From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed a bug with the 48 hour grace period for trade for some no-trade and heirloom items. Magic Carpet guild hall amenity now has Fens of Nathsar as a destination. Fixed a bug where loading a profile from your Mirror of Reflected Achievements would reset your AAs instead of loading the profile.
Year: 2011
Here are the known issues we’ve seen or heard about so far with Age of Discovery/Game Update 62. Beastlords cannot use War Runes. Players with Mercenaries cannot be switched between Raid groups. If a player joins a Raid and their Mercenary gets split up into another group, that player will be unable to dismiss the Mercenary. The only solution is to entirely disband and reform the raid. The “Chardok” dungeon maker layout included in the Age of Discovery Collector’s Edition isn’t added to the Dungeon Maker layout choices. Trying to Assign Loot by Leader Only is difficult/impossible as the...
Thursday’s Game Update 62 introduces new social media features called EQ2 Share. Players have already had the ability to post Youtube videos from inside EQ2 for several months now. With the new features, players can also post Achievements, text updates, and now screenshots directly to Facebook or Twitter from within EQ2. From SmokeJumper on the EQ2 Forums: Good news! You can now take screenshots of the game and have them posted to Facebook or Twitter without leaving the game! So show off the really cool armor you just found or the particularly evil-looking boss mob that your group just...
From SmokeJumper on the EQ2 Forums: Until now, veteran rewards were only accumulated by subscribers. That seemed fair because, we, we were all subscribers back when the program was created. But now, there are a lot more options available to folks, and it just doesn’t make sense that a Free or Silver player shouldn’t be able to accumulate veteran rewards. So starting from today, that’s what’s going to happen. All players will get veteran rewards based on the date of their account creation. It’s already happening now. You’re accumulating time as we speak. Enjoy! Discuss this on the EQ2...
From the EQ2 Forums: This is a reminder that if you are a player on The Bazaar or Vox servers, you will need to remove all of your items from the Live Gamer holding area. Items not claimed before December 13, 2011 will not be eligible to be reimbursed or restored. Additionally, server merges will begin around December 15, 2011. For more information, please check out our FAQ post:…topic_id=509057.
Here are your Update Notes for Friday, December 9th, 2011 from the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Characters created before 12/6/2011 no longer have class or race pack restrictions. Characters created after that date are still subject to your current membership restrictions, if applicable. Fixed a crash that could be caused by doing a raid with a large number of mercenaries. Fixed a bug that was preventing mentoring on PvP servers. Dungeon maker items in the marketplace that contain house items will now display previews in the paperdoll window. Fixed issues with Shader 3.0 causing client crashes. The complete Update Notes after...
When EQ2 went Free-to-Play two days ago, emails were sent out to people who had played in the past but were not current subscribers. The emails mentioned the conversion to F2P and that they would be able to return and play at the Silver level for free. But when a lot of these players made it back, they were hit with quite a surprise. After installing 14 gigs worth of game files (for those that didn’t choose the streaming client) they headed to the character select screen. That’s when they were kicked in the teeth. Unless they got really...
Fr0m the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Gold and Platinum members can once again claim veteran rewards. The preorder reward Cloak of the Truespirit should now be claimable in the /claim window. Fixed a bug where pets would not generate aggro when fighting a locked encounter. You no longer get an “Edit Button” when you enter a house where you have trustee access. Instead, you get a tutorial popup the first time you enter explaining what edit mode is and to use CTRL-E to toggle. Guildhall hireling race and gender should now be customizable and persistent. DUNGEON MAKER Fixed missing appearances...
Jump to EQ2Wire’s Beastlord Warders Guide >> This Guide is would not be possible without Whilhelmina‘s fantastic Beastlord FAQ she wrote during Beta. Introducing Beastlords Beastlords really are a very different class, which means we get a whole new set of UI elements. This includes a Beastlord Bar, a Savagery Bar, a new tab in the Character window for keeping track of all your Warders (pets), and a large blue Weakness paw icon which comes up whenever your Warder pet is ready for you to fire off an coordinated attack. If all of this were available at level 1,...
A few (22) hours behind schedule, EverQuest II has launched their Age of Discovery expansion, which includes the Beastlord class, Item Reforging, Tradeskill Apprentices, Mercenaries, and the Dungeon Maker. Today also marks the introduction of a revamped Freeport, with new questlines starting at level 20 and every 10-20 levels until level 80. Also, EverQuest II has now gone entirely free-to-play. The Freeport server joins the other EQ2 servers as a regular server, and players can start on any server they like, either at the Free, Silver, or Gold levels. Heck even Frostfell goes live today. If you are an... has unveiled their new combined EQ2 Free-to-Play website. The EQ2Players side which allows players to lookup Characters, Items, and Guilds won’t relaunch until next week.
From Rich Lawrence on the EQ2Forums: Hi folks, this is Rich Lawrence, CTO with SOE. Some of you probably remember me from original Planetside as “Twist”. TR rules, but I digress. I must apologize for the extended down time of EQ2 while we get everything in order for free to play. Obviously we didn’t anticipate it being this long. I know how important it is for the game to be available when you want to play, and what it means to miss a raid you were looking forward to, or check out new features. In this case the issues...
