From Norrathians – are you ready to take advantage of everything this long weekend has to offer? Beginning at Noon PDT on Friday, May 27, 2016 and continuing until Noon PDT on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, All Access members will receive double XP (Adventure, Tradeskill, and AA)! Plus, as an added bonus, All Access members will also receive 40% off all marketplace purchases, so pick up those items you’ve been eyeing before the discount ends! Not an All Access member yet? With bonuses, discounts, access to new content, and more, there’s never been a better time to join! Time Zone Conversions PDT: Friday May...
MMOs like EverQuest II can’t help but include a loot chase. While EQ2 offers many different styles of gameplay from crafting to decorating to soloing, those players who elect to group or raid find themselves on the loot treadmill and want to be able to point to forward progress. In recent years, the EQ2 team have scattered a few best-in-slot items throughout the content so that crafters and soloers get some “Whoa!” items. Still, most Progression items come from extremely difficult content that requires substantial coordination. There’ll always be that one ridiculously difficult heroic zone. There’s always that Wing...
From the EQ2 Forums: Happy Springtime, Norrathians! Time is zipping by as usual! I wanted to drop in and let you know what we’ve been up to. As you continue with the Terrors of Thalumbra expansion and take part in GU100, the team has been toiling away on future plans. And what are those? Well…. By the end of June we are going to introduce two new servers! We wanted to hear what kind of servers the community wanted so we recently ran an in-game survey. Given the results, we decided to launch two servers, each with different rules. There...
From the EQ2 Forums: ZONES / POPULATION Encounter [enemy] resolve buffs have been reallocated to take stacking resolve buffs into account. Kralet Penumbra: The Hive Mind [Raid] The Penumbran Chanter should no longer spawn in unreachable areas in the Kraletus encounter Thalumbra, the Ever Deep Koolor Ironblood has moved to within the Abandoned Fungus Farm to avoid Vanlith’s wrath
From the EQ2 Forums: The server consolidation with Sebilis and Antonia Bayle servers will start on Thursday, May 26th, 2016 at 4AM PDT (11 AM GMT). This downtime is expected to take 24 hours, and Antonia Bayle is scheduled to unlock to players at Friday, May 27th, 2016 at 4AM PDT. Important Notes for Players: Players should pick up No-Trade items from shared housing (such as Guild Halls) BEFORE this downtime. This will prevent losing ownership of placed items during server consolidation. When the consolidation is complete on Friday, players should delete their “logincache” folder or else LaunchPad character...
EverQuest II players have a long memory. The unpopular Critical Mitigation stat was removed from the game over four years ago, yet player suspicion towards progression stats seems to have hardly faded in the intervening years. Buried amongst the update notes for GU100: The Siege of Zek came a new stat, Resolve. Even though the stat is thus far confined to the five strongest raid targets and does not affect Heroic content at all (at least until this fall’s expansion), players have responded strongly. Over the years, Crit Mit, Crit Avoidance, and Resists have all been used to stratify...
In November 2014, the EverQuest II team spent additional time debugging the game’s graphically demanding Altar of Malice expansion to make sure the game continued to work on the end-of-life Windows XP and soon-to-follow Windows Vista. In November 2015, further effort was expended making sure the in-game Marketplace supported these obsolete systems. However it seems that time is running out on legacy Windows support. According to an announcement on the EQ2 Forums, EverQuest II will receive some kind of update in June 2016 which will render the game unplayable on Windows XP. Vista may share the same fate at some...
From the EQ2 Forums: Members! Want to fill up your status bar? Looking to improve your guild’s status bar? Well, good news! From noon (12:00PM) PDT on Thursday, May 19 through noon (12:00PM) PDT Tuesday, May 24, members can earn DOUBLE PERSONAL STATUS and DOUBLE GUILD STATUS! ALL servers are included in this special bonus weekend, which means those of you on Stormhold (who are all members already) will get to take advantage of the Double Status. Being a member has its perks! Not a member yet? Visit to learn more!
