From the EQ2 Forums: Looking to snag yourself some items from the marketplace? Members will receive a 40% marketplace discount for all items from 12 PM PT on Friday July 1, 2016 until 12PM PT on Tuesday, July 5, 2016! All Access members will be awarded double personal status AND double guild status for the duration of the extended weekend! Please note that double status will not be included for items purchased from vendors or the Marketplace. Not an All Access member yet? With bonuses, discounts, access to new content, and more, there’s never been a better time to join!
Thousands of EverQuest, EverQuest II, and Planetside 2 players have purchased content packs and expansions from discount websites such as Steam, PlayerAuctions, and G2A over the last five months. This was all fine and dandy until it turned out that all of these purchases originated with large fraudulent purchases from Steam. The platform’s publisher Valve Inc sent an eyewatering bill to Daybreak Games for thousands of dollars. Valve’s failure to recognize and address this issue until the problem had snowballed to this point is a topic for another article, but what is more near and dear to Daybreak Customers...
After last week’s banning and suspension of hundreds of EverQuest II players for running third party software including boxing and botting programs (the bans seemed to be indiscriminate and extremely random), it seemed like things might be getting back to normal. So much for that idea. For years, it has been possible to buy EverQuest and EverQuest II expansions at a discounted rate on sites like Steam, G2A, and PlayerAuctions. There is nothing in the EQ or EQ2 EULA or TOS that constrains where expansion keys can be purchased. Now that is being called into question as thousands of EverQuest...
Come visit the shores in Timorous Deep for the Gorowyn City Festival, returning July 1-7! Spend City Tokens on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink. Make sure all your characters have finished the Gorowyn Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 244 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Wind Warden title. WHEN: 12:01am PT on July 1st – 11:59pm PT on July 7th WHERE: Timorous Deep, on the dock, /loc 2339, 80, 1441 (the merchants are found at /loc 2388, 21, 1349) QUESTS:...
Today, a new EverQuest II server is opening called Isle of Refuge. Similar in almost every way to existing live servers such as Antonia Bayle, Maj’Dul, Halls of Fate, Skyfire, and Splitpaw, this new server does have one unique difference. All non-Marketplace items which are flagged HEIRLOOM can be freely traded between players as well as bought and sold on the broker. This harkens back to the days of Kingdom of Sky when almost all loot was tradeable. In response to some questions about whether the new Isle of Refuge server shares anything in common with Stormhold, the Time-Locked...
Update from RadarX: A few technical issues have delayed this update an additional 2 hours. We’ll update you if an additional delay is necessary! From the EQ2 Forums: ZONES / POPULATION Scourge Keep: The lockout timers for Scourge Keep [Heroic] and Scourge Keep [Advanced Solo] have been reduced to 3 hours. Zek, The Scourge Wastes: The Siege [Raid] Santifier Goortuk should no longer increase his resolve values as if he was in challenge mode without Fergul the Protector being present. QUESTS Justice for JoJo? – Coltang will appear even if your mercenary or pet helps you along the way....
Daybreak Games is performing scheduled maintenance on their Login Servers this morning from 7am to 9am PDT. This information was not posted anywhere — Facebook, Twitter, or any of the Game Forums. Players first reported the login issues three hours ago. Here’s the tweet finally confirming the maintenance… Today's scheduled maintenance is underway and will impact game logins. We expect the maintenance to complete in about one more hour. — Daybreak Games (@DaybreakGames) June 27, 2016 This morning's scheduled maintenance is now complete. Thank you for your patience. Let us know if you see any continued issues. Thanks! — Daybreak...
From the EQ2 Forums: A new day is dawning in Norrath. Head back to the beginning, gear up and group up, and race with your fellow adventurers! Do you and your friends have what it takes to make it to defeat the final event boss before others on the server? Do so, and you will be handsomely rewarded! (And there are rewards aplenty even if you’re not FIRST!) EverQuest II’s first event server, The Race to Trakanon, is scheduled to open on Tuesday, July 12, 2016. What are Event Servers? What is the Race to Trakanon Event Server? Event servers...