From the Everquest2 Facebook Page: Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Trolls… We have just evaluated the status of the current update and have come to the conclusion that we can either unlock servers and risk broken content, or ensure that we provide the best experience possible and delay the update to tomorrow morning. We have to do it RIGHT. For all of you and for all of us. So please, bear with us, relax overnight, and let us sortie into the new day together. Community will be in office at 7:00am PST and will immediately review status and give...
If you’re getting an error message saying that you need to setup a subscription, please do not be alarmed! We have not fully finished our maintenance yet. We will let you know when this is complete. Thank you! -Isulith We have an update on the server status: we are unlikely to launch until 8:00 PM PST or later. We are terribly sorry that this maintenance has taken so long and we greatly appreciate your continued patience! – Isulith While EQ2 servers are down or being merged, join us in Zam’s chatroom. Click one of the buttons below to chat...
From EQ2’s Facebook: Join Linda “Brasse” Carlson, Director of Global Community Relations at SOE on The Jethal Silverwing show tonight at 7 PM PST –
And now the Producer’s Letter promised for today. NOTE: We can assure you, there is NOTHING in this Producer’s Letter that has not already been publicly known and widely discussed. From the EQ2 Forums: Hello again, Norrathians! It gives me great pleasure to raise the curtain on a new chapter in our game’s history. Today, we stop requiring any sort of payment. There are no upfront download costs and memberships are no longer required. Everything is voluntary now. If we’re doing a good job of entertaining you, then you can help support the game you love with purchases or...
From the EQ2 Forums: Age of Discovery is the eighth expansion of the groundbreaking EverQuest II franchise. Age of Discovery offers never-seen-before features including user-generated content and the re-imagining of the Beastlord class from the original EverQuest release. You can make your mark in-game by creating your very own Dungeon, hire some much needed help for your heroic battles, push tradeskilling research to new heights, customize your weapons at the forge, and of course, play as a Beastlord. There’s a lot to like about this expansion!
From Brasse on the EQ2 Forums: For those of you concerned about your account status, character slots, etc., please don’t panic yet. Accounts migrations are still in progress while servers are down. When servers come back up, if things are not 100% correct on your account, STILL please do not panic. Proceed directly to our Customer Service team, who will be very happy to help sort things out for you, I promise: (no, not now – see previous paragraph about migrations still in process). Now, let’s all go back to watching and waiting in antici…… pation. Brasse
From the EQ2 Forums: DOWNTIME EXTENSION: We have encountered some unforeseen issues that we want to address before unlocking Accounts and Commerce, to ensure that we provide the best possible experience for all our customers. At this time, we expect Accounts and Commerce to come back online this afternoon. We regret that the unlock on EQII servers will also be delayed to this afternoon. While we have no solid eta at this time, we will continue to update you as quickly as we can as more info becomes available! I know, I know… I want to build a dungeon...
Last week you heard that all the old Launchpads including the original EQ2.exe that came in the retail box for EQ2, as well as the Station Launcher and Launchpad 3 (both regular and Streaming) were being replaced with Launchpad 4. Well, for whatever reason that didn’t quite happen. Today, December 6th, with the introduction of Age of Discovery and the merger of EQ2 and EQ2X, the new launcher is being rolled out to everyone, including EQ2X players. If you have any trouble, just download the appropriate launcher below and make sure to point it to your EQ2 directory. DOWNLOAD...
UPDATE: Webcast has started!! The webcast concluded about 20 minutes ago. From the EverQuest II twitter feed: Don’t forget! Our Launch Day webcast starts at 8:00 AM PST (in 30 minutes!) on TwitchTV! – AoD, F2P, & GU62! [Isulith] Time Zone Conversion PST: 8:00am-10:00am EST: 11:00am-2:00pm GMT: 04:00~06:00 CET: 05:00~07:
From Game Update 62: Freeport Reborn
From We’re just hours away from Age of Discovery, Game Update 62: Freeport Reborn and EverQuest II going free-to-play! There’s a lot of exciting stuff going on so naturally, we’ll be having an extended downtime. Important: This is an estimate of our anticipated downtime; please keep an eye on the forums and Facebook for any changes and updates! All EQII and EQ2X servers will come offline at 12:01 AM PST* on Tuesday, December 6th, to prepare for this massive transition and content update. We anticipate game servers will be back online before 12:00 Noon PST*. Due to the volume...
If you have any Questions, Comments, Bug reports, or Feedback about EQ2U, please fill out the Contact Us form below. If you had a problem on a specific page, PLEASE include the link to that page or the steps to reproduce the problem you had and we will take a look at it! It is important that you use a real e-mail address so we can contact you with followup questions, troubleshooting, etc. We spend a lot of time reading and responding to your comments. Submissions with a fake e-mail address will be deleted.
From EverQuest II Behind the Scenes Video: Freeport QuestsReady for another behind-the-scenes video? Check out our latest sneak peak on quests in the all-new Freeport, available Tuesday, December 6, 2011 with Game Update 62! Jason “Fyreflyte” Woerner gives us a sneak peek into one of the upcoming quests in EverQuest II’s newly revamped Freeport quest line!