The monthly Moonlight Enchantments event begins tonight! The grottos open up on the 20th at 12:01am PT and close on the 21st at 11:59pm PT. The time applies directly with no conversion for all servers. Grotto Zone & Location Collection Quest(s) Brownie Darklight Wood /way 14, -32, -238 Tree Bark Festive Flowers Strong Brew Root Beer Zygomyd Nektulos Forest /way -363, 0.42, -682 Mushroom Spores Earthly Tasks Comforting Confections Naiad Enchanted Lands /way -278, 5, 18 Naiad Scales Naiad Aid Dryad Antonica /way -696, -4, 621 Dryad Leaves Pollution Problem Fay Greater Faydark /way -132, -44, -771 Flower Petals...
On April 28th, EverQuest II launched its level 100 content release “The Siege of Zek“. The update takes us back to Zek, the Orcish Wastes and a lot has changed in 12 years. While the original level 35-appropriate zone can still be accessed, players may now choose to travel to the new level 100 Scourge Wastes. The update contains updated versions of classic Zek zones in Advanced Solo, Heroic, Event Heroic, and Heroic Contested versions as well as a Raid zone. Rather than a simple up-tiering of existing zones, the Designers and Art Team have put a lot into...
From the EQ2 Forums: A “Merchant of Rarities” has rare heroic drops from Terrors of Thalumbra dungeons available to players that are looking to pick up an item that has been eluding them, or to get a character caught up to adventure in Thalumbra and beyond! Are you looking for awesome new Green Adornments? Koolor Ironblood has them! Koolor Ironblood can be found in Thalumbra: the Ever Deep. He has items to purchase for status, for platinum, and for Coin of the Eternal Queen. What items are YOU most excited for? UPDATE from Kander: We missed the rare raid...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fervor will no longer apply twice when damage is being duplicated from another source. ZONES / POPULATION The Siege [Raid] The Weapon of War’s “War” buff can now be properly removed. Hardened By War remains unable to be removed. Scourge Keep [Both Versions] Prime Vigoth Ansleborg’s flanking order should be less strict to follow for fighters.
Thanks to a player who sent us this screenshot… Player Poll Which of the following two prestige servers would interest you more? No-Hierlom: All Heirloom items can be traded freely between players. Race to Trakanon: A seasonal server race to Kunark end game to earn exclusive rewards redeemable on live servers for all participants. Both: I want to have access to both, though I know they will be separate servers.
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL A new Prestige Server Poll has been launched, check your in game mail for details! ZONES / POPULATION The lizardmen in The Fabled Temple of Cazic-Thule will now drop Thulian Puzzle Boxes. Pork Chop should no longer barrel through walls when running in fear in Scourge Keep. The Fabled Sanctum of Fear [Heroic] Golem hearts are no longer needed to spawn Dread, Fright, or Terror.
From the EQ2 Forums: ZONES / POPULATION Fixed a bug where characters logged out in membership only zones would not be playable if your membership lapsed. Scourge Keep [Heroic] Added a gong to the arena which can be struck periodically after the arena starts to summon a single enemy combatant a time. Undead orc combatants will enter the arena at a slightly increased rate.
EQ2Traders maven Niami Denmother has delivered another extensive writeup for the recent Game Update 100: The Siege of Zek. Her site documents the new recipes and crafting which are now available for All Access subscribers: Meanwhile EQ2Library has developed an entire GU100: Zek the Scourge Wastes page with copious information about this update: GU100 Overview Scourge Wastes Dungeon Guide Secrets of Zek: Achievements, Collections, and Treasure Hunt
From the EQ2 Forums: ZONES / POPULATION Lowered the hit points of monsters in Level Agnostic dungeons. The Siege [Raid] Durtung should no longer be immune to the same damage types as his adds are immune to. Required resolve for all bosses have been lowered to compensate for duplicate classes in raid makeup. Sanctifier Goortuk should no longer kill players when logging in from a linkdeath due to assumed low power level. Scourge Keep [Both Versions] Some things required to spawn something are now stackable. Qulkor’s dungeon key should be much more visible.
