UPDATE Ok folks, we just got word from Dexella on the EQ2 Forums at 11:54am PDT that this is a BUG and will be fixed soon: Hey all, We are looking for a fix to the issue that caused the removal of the countries from the credit card list. In the meantime, you can update your account by using account management on the SOE General site (rather than EQ2-specific). On soe.com, select “My Account” from the top navigation and proceed from there. Thanks, Dexella A number of European EQ2 players who are currently “free-to-play” or otherwise do not have an active credit card...
Year: 2013
If you are a member of a Guild, then over the last few months, you’ve gained the ability to pay your rent on all of your houses, visit them with one click, and also visit the houses of friends and guildmates, all without having to venture beyond the confines of your guild hall. Now, these abilities have come to those who are between guilds or simply prefer to adventure on their own. With this new window, you can travel directly to any of your houses anywhere in Norrath as long as you are within a city zone. You can...
From EverQuest2.com: If you’re a Gold Member this summer (June 21 – September 21), you will have access to a special daily spell that provides bonus coin loot (increase of 15%), an experience bump (increase of 10%), and additional mount speed (increase of 5%)! This spell grants these benefits for four (4) hours each day, all summer long! This is in addition to all of the other perks you receive with Gold membership. You will find this spell in your hot bar or in your spell book under abilities. Look for “Gold Rush.” For more about membership levels in EverQuest II, visit our membership matrix. Go...
From EQ2 Zam: POST-PATCH UPDATE: If you are receiving a “MainHUD Map2_clone_0” UI error, it is because you are running custom maps. EQ2Map users can run the auto-updater to fix this error. Other solutions are checking over on EQ2Interface for further updates, /loadui default, or copy the default map UI files to your custom directory. This update is needed to support the new “Instant Travel” functionality which replaces the [eq2u]Portable Globe of Swift Travel[/eq2u] purchasable from the Marketplace. Instead of buying the travel Globes in stacks of 5, now you can navigate to any map in EQ2 and travel to certain demarcation points through...
From the EQ2 Forums: PLAYER HOUSING Added a new window, “Housing and Leaderboards”. This window, which can be accessed via the EQII menu and from the main menu bar, allows easy access to many housing related features. It allows you to manipulate all your current houses, browse and buy new houses, visit houses associated with the current zone you are in, and view the current housing leaderboards. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Furnace of the Ages [Challenge Duo] Fire Thief now has custom text to clarify how the effect works. and after the jump, almost every class’ has had at...
June 19, 2013 10:42 pm
Looks like there might be some update notes for tomorrow’s extended downtime after all. From Holly “Windstalker” Longdale‘s twitter: Our new housing UI will go live in our update tomorrow! Home sweet home… #eq2 — Holly Longdale (@WindstalkerEQ2) June 20, 2013 The new combined Housing / Leaderboards window hit Test on May 15th and received mostly positive reviews, although some players expressed frustration at the addition of another zoning step for touring houses. This extra zoning happens between each house your tour, so touring houses will take twice as long. Still, the rest of the new features have been...
From the EQ2 Forums: All EverQuest 2 Servers will come down on Thursday, June 20, at 4:00 am Pacific Time* for an update. The expected downtime is four five hours. There are no game update notes associated with this downtime. Time Zone Conversions PDT: June 20 @ 4:00-8:00am 9:00am EDT: June 20 @ 7:00-11:00am 12:00pm BST: June 20 @ 12:00-16:00 17:00 CET: June 20 @ 13:00-17:00 18:00 AEST: June 20 @ 9:00pm ~ June 21 @ 1:00am 2:00am
From the EQ2 Forums: Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) and ProSiebenSat.1 Games Group will be furthering their partnership with the launch of EverQuest® II on or around June 20, 2013. As we approach the transition, we want to clarify some final points. We have put together an updated FAQ that further addresses some of the most common concerns and questions from our online player community. Importantly, we want to address up front the most common concern that players have had, which is server accessibility. SOE and ProSiebenSat.1 Games have determined that it is in the best interest of the players...
A tip of the hat to Kinya who pointed out to us this morning that EverQuest II forums have appeared in English, French, and German on the Alaplaya forums.
From the EQ2 Forums: Important: We will perform maintenance beginning at 7:00 AM Pacific* on June 18, 2013. This will impact the following services: Account management will be unavailable for 30 minutes. Commerce transactions, including purchases on our websites and in-game marketplaces, will fail until 7:30 AM Pacific Time* Pay Pal and SMS Transactions will fail until 9 AM Pacific Time* Login for all SOE forums may be affected. You may lose permissions and experience occasional disconnects from 7 AM Pacific until 9 AM Pacific* Login for all SOE games may be affected from 7 AM Pacific until 9...
June 17, 2013 5:07 pm
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Fixed an issue with pet auto assist related to click-through targeting. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Siren’s Grotto: Dissension [Raid] Gen’ra: Stinging urchins spawn less frequently in the Gen’ra fight. You are no longer able to use the Conch of Reverberating Echo if Gen’ra has been killed in either version. Using the Conch of Reverberating Echo no longer despawns Diviner Gelerin. Normal progression will still need to be maintained as if the zone were a new zone for any bosses after Gen’ra. Challenge Duo Zones You must be grouped with your partner when fighting the...
June 17, 2013 1:16 pm
“Dawn of the Dark Elf” The First Player Studio Item Creation Competition From June 15 to July 15, 2013, Dark Elf-themed items submitted to Player Studio will be eligible to enter our first Player Studio art competition. For EverQuest II, categories could include cloaks, weapons, shields, furniture & house items, hair styles, and even headgear (submitted as hair.) Our Art Director judges will be looking for excellence of technical execution, artistic quality, adherence to the Dark Elf theme, and crowd-pleasing originality. There is no limit on number of entries. All entries must be received by 11:59pm PDT on Monday, July...
