From Laylaih on the EQ2 Forums: We’re getting close to the launch of GU 100! This Members-Only content is planned to be released on Thursday, April 28th, and we’re continuing to preview the exciting new and updated content that will be available in it. If you missed the first two, you can read them here and here. Now it’s time to venture in to Scourge Keep! From Chris “Chrol” Garlick on the EQ2 Forums: Deathfist Citadel. It was once the stronghold of the great orc emperor, Fyst, and his savage Deathfist clan, who held sway over all the lands known as Zek, the Orcish Wastes. But...
Yesterday’s EverQuest II Spring Update Livestream is now viewable on YouTube. You can learn about Zek, The Scourged Wastes, the new Signature quest, the three heroic instances, and the x4 raid zone all coming on April 28th. From the EverQuest II YouTube channel:
From the EQ2 Forums: US & EU EverQuest II Live Servers will be brought offline on Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 7:00AM PST* for an update. Estimated downtime is approximately one hour. From Caith on the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Halls of Seeing [Raid] The Enforcer of Captivity is once again epic x4. Maldura: Forge of Ashes [Raid] The Forge Golem should now spawn correctly when getting a flawless kill on Cronnin/Dellmun, Kiernun, Bereth, Htardlem/Amzzem/Uigirf, and one of the Captains. The Forge Golem has had new items added as an additional drop to his loot table. Bereth...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Maldura: Forge of Ashes [Raid] [eq2u]Signet of Pure Terror[/eq2u] now correctly requires a Stone of Ashenfell Power or Stone of Greybeard Power as a purchase requirement. ITEMS Psionist Crowns can now be upgraded through crafting using either original crowns or newly dropped crowns. Required component is now any crown of that armor type. Psionist Helms that were previously upgraded using the Mindstone Crystal can now be crafted into the new version of the crown. The recipe book has had the new recipes added. New armor drops* now have a descriptor added...
The purpose of New Content in any MMORPG is to provide additional length to the “treadmill” so that players who revisit heroic dungeons or raids always have new things to do. New zones provide new rewards that raise the bar and keep that loot chase going. It is totally expected that when a new content update or expansion is released that previous items will be trumped by new ones. However we’ve seen something new and unexpected since the release of the Terrors of Thalumbra expansion. In an update on January 20th, existing Weapons and Jewelry items were removed from the...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Maldura: The Forge of Ashes [Raid] Changed the message given when triggering the Forge Golem. LIVE EVENTS The Erollisi Day “Lovely Lacquer” achievement can now be updated by crafting the passionate and romantic filigree rugs. QUESTS The Wind of Strife Blows Fickle – The update is now found in the truck at the foot of the bed in Viktor T’Hoth’s room, to better fit the description. Restoring the Underfoot Cathedral – Each of the tormented Serilian spirits can now only be seen by players on the appropriate step of the quest,...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION General Charmed creatures in agnostic zones will no longer be supercharged. Bonemire Corpse Candles can no longer be charmed. Kralet Penumbra: Rise to Power Bone Crushing Swings and Pressure of the Deep no longer effect Dissonance of Savagery. MERCENARIES Mercenaries will now suspend after a period of player inactivity. Mercenaries no longer have any initial hiring fees.
Update from Caith: Looks like a large part of the patch didn’t make it to the live servers in this morning’s hotfix, so this is still currently bugged. We’re working on getting it out asap. and from Gninja: We are working to get the parts of the patch that did not make it to live servers remedied asap. We are working on it as we speak. Thanks… Here’s what got patched (from the EQ2 Forums), including that frustrating bug affecting the progression of numerous Zones such as Castle Highhold… POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION General Corrected an issue that prevented interaction with many...
