A few players have reported issues with not earning the +50% bonus on Guild XP. I can confirm that it’s working on adventure writs in Kylong Plains, but other players have posted results indicating that doing Tradeskill Rush Orders in instances (Guild Halls, instance ‘tradeskill cellars’, etc.) may not receive this bonus. We strongly suggest checking to make sure that you are receiving a message like this before spending hours doing writs: Your guild has received 1961 status which includes a 50% server bonus! UPDATE: Since the publication of this article, we have learned that several Heritage Quests, writs,...
Live Events
The community team will be hosting a Nights of the Dead Masquerade Ball on the Test Copy server. Go to the docks in Sinking Sands at the proper time and date and take the portal to the community lounge. Find out when, after the break.
From Everquest2.com: Challenge: To celebrate Halloween, we’re holding a Pumpkin Carving Forum Challenge. Carve a pumpkin related to the SOE game you play and take pictures of the process. Upload the pictures to an external site, then submit them to us for review. Now, let’s get to carving! Duration: Submissions for this forum challenge start on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 and end on Tuesday November 2, 2010 at 10am PDT. (PDT is -7 hours GMT: 11:00 am MDT, 12:00 pm CDT, 1:00 pm EDT, 5:00 pm GMT)
From EverQuest2.com. It’s a Bonus Guild XP Weekend! Starting at 5:00 pm (PDT) on Friday, October 22nd and ending at 10:00 am (PDT) on Monday, October 25th, players in EQII and EQ2X can gain a 50% bonus on guild XP! Get out there and level up, and enjoy hearing those dings come 50% faster. But don’t wait; the weekend will be over before you know it. Enjoy! This promotion will run from Friday, October 22 at 5PM PDT (Sunday 02:00 GMT) until Monday, October 25th at 10AM PDT (17:00 GMT). Discuss this on the EQ2 Forums
As we previously reported, with GU58, the guild XP levels were evened out to get rid of the hell levels. Depending on where your guild was in relation to the closest hell level, you may have gained guild levels or lost progress in your current level. In the grand scheme of getting to level 90, just about everybody ended up better off. In the grand scheme of making it to the NEXT level, which could have been your long term goal, some guilds lost progress. In an effort to make up for this (I assume), SOE has decided to...
Here are your update notes for Thursday, 21 October 2010 after the break:
Here are your update notes for Tuesday, 19 October 2010 after the break:
Everquest2.com has a news items up anouncing this years Nights of the Dead live event: It’s time to enjoy spooks, frights and other creepy festivities in Norrath! Beginning at at 12:01am PDT Thursday, October 14th and running until 11:59pm Monday, November 8th, the Nights of the Dead celebration brings a bit of seasonal fun to adventurers of all levels! Nights of the Dead summons goblins and ghoulies out of the shadows of Norrath. Those inclined to celebrate the holiday through crafting will find a new book of recipes full of new house items being sold by official event merchants....
Posted on the EQ2 Forums by Kaitheel: The Heroes’ Festival has begun! A call has gone out to all Norrathian adventurers to commemorate the six years of questing, raiding, tradeskilling, house decorating and socializing. Celebrators, happy to share in the festivities, can be found in North and South Qeynos or West and North Freeport. You may spot some odd things, due to the overlap of both the Nights of the Dead and Heros’ Festival running at the same time, right now. But keep in mind that this will not be the case when it goes live. Currently, the event...
Game Update 58 is looking to be a massive update, not so much in content, but in changes large and small to the game, and its User Interface. Game Update 58 includes: A level 90 dungeon – Zraxth’s Unseen Arcanum New bosses in the Vasty Deep dungeons with new loot Spell Animation and Sound Effect tweaks Click-to-Cure Mounts and Currency tabs Numerous UI tweaks Outdoor Balconies have been added to 6+ room houses, making them feel a part of the city they belong to. House item limits have been increased, and Moving Crates now count independently of house item...
In recognition of the relative lack of in-game paintings available in EQ2 to decorate the ever-growing variety of housing, including the new Mistmoore Crag Estate, we are happy to see more contests that encourage players to create their own artwork or otherwise contribute content which becomes part of the world of Norrath. For Oktoberfest, contest entries took the form of in-game screen shots of players celebrating and otherwise partaking of festivities in the taverns, bars, and pubs of Norrath. The winners of this contest should make for great decorations in your own celebration chambers. Read More @ EverQuest2.com.
Niami Denmother over at EQ2 Traders has put together some excellent previews of some upcoming crafting updates. Check out the Game Update 58 Crafting, Housing and Event Preview and the Nights of the Dead 2010 Crafting Preview.
First off, my appologies for taking so long to post this information but it took me until a few hours ago to understand what was actually going on. It’s been a bit confusing. Here’s what’s happening. In celebration of Oktoberfest, the EverQuest II Community Team will be hosting in-game parties in the Community Lounge. Come socialize, dance, have pillow fights, drink, and be merry. You’ll also be able to tip the barkeeps for some special trinkets! The international servers Valor, Innovation, Storms, and Sebilis had their parties last week. The US/UK/Extended servers are having parties, but nobody from...
