The fighter rebalance in GU51 is coming, whether we want it or not. There is a lot of “The Sky is Falling” responses about it both Pro and Con. Here are some useful quotes: Originally posted by Aeralik: Prior to this change, tanks relied heavily on hate transfers and hate gain/hate reduction while dpsing to gain aggro. Now the emphasis is more on the tank achieving this with their abilities… Originally posted by Flaye: NOBODY should be getting a “set it & forget it” hate transfer, if we’re ALL supposed to be playing more intelligently, paying more attention, &...
As scheduled, the Test Update #51 notes have been posted. Substantial changes to Tanking and Hate Generation are included. Test Update #51 is promised to run on the test server for 3+ weeks to allow adequate time for feedback. GAMEPLAY Taunts and detaunts can now critical similar to how melee and spell criticals work. Threat output and hate position changes will now be displayed to the chat windows. You can find it under Combat in the Hate Adjustment category. Hate gain mods will no longer affect taunt adjustments. Area of effect spells and combat arts will no longer spread...
According to Kirstie, Game Update #51 will be coming to the Test Servers on or around January 7th. [link] What should we expect in GU51? Here are some quotes from Aeralik: The focus of part 2 is looking at the different ways players gain ( or lose ) hate and putting more emphasis on player responsibility. You will likely see the numbers scale up on taunts a lot and hopefully fighters will start to look more at their threat per second while tanking and less so on the raw dps output we see now. With the changes offensive and...
Game Update 52 Notes from Timetravelling: As a New Year’s Resolution (a few days early, admittedly), we pledge to create within a few months (aka GU52): A brand new two-group instance with 9 bosses—over half of whom drop Void Shards—balanced for players in legendary gear A very challenging brand new four-group raid instance Brand new tradeskill instance in the Void A Lavastorm revamp Brand new areas added to Lavastorm with level 80 solo content A new faction with gear to gather from the new Lavastorm content 12 new armor sets All of them with brand new armor appearances Including...
The Shadow “of” Odyssey Marketing department added the “of” in Shadow Odyssey. Many jokes made by SOE about it. Marketing dept was surprised that a EQ2 expansion didn’t have “of” in the middle. 🙂 The Shadow Odyssey New lvl 77+ overland zone. 20 dungeons Najena — A very large dungeon. Very tall (4 story stairs and just really cool). Very organic, wood, ropes, not the current stone boxes. Najena’s forge is the new place to go to craft various master weapons, etc. taking the place of the existing Solusek Ro forge. Nuroga Guk — “upper” and “lower” Befallen Most...