This editorial is non-game specific and solely based on insights and opinions from its author. One comment I receive a lot when I explain my job to others is “That’s awesome! How do I get into doing that?!” There is no perfect answer to this query, and despite how awesome working in this industry sounds and really is, it’s hard work and not quite as glamorous as you may be envisioning in your head. Working on a gaming fan/press site requires a lot of dedication outside of game(s). We don’t actually spend most of our day playing these games...
Through December 31st, if you buy a shirt from SOE’s apparel partner J!NX, you will get a bundle of in-game items in EQ, EQ2, Landmark, Planetside 2, and H1Z1 (whenever it launches). Personally I find J!NX’s 14-item SOE offerings to be woefully inadequate, especially in light of the 317 items they produce for Blizzard fans. More importantly, there is actually nothing in the J!NX store tailored towards EverQuest II fans. Still, if you are a completionist and must get every in-game item, you’d better head to J!NX: Do you love showing your gamer pride? Have you been struggling to find the...
From Nandy “Zoltaroth” Szots on the EQ2 Forums: Hey guys! Good news! We are going to be hiring more programmers for EQII. We have already made a hire from the community and having people that are passionate about our game working on it is good for everyone! Below you will find links to the job posting on SOE’s webpage. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. Even if you have not programmed C++ in some time but have a programming background and are passionate about EQII you should apply! Also please include a cover letter that...
From the EQ2 Forums: We hope you are as excited as we are about the arrival of Chains of Eternity, our 9th expansion! CS wants to help you. Below are some common mistakes made and how you can avoid them. AA Slider– Are you 92/320? Make sure your AA slider is set to 0 if you want to start earning towards level 95! Patch New Content – Often Customer Service sees people so excited to start their adventuring they turn in collection quests before the game recognizes they no longer are at cap. Turning in Collections – Before you...
Today, November 8th, is officially EverQuest II’s 8th birthday. After the celebrations, long-time players want to know what presents they can expect! Specifically, they want to know — Will the EQ2 team try to outdo past unique Veteran Rewards? Last year’s 8 year item — Veteran Revival — provided a groupwide resurrect which was a bit slow to cast but has still saved more than a few groups and raids from the jaws of death. Earlier today we talked about Call of the Veteran, or which must be known internally as the “Item From Hell”. It was a unique...
As we intimated last month, SOE is finally putting its proprietary forum software out to pasture and moving to modern off-the-shelf forum software — XenForo — which is the creation of ex-vBulletin developers. EverQuest completed their transition to their new forums just prior to their Rain of Fear expansion and now EverQuest II has its own move-in date: November 9th. Timing is Everything But wait, you’re thinking, November 9th is smack dab in the middle of the Chains of Eternity beta! Well the EQ2 team have thought of that, and will be keeping the CoE beta forums up and...
From the EQ2 Forums: Krono is live in EQ2! Buy, trade, sell 30 days of Gold Membership time! To Buy or Use Krono in game, open your Character’s Equipment panel (“C” is the hotkey) and find the Krono interface at the bottom. For more detail, see The near universal reaction from players to the addition of Krono to the Character/Persona window has been that the UI elements are far too obtrusive. Left: The new Persona window with large Krono “Buy” and “Use” buttons at the bottom. Right: My mockup for a more subdued Krono interface. Clicking the left...
SOE Live is now about 72 hours away and, according to Linda “Brasse” Carlson, the Event Schedule has undergone some last-minute changes. Wikia Panel One change of note, a new Wikia panel has been added with Kodia and Uberfuzzy of EQ2i, Joanne Laroche, SOE Wikia Editor; Rich Weil, VP of Client Relations, MMS; Tiffany “Amnerys” Spence, SOE Community Manager This news would seem to indicate that Wikia sites, at least Planetside 2, will have an official staffer at SOE creating, posting, and presumably editing articles on the Planetside 2 Wiki. It is unclear if this same staffer would be...
From the EQ2 Forums: ITEMS Devoted Arbiter Remnant now has 1 red adornment slot and 1 white slot. Sleeper’s Tomb [challenge] Belts dropped in Final Arbiter encounter should now all have the correct slots.
We have received numerous reports that some players cannot connect to Group or Guild text chat or Voice chat. More as we have it…
SOEmote is now live on the EQ2 servers and we have reports that players are testing it out, especially in the Sinking Sands and other common zones. As soon as you login, EQ2 will try to see if you have a Webcam installed and if so, will bring up the SOEmote window with your face on the left and character on the right. You may need to increase the lighting in your room if you have Calibration problems. Some players may experience issues if they wear glasses or have a beard. Image from Raven-Mythic.