Today marks the end of not only a very lucrative Double XP weekend for both my tradeskillers and adventurers, but also the close of the Neriak City Festival in Darklight Wood. A selection of paintings from Notable Norrathians and the Heroes Festival. A key addition to the City Festival were the Notable Norrathians player-submitted in-game paintings. If you have not yet looked at or bought any of these paintings, take your City Tokens to Darklight Wood (druid ring or run from Nektulos Forest). These paintings can be placed in your house or guild hall, and do not have the...
The previously reported rumor of bonus XP has been officially confirmed on EQ2Players.com. Those playing during Labor Day weekend will be enjoying Double XP: This coming weekend, from 10:00 am PDT on Friday, September 3rd, until 10:00 am PDT on Tuesday, September 7th, we will be running a true Double XP promotion (+100% XP). The bonus applies to AA, tradeskill and adventure experience gained this weekend. Our French, German, Japanese, Test and EQ2 Extended servers will also be enjoying the increase in XP gain. Happy adventuring!
This is reprinted from the original EverQuest2.com article which seems to have gone missing. Greetings, Norrathians! We are thrilled to make the highly-anticipated announcement of the winners of our Notable Norrathians Forum Challenge! It was not easy to choose just ten out of the amazing entries we received. The talent and creativty displayed were truly wonderful and there’s a certiain very-jealous dark elf in the office right now! We’d like to thank everyone who submitted an entry (the dark elf made note that she’s saving a few for her own desktop wallpaper) and we invite everyone who didn’t win...
Today marks the introduction of Game Update 57 to the live servers. Key features of this update include: The EQ2 User Interface has received a facelift, with a new toolbar, a refresh of various windows, and a merged Character/Inventory/Profile window. The default theme is red, but easily switchable to blue by typing /loadui and choosing the Blue graphic set. More character classes are now neutral and may start in either good or evil cities. Spell animations and effects have been revamped. Intrazone travel now supports path linking. Travel within Kingdom of Sky has been improved. Erudin group instances (level...
From Amnerys: All U.S. EQII servers are scheduled to come down on Wednesday, August 18 at 5:00 AM PDT for Game Update 57. Servers are expected to be offline for around 4 hours, coming back online around 9:00 AM. The UK servers will be updated according to the usual schedule. Notable Norrathians Paintings What about those Notable Norrathians paintings? Kaisha has dropped some hints regarding how the 10 winning paintings will become available. If our interpretation is correct, it looks like they may be available from the City Festivals for 10 city tokens each. Tribute to the Huntress and...
Apologies for any typos. They jacked up the AC in here!! Remember folks, lots of EQ2 t shirts, hoodies, and polos.
Live blog from Fan Faire with q&a on EverQuest II.
Here are your update notes for Wednesday, 28 July 2010: UNDERFOOT DEPTHS Energized Taehric Construct (challenge mode): The Construct will try and cast Crippling Judgment on his main target whenever possible, rather than a random fighter. The construct will try and cast Curse of Befuddlement on priests in separate groups, whenever possible, avoiding casting it on two priests in the same group whenever possible. ITEMS The Twisted Alloy Wristlet’s proc, Torturous Paths, has had its damage increased and its proc chance raised. Many mage items within Underfoot Depths have received pet effects. TINKERFEST The Tinkerfest quest “Great Balls of...
We’ve got Live Coverage of the SOE Block Party by Serianna of Crushbone! If you couldn’t make it to the SOE Block Party, you can still keep up with what’s going on! Serianna is sending us updates and photos from the ground.
Tinkerfest is a wonderful time each year that players get to experience the zany background of the gnomes and their kooky inventions. What will go boom this time, who will be the new victim or merciless tests with flaky machinery!? When will the madness end? Starting Friday July 23rd at 12:01am PDT Tinkerfest will be in effect. Bringing to you several quests, lovely house items and fluff and yes, the shinies are back! Be quick to jump on this upcoming weeks event as it will only be available for a short time, ending on August 2nd at 11:59pm PDT...
From EQ2Players: There’s still a short time to register for Fan Faire 2010! Registration will be closing at 11:59 pm PDT on Friday, July 23. Platinum passes are sold out, but a limited number of Silver and Gold passes are still available. As always, Fan Faire registrants will receive some special in-game items. Depending on the level of pass you purchase, you’ll get either one cool EQII item, or two cool EQII items. We wanted to give you a sneak peek at the these items, so scroll down to see the goods. And remember, Silver, Gold and Platinum attendees...
We have not been posting individual announcements about the recurring Moonlight Enchantments and City Festivals because we have that information in our new Calendar which appears in the left sidebar of EQ2Wire at all times. Due to a glitch in the activation of the Moonlight Enchantments event, the event has been extended to July 22nd. Also, yesterday, I tweaked the sidebar Calendar to display multi-day events just once per month. As a result, I have been able to correct the dates on upcoming recurring events.