All hail the Overlord – the Freeport City Festival returns to the Commonlands from May 1-7! Spend City Tokens on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink. Make sure all your characters have finished the Freeport Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 119 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Portal Jumper title. WHEN: 12:01am PT on May 1st – 11:59pm PT on May 7th WHERE: Commonlands, near The Crossroads, /loc -563, -49, -427 QUESTS: Special Delivery, Special Order Crafting, Special Order Gathering ACHIEVEMENTS:...
From Laylaih on the EQ2 Forums: New Mercenary Crates are now available in the Marketplace starting today, April 28th, 2016! The new Stormcaller series features mercenaries who are fashioned after the ever-popular Perrin Wanderhoof, and they use Fury class abilities! There are 10 new appearances for this popular mercenary, including some very unique and sought-after versions like this fierce warrior:
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Zek, The Scourge Wastes Killing Warrider Steeltusk before killing his lackeys will no longer result in them attacking you while invisible. Shard of Love The non-agnostic version of the zone has been re-added to the zone entrance in Everfrost for those who do not want to run the Agnostic version. The health of the creatures found in the Agnostic version of the zone have been slightly lowered. Fabled Chamber of Immortality The door in Thundering Steppes now allows more than 2 players to zone in. Fabled Sanctum of Fear The door...
From Laylaih on the EQ2 Forums: The moment we’ve been talking about for months has finally arrived: it’s the launch day for GU100! Are you ready to voyage to the Scourge Wastes and take on terrifying new adversaries? Will you be scouting for shinies to complete over forty new collections? Is your heart ready to connect itself to its true mate? All this and more awaits you with the launch of GU100! Access to special zones is one of the perks of having an All Access membership. In GU100 we’ve added Zek, the Scourge Wastes and Scourge Keep. Also, Fabled...
* fan-made logo From the EQ2 Forums: THE SIEGE OF ZEK The Orcish Wastes have been invaded! The Green Hood and Deathfist clan have been routed by a new breed of orc, The Scourge, who are preparing their armies to advance beyond the wastes. They must be stopped, or Norrath will be ruled by the tyrants of The Hounds of War! Zek, the Scourge Wastes [Heroic]: Story Progressed Heroic Overland Zone Zek, the Scourge Wastes [Solo]: Story Progressed Solo Overland Zone Signature Quests – Special quests for max level Adventure players! Check your mail for how to get started!...
Game Update 100 “The Scourged Wastes” has been under invite-only beta for the last three weeks and tonight it will hit the Test server to allow for a bit of public testing prior to its April 28th launch. Bugs should be reported on the EverQuest II Bug Tracker. The full Test Update Notes can be read here, but we’re going to cherry pick a few interesting points… This update is heading to test later tonight, ETA ~10pm PST. GENERAL GU 100 is now available on Test server. Level 100 players should expect to receive an in game mail directing...
From We’re less than a week away from GU 100! Are YOU going to be ready to venture in to the new adventures that await you in the scourge wastes and beyond? Spend the next few days getting yourself (and maybe some of your alts!) prepared with MEMBERS ONLY bonuses: Bonus XP Double Guild Status Double Personal Status These bonuses will begin at 12:00PM (Noon) PDT on Friday, April 22 and will run through the weekend and into next week, until 12:00PM (Noon) PDT on Wednesday, April 27. The launch of GU100 is scheduled for the next day,...
From Chris “Chrol” Garlick on the EQ2 Forums: Timed treasure hunts return for GU100 – this time in Zek, the Scourge Wastes! Search the solo version of the Wastes for the solo level timed treasure hunts, or bring friends to the heroic wastes and take your chances with the heroic level timed treasure hunts. But be forewarned – the heroic versions of these quests are tough, and time won’t be on your side! You’ll be rewarded for your efforts! Completing the heroic level timed treasure hunts grants a dirty key that has a chance of rewarding a more valuable key when...