From GENERAL Options for who to display a casting bar for, as well as special coloration for allied casting bars, have been added. These options can be found under User Interface (Advanced) – Targeting Windows. PVP PvP Hot Zones have been added! Defeating players while in these zones will be more rewarding. You can check the current Hot Zones on the Welcome Screen or use the /gethotzones command. PLAYER HOUSING Concordium Tower Magical Manor home portals will now be visible when placed in a home.
Month: July 2012
Tinkerfest has returned once again to EQ2! The festivities start on July 29, 2012 and run through August 8, 2012. There’s all sorts of new stuff this year and for those that didn’t get everything from last year, all those goodies are returning. For a full writeup of the whole event, where else would you go but Niami Denmother’s EQ2Traders. From Like clockwork, Tinkerfest has returned! Take up your favorite wrench and celebrate all things gnomish, be they metal, combustive, mathematical, experimental, or a combination thereof! Adventures, rewards, buyables and crafted items await you, both new and familiar....
From Jethal’s twitter: EQII Antonia Bayle Statue for FREE
Here’s what’s on Test for Thursday July 26th. Some or all of these changes may go live today or next Tuesday. From the EQ2 Forums: This update should occur around 1pm PST. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Baubbleshire Changed spawn timers on the injured Baubbleshire citizens from six minutes to two minutes. ABILTIES Fixed a bug where reckless stance could increase taunt amounts. PVP UPDATES The effects of Blood Ritual and Blood Symphony have been reduced in effectiveness in PVP combat. Mage Damage has been reduced in PVP combat. The effectiveness of Lethality and Toughness has been increased.
From We will perform maintenance beginning at 12:01 AM on Thursday, July 26, 2012; this will impact the following services: Game Logins (across all SOE games) will be unavailable from 12:01 AM Pacific* Thursday, July 26, 2012, to approximately 8:00 AM Pacific* Thursday, July 26, 2012. Commerce transactions, including purchases on our websites and in-game marketplaces, will be unavailable from 12:01 AM Pacific* to approximately 8:00 AM Pacific* Thursday, July 26, 2012. Account management will be unavailable from 12:01 AM Pacific* to approximately 8:00 AM Pacific* Thursday, July 26, 2012. Forums will be unavailable from 12:01 AM Pacific* to approximately 6:00 AM Pacific* Thursday, July 26, 2012. Players who are already...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed an issue with reforging requisitions. LIVE EVENTS Aether Racing: Great Divide – Now rewards the title “Frigid Flyer” when the race is won in less than 120 seconds. BATTLEGROUNDS We tweaked some of the bolster multipliers on characters between level 70 and 89. Level 80 overgeared characters will do less damage/healing while level 70 to 79 characters will do more damage/healing. Please keep giving feedback on your play experience!
We all know about the Alternate Models. Some of us love them, some of us hate them, some of us just don’t care. But which is used more often? Do people use one over the other or a combination of both? Are people really happy with the way the models are set up right now or would they like to have a third option? If you’re one of those hoping for a third option, you may get your wish…or maybe not.
Game Update 64: Qeynos Reborn is coming today on all servers. It’s been 3 months since the long-awaited GU 63, which included the second part of Age of Discovery. In GU 63 we got new contested zones, new group zones and new raid zones, all for players level 85 and higher, not to mention an increase in levels and those wonderful Prestige Points. So what does this Game Update hold in store for us? Qeynos will finally be easier to navigate, and there will be many new quests for the area, including a new lower level Public Quest in...
We receive word this evening that the Item Discovery data within the Data Feeds API has been refreshed, with those ill-gotten item discoveries through an exploit of Item Reforging have been removed from the data stream. Please let us know if you see any issues with item discovery data on EQ2U after this change.
The upcoming Game Update 64: Qeynos Rises includes significant changes to Player vs Player and Battlegrounds, a light polish to Darklight Woods (Neriak), itemization tweaks (normal mode Dozekar gains Breastplates, Sevelak breastplates will be boosted to match the difficulty), a Public Quest in Antonica, and of course the revamp of Qeynos with 108 new quests. Our hats off to Karen Bryan at Massively who has done not one, not two, but three preview articles on the upcoming update…
On July 19th, 2012, Dave “SmokeJumper” Georgeson interviewed Paul “Cronyn” Molina and Nathan “Kaitheel” McCall to tell the story and share the lore of Qeynos Rises, so don’t miss it! This webcast is now online at TwitchTV.
Dave “SmokeJumper” Georgeson posted the following on his Twitter: @Qixter: Syfy Channel finally aired the interview they did with me about SOEmote (at E3). Go EQII!
We’re anxiously awaiting the reposting of the SOE Community Webcast about the lore of the upcoming Game Update 64: Qeynos Reborn, but we now have a date! Tuesday July 24th is when we can expect this update. We expect 4-6 hours of downtime as the update is installed, and then European players will need to wait until that evening for their update. Host Dave Georgeson will interview Paul Molina and Nathan McCall to tell the story and share the lore of Qeynos Rises, so don’t miss it! Join us on Thursday, July 19, 2012, at 4:00 p.m. US Pacific...
