Sentinel’s Fate Group Dungeon & Raid Zone List by Difficulty
Difficulty Rating Key
Easy to Moderate
Moderate to Hard
The Hole contested (82-90)
Sprawling dungeon with 3 wings of difficulty, most content tailored for 2-4 players.
Old Paineel
Dartain’s Fortress
Tower of Serilis
The Hole instances
Demitrik’s Bastion (85+)
The Outer Vault (88+)
Spirit’s Resonance (88+)
Vasty Deep
The Conservatory (86-88)
The Abandoned Labs (90)
The Vestigal Cella (90)
Erudin Library (87-89)
Erudin Research Halls (90)
Erudin Royal Palace (90)
The Vigilant
The Vigilant: Incursion! (90)
The Vigilant: Infiltration! (90)
The Vigilant: Rescue! (90)
Sentinel’s Fate x2 Raids
The Vigilant: Final Destruction (x2)
Sentinel’s Fate x4 Raids
Sentinel’s Fate: Lair of the Dragon Queen (x4)
Perah’Celsis’ Abominable Laboratory (x4)
The Palace of Roehn Theer (x4)
Looks like fun! 😀 Can’t wait to start grouping.
At this particular moment in time I can not say the x2 is moderate to hard, it is plain hard. As far as the x4 zones, I would say that is correct.
hm, was this supposed to be colour-coded? O.o
It is. You must be blocking images from that site. I’ll move the images to EQ2Wire.
I’ve updated the post using EQ2Wire-hosted squares.
excellent v.v
Feldon is there any possibility you would edit this list with locations of the various instances and/or directions on how to get to the particular instances?
You should drop the difficulty of Erudin Library down to blue. As a warlock I can solo all the trash and get most of the names down to about 10%. It is ridiculously easy.
Feldon, I’d love to create a page on the EQ2 wiki that has this information. A lot of people – including my casual guild – are only vaguely aware of the difficulty tiers. We have been throwing ourselves at Cella and I didn’t realize we could have been trying the Hole, too, in between.
What do you think? Mind if I make it?
Sure you can add it to EQ2 Wikia with credit to EQ2Wire. It’s derived from notes during Beta. Or you can just link your guild to EQ2Wire. 😉