Around Thalumbra, there are a number of fun timed quests that can be completed for a variety of rewards! I have seen a lot of people asking about these quests and the rewards, so I decided to make a short guide to how they work and where they are! Now that you know what the rewards are, you might be thinking “This sounds fun! Where can I start these quests?” Here you go! To date, there have been ten different timed quests discovered: Crate Courier (465, 19, 885) (easy) The Lost Miner (446, 85, 366) (easy) ...
Year: 2015
EQ2 Lead Designer Kyle “Kander” Vallee is not usually one to tweet, but he dropped an interesting note this afternoon! For those thinking that the Time Locked Expansion servers would receive no attention going forward, you couldn’t be more wrong. Now that expansion 12 is out the door, work begins on the 13th expansion. We might also get a spring content update (fabled zones, perhaps?). Today we start planning for TLE tweaks, early spring content [hopefully] and Exp13. Anyone got ideas for where they want to go? I do… — Kyle Vallée (@EQII_Kander) December 1, 2015
Button up that winter coat – the New Halas City Festival returns from December 1-7! Spend City Tokens on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink. Make sure all your characters have finished the New Halas Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 104 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Snowflake Chaser title. Be sure to check in with the merchants to see if there’s any new items this month! WHEN: 12:01am PT on December 1st – 11:59pm PT on December 7th WHERE: Frostfang...
Fr0m the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Kralet Penumbra Reduced the random chance to get multiple scouts in Kralet Penumbra encounters which will reduce the overall amount Dark Assault is being cast. Kralet Penumbra: Tepid Depths Reduced the damage on Mental Detonation and Aberrant Assault. Lowered spell dps on Mind-Rippers and Spell-Eaters. Maldura: Algorithm For Destruction [Agnostic] Electro-charged reinforcements now drop electro-charged batteries. X-O Arachmech now drops an X-Electro-charged battery. Maldura: Bhoughbh’s Folly [x2 Raid] When speaking to Bhoughbh to turn in his requested items the quest “G.W.A. Gnemlin With Attitude” should update for all members of the...
From the EQ2 Forums: There will be a brief general maintenance at 5:00AM PST* on Tuesday, December 1, 2015. During this maintenance, logins may be intermittently impacted. PLEASE NOTE: This is not a game-specific maintenance. There will be no update or patch notes. Thank you for your patience. ~The Team at Daybreak
A few months back, Mercenary Packs were made available from the EQ2 Marketplace, giving players a chance to acquire their mercenary of choice. They are made available in packs of 3 or 7. This weekend, these packs are now on sale. From the EQ2 Forums: From 12:01AM on Friday, November 27th through 11:59PM on Sunday, November 29th, all Mercenary Packs will be on sale in the EverQuest II Marketplace for 50% Off! Don’t go into holiday battles alone; have a merc by your side! Read More on the EQ2 Forums, including details of today’s 25% off StationCash sale.
Players who are continuing to soldier on with end-of-life operating systems like Windows XP and Windows Vista have been struggling to use the in-game EverQuest II Marketplace, especially over this Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend. EQ2 Developer Maevianiu has posted that he will shoehorn a fix in for these operating systems, although they will have some functions limited due to the lack of security offered by these versions of Windows: Vista is no longer supported, but I am working on a fix. Our next scheduled update is Thursday of next week so it should be out with that....
For those rare few of you who got Daybreak Games’ e-mail about the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals (I did not, and one other person I spoke to only got ONE e-mail despite having 7 accounts), this will be old news. For everyone else, it looks like Daybreak Cash will be 25% off on Black Friday (November 27, 2015) and you’ll be able to get three months of All Access for just $29.99 on Cyber Monday (November 30, 2015).
There have been some clarifications posted by EQ2 Community Manager Roshen on the Free Character Transfers which will be usable from December 3rd til the 10th… Some people are asking if our normal rules for transfers can be relaxed during this free transfer window. For our transfers during Dec 3 – Dec 10: Your account must be at least 30 days old A character must be level 5 to transfer You can move more than two characters per day. An account will be able to move up to 100 characters (although each character can only move for free one time). You...
From the EQ2 Forums: CENSUS Added infusion stats to census output. Added prestige flag to census output. Added infusable flag to census output. Added relic flag to census output. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION General Beastlord and Channeler Trainers have returned to Freeport and Qeynos.
From the EQ2 Forums: Hail Norrathians, Now that server merges are complete, we want to give you the option to move your characters to a server where you can play with your friends. Starting on at 10AM PST* onThursday, December 3, and running until around 12PM PST* (noon) on Thursday, December 10, 2015, players will have the option for one FREE server transfer for each of their characters, between the following servers: Antonia Bayle Halls of Fate Maj’Dul Skyfire How Do I Transfer for Free?
A seemingly random selection of people who have not played or subscribed to EverQuest II in a while are noticing a “Nov15 Winback” entry on their accounts and the granting of 14 days of All Access membership, without receiving an e-mail informing them of this Winback Promotion. Others received the e-mail but have not noticed All Access having been turned on for their accounts. Another hush hush marketing promotion. May the odds be ever in your favor.