Players on the Nagafen server have had little to celebrate over the last year. Between a number of unpopular mechanics changes, and the popularity of Battlegrounds continually nibbling away at ‘proper’ PvP, it’s been a long time since there’s been any good news. But as if the forthcoming Game Update 64‘s substantive changes to PvP and Battlegrounds weren’t enough, tonight Nagafen players are celebrating the server first kill of Vyskudra the Ancient. If you haven’t heard about this, you’re not alone. Observers of GuildProgress may be puzzled to learn that this enemy has been defeated at all on Nagafen,...
How many times have you or someone you know looked around at the graphics on EQ2 and thought “I really wish that looked just a little better”? We play the game to not only enjoy the content, but also the visual aspects of the EverQuest2 world. A lot of people have to keep their graphics settings low in order not to get lag, and thus miss out on all the beauty and detail that the devs put into the game. And when you consider the graphics that so many newer games have, it’s sometimes puzzling as to why EQ2...
Itemization of any MMO is a thankless job. If I had my way, EQ2 Itemization would be a Senior Designer position with foot massages, baskets of fresh fruit, and refreshing margaritas. Instead, it seems to be the hot potato job that everyone prays they’re out of before the music stops. A systemic problem we’ve been talking about for years with EverQuest II is that even the most obvious Itemization imbalances tend to take months to straighten out, all the while players spend hours farming and working towards items that will eventually be nerfed into oblivion. Four months after the...
From the EQ2 Forums: DUNGEON MAKER Fixed a bug with Amygdalan Protectors in Dungeon Maker Dungeons.
From the EQ2 Forums: EverQuest II Webcast Qeynos Rises on July 24th! Host Dave Georgeson will interview Paul Molina and Nathan McCall to tell the story and share the lore of Qeynos Rises, so don’t miss it! Join us on Thursday, July 19, 2012, at 4:00 p.m. US Pacific Time* on Twitch TV! The webcast is expected to last about 20 minutes. See you on Twitch TV! Time Zone Conversions PDT: July 19 @ 4:00pm EDT: July 19 @ 7:00pm BST: July 20 @ 0:00 CET: July 20 @ 1:00
It looks like a further exploit has been discovered in Dungeon Maker with regards to Rewards and/or XP. One such issue, specifically a certain debuff item that could be placed in Dungeon Maker dungeons to reduce the hitpoints of surrounding enemies, was corrected this morning. The EQ2 Forums are failing to load, but the announcement indicates that Dungeon Maker rewards and XP have been disabled for the time being until an issue with them can be addressed. Hi Everyone, Due to some issues that have been reported with Dungeon Maker, the tokens and XP are currently disabled (set to...
A couple of months ago, I was contacted by Michele Marvel, a doctoral student at Walden University. She and her husband have played MMOs together for some 13 years, including Aion, Conan, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, Rift, Star Wars Galaxies, etc. As a Psychology student, she has been very interested in research into why people play MMOs, and the communities that develop between like-minded players. To that end, she has put together an intriguing MMO player survey Characteristics and Motivation to Play in Adults Who Play Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. It took me about 20 minutes...
From the EQ2 Forums: DUNGEON MAKER Corrected an issue that caused some buff objects in Dungeon Maker to reduce NPCs hit points by too much. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Withered Lands Daerlina and Swampmaw will now return to battle more frequently after a defeat. Plane of War x4 Raid Commander Goreslaughter and Corpsemaul – The diaku war riders will spawn near commander goreslaughter instead of on top of random players. Commander Corpsemaul no longer has Unbridled Fury of the Shadows. Mauler’s Affliction no longer interrupts casting. QUESTS The quest “Etch the Stone” is now properly repeatable.
It’s time for another in-game poll for EQ2 players. The two questions in this month’s poll address the recent Game Update 63: Skyshrine content as well as the upcoming Game Update 64: Qeynos Reborn. None of the questions touch on the quality or content of the question, only asking players to identify what content they have or have not been playing. NOTE: As mentioned in the past, only the first poll entry for each account is measured. After the jump, we provide the questions for posterity’s sake…
After the last two week blitz of news about Dungeon Maker, including the winners of the Poet’s Palace Dungeon Maker contest, the addition of more Dungeon Maker items, and this week’s “Play As Yourself” feature introduction, there were a couple of glitches affecting DM dungeons.
From Starting Wednesday July 18, get 25% OFF when you buy a NEW or UPGRADED multi-month recurring membership! Players who sign up for a new or upgraded multi-month recurring membership to any of the following games will receive 25% off the regular price: EverQuest, EverQuest II, and DC Universe Online (PC only). If you have an existing recurring membership, this offer is only valid for a new recurring membership with a longer term (e.g., upgrade from a 3-month recurring to a 6-month recurring) or for an upgrade from a single-game recurring membership to an All Access recurring membership....
We’ve been remiss on reporting this but wanted to give credit to the designers who put a ton of time and effort (despite some bugs including proximity-activated text not working) into the new Poet’s Palace Dungeon Maker layout. The winning entries: SCARS OF LOVE Created by Pixiewrath on Freeport (See the video trailer!) THE LOVELY BONES Designed by Severiss on Oasis AREA 51 Constructed by Raferty on Unrest (See the video trailer!) COLLECTION OF RECOLLECTIONS Devised by Jamisia (and Luvil) on Butcherblock