Joneses!! Gemmed Gear Gadget The Altar of Malice expansion builds upon the itemization changes begun with Tears of Veeshan. The number of “stat packages” gives players more choices in their gear selections, especially for fighters and certain priest classes. Also with the introduction of upgrade gems, it’s more important than ever to keep all the sets of gear straight! To respond to this need, we’ve introduced a “Gemmed Gear Gadget” page to EQ2U. This new Gemmed Gear Gadget page lets you...
After 7 years in operation, we’re getting our moment in the sun! EQ2 Community maven Racheal “Afista“ has posted our very own Norrathian Spotlight on the EQ2 Forums: There are many amazing players in the EverQuest 2 community that spend time making the game more enjoyable for their fellow players. These players host events, create guides, run fan sites, provide feedback, answer questions, and/or design items and houses for everyone to enjoy. In the Norrathian Spotlight, we want to highlight some of these amazing individuals that make our community a fabulous place to be! We asked for players to...
The new Spells page on EQ2U Our EQ2U Players site has been updated for EverQuest II’s Altar of Malice expansion! These updates include: Alternate Advancements/Prestige tree data completely reloaded. We now handle the new “Class Prestige” (Adventure) and “Far Seas Prestige” (Tradeskill) trees. Item, Character, Guild, and Recipe Searches Up to Level 100 Character Spells now go to level 100, support Ancients, and link directly to the Expert and Grandmaster recipe pages! Recipe data extended to include 96-100 recipes Grandmaster recipes reloaded Added Urzarach and Allu’thoa Lore & Legend quests to Lore & Legend tab. EQ2U Signatures are no longer capped at...
At long last we’ve tweaked and poked and edited together this year’s SOE Live 2014 panel “Leveraging EQ2 Data Feeds”. This panel was hosted by Dedith of Dragon’s Armory, Dethdlr and Morgan Feldon of EQ2U, Douglas “Endymion” from the EQ2 team, and Zoltaroth lead programmer of Landmark. We talk about Quests and Leaderboards and answer player questions and suggestions: We will be working hard tomorrow to support the rollout of the Altar of Malice expansion.
If you read EQ2Wire, can’t live without EQ2U, depend on Dragon’s Armory, or participate in the EQ2 Raid Council, come hang with us at Planet Dailies on Thursday afternoon at 4:00-pm-5:30pm before the Welcome Reception. Dethdlr, Feldon, Dedith, Kander, and Gninja will be in attendance. Time moved to 5:00-6:15pm because I’m a noob! We’ve updated our SOE Live Schedule App for Android, Windows phone, etc. It’s actually quite tricky to get the app to load its new data, as we designed it to not require an internet connection once it’s loaded. I suggest deleting the SOELive Daily app from your home screen and then visit on...