From the EQ2 Forums: Welcome to Isle of Refuge. No, not THAT Isle of Refuge. Well, not quite anyway. This Isle of Refuge is a new special server launching on Tuesday, June 28, 2016. How will this server be different from Live servers or other special servers (such as TLE Progression and Event servers)? Here’s how: Isle of Refuge is what we call a “Free Trade Server.” This means that almost all items can be traded freely between players. There are a few exceptions – Heirloom items purchased via a merchant or in the marketplace, granted from repeatable quests, or...
Some nice updates today. Fixes for Amenities placed in the Premium Highhold Guild Hall. The Scourge Keep daily mission has been made less painful (no longer requires 100 kills). Spellbook resetting should come to an end. And those who use Jesdyr’s Layout Editor for arranging items in their houses and guild halls will no longer require a workaround step for loading and saving layouts. From the EQ2 Forums: ZONES / POPULATION Scourge Keep [Both Versions] The damage shield component of Banshee Skin cast by Rinis the Everslaved can now be bypassed by pets and mercenaries if their owners meet...
The monthly Moonlight Enchantments event begins tonight! The grottos open up on the 20th at 12:01am PT and close on the 21st at 11:59pm PT. The time applies directly with no conversion for all servers. New items were added to the grottos this month! Check out Niami Denmother‘s preview on EQ2 Traders! This also got an announcement on the EQ2 Forums: Beginning on June 20th, the moons will align to allow special entry through mushroom ring portals into the Enchanted Grottos, where players will have a chance to partake in quests to that will award tokens. These tokens can...
Guild Hall by Tyler Edlin The first two Premium Guild Halls were introduced this Tuesday at eye-opening prices of 35,000 DBC ($350) and 40,000 DBC ($400) for the Highhold and Skyshrine zones respectively. Thus far, data analysis tells us that four guilds have acquired these halls — one Skyshrine and three of the Highhold halls. If you prefer to acquire your Premium Guild Hall through gameplay, well then Good News Everybody! From Kander on the EQ2 Forums: Just FYI. We do have other guild halls [different new guild halls] that will be being added to in-game content only coming soon....
From Norrathians – it’s time to team up with your guildmates to unlock access to the new Highhold Guild Hall and Skyshrine Capital Guild Hall! These two guild halls may be earned by purchasing guild tickets from the Marketplace [for $1 or 100DBC each]. Anyone within a guild may purchase and make use of these guild tickets. Each ticket increases the count on the guild medal, and once 350 (for Highhold) or 400 (for Skyshrine Capital) total tickets have been used, the medal is granted and the guild will have access to purchase that guild hall from the...
It seems that an H1Z1 player who is unsatisfied with a certain ruleset did not get their fill with last night’s disruption of Daybreak Games and have decided to DDoS the company once again. Due to Daybreak’s interconnectedness, when one game is affected, all services are impacted. Updates as we have them… Update: EQ2 servers should now be up and available after the extended downtime. After the jump, the timeline of events…
From the EQ2 Forums: All EverQuest II Servers, both US and EU, will be brought offline on Tuesday, June 14th, 2016 at 7:00AM PDT* (2:00 PM GMT) for an update. Estimated downtime is approximately six hours. From the EQ2 Forums: IMPORTANT NOTICE Due to recent required client updates, EQ2 will no longer run on Windows XP or older machines. QUESTS Alchemist’s Component – Leelee Brewbubble has been convinced that the components you have obtained are useful, once again. ABILITIES Fixed a bug that was preventing Ancestral Support from working. GUILDS Skyshrine Capital Guildhall guild tickets are now available for...
On March 16, 1999, EverQuest launched, and with it, a volunteer Guide Program. They would “act as basic customer service/support via ‘petitions’. Issues could be forwarded to the Game Master assigned to the server or resolved by the volunteer. Other guides would serve in administrative functions within the program or assisting the Quest Troupe with dynamic and persistent live events throughout the individual servers. Volunteers were compensated with free subscription and expansions to the game. In 2003 the program changed for these volunteers, shifting them away from a customer service focus and instead placing them into their current roles...
Daybreak Games seems to be undergoing a DDoS attack. More as we have it… Update: We are recovering from earlier issues. Have a gamey night! (You know what I mean….) — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) June 13, 2016 Still some funk happening with all games. Ops still working on it. — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) June 13, 2016 We are aware of the issues with our games at the moment. Our ops folks are looking into it. — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) June 12, 2016 We're currently looking into an issue that may be affecting logins and servers across our games. We...
