Amnerys has posted the complete Game Update Notes for Game Update 58: Arcanum Revealed on the EQ2 Forums. Here they are after the break:
vasty deep
Game Update 58 is looking to be a massive update, not so much in content, but in changes large and small to the game, and its User Interface. Game Update 58 includes: A level 90 dungeon – Zraxth’s Unseen Arcanum New bosses in the Vasty Deep dungeons with new loot Spell Animation and Sound Effect tweaks Click-to-Cure Mounts and Currency tabs Numerous UI tweaks Outdoor Balconies have been added to 6+ room houses, making them feel a part of the city they belong to. House item limits have been increased, and Moving Crates now count independently of house item...
Sentinel’s Fate Group Dungeon & Raid Zone List by Difficulty Difficulty Rating Key Easy Easy to Moderate Moderate Moderate to Hard Hard The Hole contested (82-90) Sprawling dungeon with 3 wings of difficulty, most content tailored for 2-4 players. Old Paineel Dartain’s Fortress Tower of Serilis The Hole instances Demitrik’s Bastion (85+) The Outer Vault (88+) Spirit’s Resonance (88+) Vasty Deep The Conservatory (86-88) The Abandoned Labs (90) The Vestigal Cella (90) Erudin Erudin Library (87-89) Erudin Research Halls (90) Erudin Royal Palace (90) The Vigilant The Vigilant: Incursion! (90) The Vigilant: Infiltration! (90) The Vigilant: Rescue! (90) Sentinel’s...
Previews of Sentinel’s Fate are coming in on a consistent schedule (thanks Kiara!!). Check out the preview of the 3rd Vasty Deep dungeon at EQ2Players.
Another zone preview from the upcoming Sentinel’s Fate expansion. This time, it’s one of the Vasty Deep dungeons. Check it out at EQ2Players.
EQ2Players has been updated with a preview of the Vasty Deep dungeons. There are some new and familiar screen shots, and more information about these zones. Check it out!