The monthly Moonlight Enchantments event begins tonight! The grottos open up on the 20th at 12:01am PT and close on the 21st at 11:59pm PT. The time applies directly with no conversion for all servers.
Table of Contents So what’s new in the expansion? How do I get started with the new expansion content? What do I get for completing ALL the quests in the expansion not just the Signature line? What is there to know about Tradeskills in the expansion? What’s up with the new Harvesting materials/rares? Help! There was some really important information on the Terrors of Thalumbra beta forums but they’ve disappeared! What itemization changes have there been in the ToT expansion? What are RELIC and PRESTIGE items? What’s up with Weapon Delays this expansion? What is the new Deity window...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed an issue causing houses to think you have less house vault slots than you should. Fixed a bug where the three center deity window abilities would overlap slightly with the gold rings around them. The stack count now shows on infusers in the infusion window. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Thalumbra Aberrants in Thalumbra no longer drop Amygdalan loot.
EverQuest II‘s twelfth expansion Terrors of Thalumbra is now LIVE and accessible to all who purchased it. We are currently working on updating EQ2Wire with an extensive Frequently Asked Questions as well as adding support to our EQ2U Players site for the new features which have been added. Some quick links while you are waiting: EQ2 Wikia: Terrors of Thalumbra EQ2Traders Guide to Terrors of Thalumbra Caith: Deity and Infusing Systems Guide Konofo’s Guide to Infusing A Zone map of Thalumbra created by player Amaitae Dungeon List: Stygian Threshold Dungeon List: Kralet Penumbra Dungeon List: Maldura Harvesting in Terrors of...
From the official EverQuest II Youtube channel:
First up we were pleased to note that today, EverQuest II has “taken over” with a fully wrapped advertisement! We also noticed that MMORPG has published a fascinating “Dev Journals: Top Tourist Destinations in the Terrors of Thalumbra” preview of the new zones we will encounter in EverQuest II’s Terrors of Thalumbra expansion: During EverQuest week, we’ll be talking about all types of topics related the two titles and will learn about some of the best things yet to come. In the EverQuest II: Terrors of Thalumbra expansion, there are several key locations that no player “in the know”...
Tomorrow is the launch of Terrors of Thalumbra, EverQuest II’s twelfth expansion! From the EQ2 Forums: All EverQuest II Live Servers will be brought offline on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 7:00AM PST* for the Terrors of Thalumbra expansion update. Estimated downtime is approximately five hours. EverQuest II: Terrors of Thalumbra is scheduled to unlock to players at noon pacific** on Tuesday, November 17, 2015. Time Zone Conversions PST: November 17 @ 7:00am – Noon EST: November 17 @ 10:00am – 3:00pm GMT: November 17 @ 15:00 – 20:00 CEST: November 17 @ 16:00 – 21:00 and your Update Notes from...
Terrors of Thalumbra Beta will go down at 10:00pm PDT tonight to make way for the expansion release tomorrow morning/middayish. No we don’t have an official source for this.
Buying the new deity miracles in Terrors of Thalumbra requires “Tithe”, which is a percentage of XP you earn. Even if you are level capped, you will be killing enemies to gain XP to gain Tithe to buy miracles. If you want to gain more Tithe for the same amount of gameplay, you’ll want the Altar of the Ancients house item, and PRE-ORDERING Terrors of Thalumbra before the expansion launch is the ONLY way to get it! From the EQ2 Forums: Altar of the Ancients is the pre-order bonus item for purchasing the 12th expansion for EverQuest II: Terrors of...
From the EQ2 Forums: Hail Norrathians, This is a quick update to let you know that the vote to unlock Kingdom of Sky did NOT pass on either Stormhold (PvE) or Deathtoll (PvP) in November 2015. Don’t worry if you’re one of the players that was excited about Kingdom of Sky content, because the vote will become available again in 30-days. If you’re looking for more information about voting and Time-Locked Expansion servers, see the FAQ here.
From Holly “Windstalker” Longdale on Twitter: Standard servers in #EQ2 have double XP (AA/TS/Adventure) activated from now until the expansion launch on Nov. 17! (TLEs don't receive it.) — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) November 12, 2015 All servers in #EQ2 have double XP (AA/TS/Adventure) activated from now until the expansion launch on Nov. 17! — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) November 12, 2015
Please read our FAQ below for answers to the most common questions you might have once the new combined Skyfire server is online (scheduled for 7:00am PDT). This new server combines all the characters and guilds from Freeport, Nagafen, and Permafrost. The EQ2 dev team will be logged into the new Skyfire server, monitoring the situation, and answering questions.
From the EQ2 Forums a few minutes ago: Hello all, We’ll be performing maintenance on UCHAT throughout the evening, Wednesday, November 11, 2015. There will be periods of time that this is unavailable to players. Keep an eye on the EverQuest II forums and social media for news if additional downtime is needed. We appreciate everyone’s patience and their support! and Twitter: We're performing maintenance on UCHAT throughout the night. There will be periods of time that this is unavailable to players. — EverQuest II (@everquestii) November 12, 2015