From Jethal’s twitter: EQII Antonia Bayle Statue for FREE
From Starting Wednesday July 18, get 25% OFF when you buy a NEW or UPGRADED multi-month recurring membership! Players who sign up for a new or upgraded multi-month recurring membership to any of the following games will receive 25% off the regular price: EverQuest, EverQuest II, and DC Universe Online (PC only). If you have an existing recurring membership, this offer is only valid for a new recurring membership with a longer term (e.g., upgrade from a 3-month recurring to a 6-month recurring) or for an upgrade from a single-game recurring membership to an All Access recurring membership....
EverQuest II has a history of complexity and depth often lacking in other MMOs. Players can be passionate, impatient, forceful, understanding, triumphant, technical, or blasé, sometimes all in the same posting. This can be a double-edged sword for the management of its forum and game communities. We quickly see through attempts to placate, and we can tell when the EQ2 Community Team have not anticipated or prepared for player outrage or confusion over a policy decision. A successful Community Manager is not simply an extension of the Public Relations department. A good CM must act as a liason or...
From the EQ2 Forums: DUNGEON MAKER When respawning, a player should now be put at the designated entrance set by the dungeon creator. Various issues with the Poet’s Palace Dungeon Maker Map have been fixed. MARKETPLACE Armor Crates and several other appearance items have been changed from NO TRADE to HEIRLOOM.
Looks like Double XP has started at Midnight instead of Noon today. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, here’s the evidence:
Five weeks after posting a Frequently Asked Questions that left many questions unanswered, today brings a revised FAQ which fills in some of the gaps. We’ve highlighted in blue the sections which contain new and notable information. From the EQ2 Forums: Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) recently announced a new multi-year partnership with ProSiebenSat.1 Games Group to license eight of its online games in Europe, including DC UniverseTM Online, EverQuest® II, Star Wars®: Clone Wars AdventuresTM, Free Realms®, Magic: The Gathering – Tactics®, Pox Nora®, the upcoming PlanetSide® 2, and the next installment of the EverQuest® franchise. This new partnership...
From the EQ2 Forums: From 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, March 20th, through 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, March 28th, log in to EQII and take part in a look back at Norrathian days of yore. The EQII Team has created this fun event as an homage to EverQuest in honor of the anniversary of the EverQuest franchise, and although the lore doesn’t exactly fit the current story of EQII, they decided to make it extra enjoyable for those who were around for the first iteration of Norrath. Adventurers who take part in this journey through time will find some silly nods to...
From Windstalker‘s Twitter: Prepping for a Double XP weekend and our first Rebate sale on Saturday. TWEEEEET. 😛
From Aimee “Ashlanne” Rekoske on the Sony Station Blog: Each month the Community Team will highlight one of SOE’s many diverse employees in a monthly feature titled, “SOE Employee Spotlight.” Each month our spotlighted employee will also appear in some fashion on the Official SOE Podcast. In our February spotlight for 2012 you will meet Carlos Mora, EverQuest II Game Designer. Take a moment to find out about what a typical day in the office is like for him, what his favorite SOE game is, and other fun tidbits. As a special bonus, we included a screenshot from his...
From By Scott Dale (Customer Service Manager) and Linda “Brasse” Carlson (Director, Global Community Relations) Every day, thousands of game accounts are stolen. Tens of thousands of credit cards are compromised. Most of you know someone who has gone through this traumatic experience. Maybe it has even happened to you. Sony Online Entertainment has joined together with a number of high-profile game companies under the umbrella of the Gamer Safety Alliance to bring you Gamer Safety Week, running from February 6th to 12th, 2012. Our goal is to raise awareness of online security concerns, and to provide some...
From the A Letter from Smokejumper Hi there, Norrathians! As many of you know, I’m the Executive Producer in charge of the entire EverQuest franchise, including EQ, EQII, and the upcoming (and very different) “EverQuest Next.” For the last two years, I’ve also been the Producer for your EverQuest II world, and it’s been absolutely a blast working with the team, the game, its features, and most of all, its players. However, our company’s visions for the EQ Franchise are bigger in scope than what I can coordinate alone on EQII while also overseeing the rest of the...
Posted by Ttobey on the EQ2 Forums: Most of the bugs ingame didn’t have very fulls sets of animations, so they wouldn’t work all that well as a warder, but we are working on it. has unveiled their new combined EQ2 Free-to-Play website. The EQ2Players side which allows players to lookup Characters, Items, and Guilds won’t relaunch until next week.
From EQ2’s Facebook: Join Linda “Brasse” Carlson, Director of Global Community Relations at SOE on The Jethal Silverwing show tonight at 7 PM PST –