Tonight is the last night of Frostfell until later this year, while tomorrow sees the unlocking of Kingdom of Sky on the Time-Locked Expansion servers. Meanwhile on live servers, in addition to a number of content fixes, we will also see a potentially significant change to AAs. Abilities that used to grant Crit Bonus will now grant Potency instead. Finally we must say goodbye to a feature that has worked inconsistently at best for many years but must have proven too difficult to fix. With tomorrow’s update, the PvP Arena feature will be disabled in EverQuest II, with the rewards...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Maldura: Forge of Ashes [Raid] The respawn point for Bereth’s Overlook should no longer be an available option for reviving unless Bereth has been defeated. Maldura: Bar Brawl [All Versions] Priest can now cure themselves of Dalkuhm’s “Borrow Weapons” debuff. Kralet Penumbra: The Hive Mind [Raid] The Psionists will now correctly react to those who attempt to drain their well of power. ITEMS Wrist of the Great Forge is now correctly named Ring of the Great Forge. Ethereal Onslaught will now correctly reset Sniper Squad. Primordial Burnout will now trigger on...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL The /summon_chest command can no longer be used while on a transport. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Maldura: Palace Foray [Heroic] Dragoon Z’Koz will always drop a treasure chest. Kralet Penumbra: Temple of the Ill-Seen [Advanced Solo] Should now spawn shinies properly. Kralet Penumbra: The Master’s Chosen [Heroic] Necromantic Concentration buff can now appropriately be dispelled.
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Maldura A Far Seas Trading Company representative has arrived in Maldura and will now sell Age of Malice blank runes in exchange for Coin of the Grand Artificer (they are still also available for far seas tokens from the original sources). She can be found in the Mushroom Bar and Grill. Maldura: Algorithm For Destruction [All Versions] The electro-charged battery is now automatically placed in your inventory, when appropriate, during the encounter with X-O Arachmech. Kralet Penumbra: Uzulu Deep [Event Heroic] Urzzra-Uzulu’s Thought Graze now drains more power. Urzzra-Uzulu’s Thought Overload...
Table of Contents So what’s new in the expansion? How do I get started with the new expansion content? What do I get for completing ALL the quests in the expansion not just the Signature line? What is there to know about Tradeskills in the expansion? What’s up with the new Harvesting materials/rares? Help! There was some really important information on the Terrors of Thalumbra beta forums but they’ve disappeared! What itemization changes have there been in the ToT expansion? What are RELIC and PRESTIGE items? What’s up with Weapon Delays this expansion? What is the new Deity window...
Tomorrow is the launch of Terrors of Thalumbra, EverQuest II’s twelfth expansion! From the EQ2 Forums: All EverQuest II Live Servers will be brought offline on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 7:00AM PST* for the Terrors of Thalumbra expansion update. Estimated downtime is approximately five hours. EverQuest II: Terrors of Thalumbra is scheduled to unlock to players at noon pacific** on Tuesday, November 17, 2015. Time Zone Conversions PST: November 17 @ 7:00am – Noon EST: November 17 @ 10:00am – 3:00pm GMT: November 17 @ 15:00 – 20:00 CEST: November 17 @ 16:00 – 21:00 and your Update Notes from...
From Carlos “Gninja” Mora on the EQ2 Forums: Within the cavernous depths of Thalumbra, uncounted creatures cloaked in mystery lie in wait for the unsuspecting adventurer. Adversaries range from crafty gnemlin outcasts whose creations have grown out of control, to ancient beasts of indescribable terror unlike any ever seen on Norrath’s surface. Raids range in difficulty, ensuring everyone from entry level guilds all the way up to the most seasoned raiders will have plenty of challenges in store for them throughout the Terrors of Thalumbra expansion! Investigate the laboratory of a nearly mad gnemlin by the name of Bhoughbh...
From Emily “Domino” Taylor on the EQ2 Forums: The border between the plane of Underfoot and the mortal realm is often hard to define. Deep within the wilds of Thalumbra, the Stygian Threshold is one of those rare locations where a gate to the Underfoot exists permanently. Such close proximity to Brell’s realm has had strange effects on the adjacent region.