From Kaitheel on the EQ2 Forums: Moonlight Enchantments is active on the Test server! Why, you ask? Because there are 25 new items available through the different grotto merchants! Jump in and get a sneak peek at these new items available now on Test, before they are live on 6/20. Please post any feedback you might have pertaining to them in this thread. Moonlight Enchantments runs on live servers the 20th-21st of every month. Niami Denmother of EQ2Traders has updated her website with a preview of the new items!
Normally, Game Updates are delayed for the EU server so that they are applied early the next morning rather than disrupting primetime gaming. However when a Game Update includes new content and new items, these updates are done simultaneously with the US patches so that everyone is on the same footing. This morning’s launch of the Summer Ethereal event only applied to the US server, with the EU server (Thurgadin) having to wait until a 9pm PDT / 6:00 CEDT update. Because today also launched a Double Ethereal Coin event, the result was a double whammy of the EU...
We already posted an article about them, but here’s the official announcement. From EQ2 Brand Manager Roshen on the EQ2 Forums: Summer Ethereal Items are here! During the event players will be able to pick up Ethereal missions from the mission NPC’s in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep. These missions will grant you [eq2u]Umbrite Ethereal Coin[/eq2u]s, and a chance at the current accessory reward or an Ethereal Rune. Umbrite Ethereal Coins may be used to purchase any of the available rewards from the Lylleia, the Ethereal Merchant. In addition, over the course of the event there will be several periods of time...
With tomorrow’s update, the Summer Ethereals event goes live for 2016. In the past, I have come to view these events a mixture of excitement and dread. Yes, it becomes easier to find groups, however you have to be lottery-lucky to acquire these game-changing items as [eq2u]Phelony, Deathbringer[/eq2u], [eq2u]Fai Thass, The Ravager[/eq2u], and ability resetting items such as Essence of Duality. With the focus on weapons shifted to later this year, the Summer Ethereals this time around are jewelry — Necklaces, Bracelets, and Earrings. In addition, some of the very popular but exceedingly rare Ethereal Runes are now also...
There was no downtime notice, but… From the EQ2 Forums: SUMMER ETHEREAL EVENT Summer Ethereal Items are here! Characters may pick up a new mission that will grant an Ethereal Coin with a chance at an Ethereal item. Ethereal coins may be used to purchase Ethereal rewards at a new merchant in Thalumbra: the Ever Deep. Ethereal daily and weekly heroic missions are now available in Thalumbra! Speak to Holstin Coresprock for the daily mission and VV.E.E.K.I_.Y IIIissi0N5 for the weekly mission. ZONES / POPULATION Collectibles near Monolith of Woe and Ember Hive in Kylong Plains are no longer...
Towards the end of the Spring Update Livestream, we were informed that we’d gain the ability to acquire Legends of Norrath Loot Cards rather than the current process of buying and unwrapping dozens of Legends of Norrath game packs hoping to get lucky. The Legends of Norrath card game was recently unbundled from the EQ and EQ2 clients and now requires a standalone download and install. Today comes the news that Legends of Norrath “Loot Packs” are now available for purchase from the Marketplace. However rather than providing a choice of specific loot, each pack contains two random loot items. Like...
From the EQ2 Forums: ZONES / POPULATION The Siege [Raid] Sanctifier Goortuk should now have lower resolve when fought in normal mode. Barren Sky The 3 Princes have had their encounter level lowered ITEMS [eq2u]Spine of Ancient Terror[/eq2u] now has the correct 14 resolve. and… MARKETPLACE Legends of Norrath loot card packs are now available on the marketplace. Specific campaign packs will be available for a limited time and will alternate after a set period. When opened, each Legends of Norrath loot card pack will grant a single tradeable reward bag. Once that bag has been opened the item...
It’s time to cool off your summer – the New Halas City Festival returns from June 1-7! Spend City Tokens on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink. Make sure all your characters have finished the New Halas Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 104 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Snowflake Chaser title. WHEN: 12:01am PT on June 1st – 11:59pm PT on June 7th WHERE: Frostfang Sea, near the Cairn of the Huntress, /loc 26, 148, -82 (Kella is found at...