So it used to require a subscription for Banned EQ2 players to keep playing on the EQ2 “prison server” of Drunder. Not after today. Alas, there’s no way to get a sense of how many players are on Drunder. Census currently hides this information. SOE’s policy used to be “no Naming and Shaming” but in the last year or so the PlanetSide 2 and H1Z1 teams have no problem drawing attention to banned players, even mentioning them BY NAME in-game using server announcements. The question is, would players banished to Drunder take this as another opportunity to seek attention?...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Phantom Seas The Rare Drop Merchant for Altar of Malice can now be found in the Phantom Seas! Precipice of Power [Raid] The stone adds in the Brell Serilis encounter should no longer kill pets unless directly attacking them. ITEMS Sturdy armor molds will no longer refuse to grant the quest for players that did not have enough city faction. The passive effect for Finsher III now grants potency, instead of offensive only potency. Commentary A merchant selling rare heroic drops from the previous expansion’s dungeons has been a late-summer mainstay...
No notice of the downtime, but here’s today’s update notes: GENERAL Added guild leader voting commands for leaderless guilds: If you are a guild Officer, you may now use the command /initiate_guild_leader_vote to initiate the guild leader voting process if your guild does not currently have an active guild leader (no leader has not logged in within 60 days). Anytime during the voting process, if a leader logs in they can cancel the voting process using the command /cancel_guild_leader_vote. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION SilentCity: Delving Dead The door should once again allow entrance on non-TLE servers. Precipice of Power [Raid]...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL TLE Servers The ‘Restore Items’ tab on the character window is now available. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Altar of Malice [Raid] Tserrina should once again cast her Malicious Shadows and Malicious Strife spells. Ritual Keeper V’derin should more reliably cast his Rain of Malice ability. Precipice of Power [Raid] Once spawned, avatars should now respawn if they sense they have not been defeated and reset for any reason. Teleporters to avatar islands no longer deactivate when an avatar is engaged. ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Summoner Flash Cast no longer references Empower Servant, as summoner...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL (Full Install only) For those having trouble validating an existing assetslib.vpl file on startup, you can now add ‘cl_force_paklib_create 1’ to your eq2.ini file to force re-creation of this file. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION PvP General Fixed a bug where some guards would get confused when pets start attacking Exiles. Precipice of Power [Raid] Heart Stutter should no longer hit players outside the raid engaged with Cazic-Thule. ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Fixed a crash issue related to Charm abilities [on Deathtoll PvP TLE server] Focus Aim should no longer spam requires time locked server....
EU servers are now 3 hours late patching and Holly has an update that it will be another 2 hours before EU servers are back up. That’s 2pm PDT, 5pm EDT, 22:00 GMT, 23:00 CET. The #EQ2 Beta servers are up after the EU patch which is delayed by internet funk. We're hoping for about 2pm if all goes well. — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) July 7, 2015 Original article follows…
From Holly “Windstalker” Longdale on the EQ2 Forums: For PvE, Stormhold won! For PvP, the winner is Deathtoll! Thanks for all the votes and feedback. More to come
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Fabled Echoes of Faydwer Collectibles in the Fabled Echoes of Faydwer dungeons will now lock you to the instance when looted. The Fabled Crypt of Valdoon [Advanced Solo and Heroic] You can now click Valdoon while he’s giving his speech to initiate combat sooner. Fabled Freethinker’s Hideout [Challenge Raid] The werewolf guards at the entrance should now have the intended amount of health. ITEMS Corrected the spell description for the solo and raid versions of All for One, they now correctly say 48 to 148 potency for the solo version, and...
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION The Fabled Acadechism [Advanced Solo and Heroic] Kelzaral the Animator should be much less destructive. The Fabled Freethinker Hideout Drops for The Fabled Freethinker Hideout have had the following adjustments: Moved armor drops from Treyloth to Othysis. Moved accessory drops from Makonis to Treyloth. Makonis will now always drop 2 armor pieces. Precipice of Power [Raid] You can now combine two cruxes from the same boss drop table to form the other from the same drop table by examining the cruxes. ITEMS The effect “Bolstered Block” can now be triggered by...