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 5 years since EQ2Wire launched. To celebrate, it’s time for a fresh coat of paint and a little remodeling here and there. I hope you find the new site easier to navigate, and still easy find the wall-to-wall EverQuest II and EverQuest Next coverage you have come to expect. This is just Phase One. Phase Two will see the launch of an EQNext site, with cross-posting capabilities, as well as a full live blogging platform. EQ2Wire and our EQNext site will be THE place to be on August 1st-4th as we provide...
From the EQ2 Forums: We are pleased to announce our next Game Update titled “Darkness Dawns” coming on July 30! For our 67th game update we have great stuff in store for you! We are really excited about a new story quest line that will pick up from our last game update in April (GU66: Scars of the Awakened). We can tell you that there is an EPIC event brewing in Cobalt Scar that could turn the world on its head and YOU are the catalyst. SPOILER: At the end of GU66, players uncovered an artifact of power —...
Typically, SOE does such a great job marketing their StationCash deals that they don’t need my help, however for those looking for the best deal on StationCash, this might just be the best yet: From Friday, June 14th through Sunday, June 16th, 2013, GameStop and EB Games locations will be offering $5 off any SOE $15 pre-paid game card. * Offer valid from store opening on June 14, 2013 through store closing June 16, 2013. Valid on SOE pre-paid game cards purchased at participating GameStop and EB Games retail stores in Canada and the USA only. UPDATE from Ashlanne:...
From EQ2’s Twitter today: Congratulations! We reached our goal of 2,000 YouTube subscribers. The Meatbeast will be available this weekend! ow.ly/m1bN6 — EverQuest II (@everquestii) June 14, 2013 Specifically: The Meatbeast will be available from 3:00 pm PDT on Friday, June 14 through 11:59 pm PDT on Sunday, June 16. on June 3rd, this promotion was announced on EQ2’s Facebook: Are you missing the Meatbeast? When we hit 2,000 subscribers on http://www.youtube.com/eq2videos, it will return to the Marketplace for a limited time! Subscribe now and check out lots of great EverQuest II videos! [Dexella]
EQ2Wire Mockup — not indicative of how these will appear in-game If you haven’t read last night’s EverQuest “What’s Next” Show transcript, then you missed out on a number of announcements for EQ2’s as-yet-unannounced Game Update 67. Two items of note: Character Advancement Templates — For players who don’t want to spend 320 AA points one-at-a-time, there will be certain templates which are recommended AA setups for each class. You can click a button and have it spend the points for you, and if you don’t have enough points to get everything suggested by the template, it will remember and...
EQ2U Gear Report V1.1 I’m happy to report that the next version of the EQ2U Gear Report has just been pushed live and we have some new features that hopefully folks will appreciate! First up is Crit Bonus and Potency have had an amicable breakup and are now just going to be friends in their own separate columns. This should help melee-focused Priests and Mages going forward. Previously, only one of these stats was shown, biased towards certain Archetypes. Second, we’ve got a new Tooltip when you mouseover the White, Yellow, Red, and Green adornment summaries which shows you...
June 11, 2013 1:00 pm
From Curse (who are also a sponsor of SOE Live): With SOE Live coming up in a couple short months, we want to know what EQ and EQ II mean to you, personally. With such a long, rich history for the legendary MMORPGs, players worldwide have forged alliances and relationships with guilds and friends, both smacked down and lost horribly to bosses, explored countless miles of terrain in-game, and were a part of epic GM events that have been remembered and retold fondly ever since. Do you have memories that make you feel warm and fuzzy? We want you...
June 11, 2013 12:30 pm
From EverQuest2.com: During E3, we’re offering a 30% discount on experience consumables in the Marketplace! You’ll find them in Consumables under “Experience” or in the Sale category. Stock up now! Sale starts Tuesday, June 11 at 9:00am PDT and ends Thursday, June 13 at 8:00pm PDT. Time Zone Conversions PDT: June 11 @ 9:00am until June 13 @ 8:00pm EDT: June 11 @ Noon until June 13 @ 11:00pm BST: June 11 @ 17:00 until June 14 @ 4:00 CET: June 11 @ 18:00 until June 14 @ 5:00
June 11, 2013 8:49 am
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Siren’s Grotto: Dissension [Raid] Gen’ra Challenge Mode: The Phantasmal Conduit adds near the end of fight do less damage, and have less health. The Lost Village of Kugup Players should now be able to use the portal stone at the zone start to exit out the village at any time. QUESTS Lost in the Woods – Field Marshal Vishra will now complete the quest, even if you have already accepted or completed “The Voice in theForest.”
Sony Online Entertainment is at E3 Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Most of the news is about Planetside 2, Dragon’s Prophet, and DCUO, but we’ve noticed another event on the schedule which could prove interesting. EverQuest Franchise Takes a Look Back and Forward The EverQuest franchise will be looking at its rich development history of EverQuest and EverQuest II and will be discussing what’s coming up for the franchise as a whole. Make sure you tune in to the livestream featuring Dave “Smokejumper” Georgeson for more details. Also, if you’re at E3, you can visit our My EQ Story booth...
June 7, 2013 2:10 pm
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Pets with auto assist on should correctly follow the player’s lead. MERCENARIES Mercs will now only display their first name in raid / group UIs. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Sanctum of Fear The zone bosses in Sanctum of Fear once again drop loot and give exp. Thundering Steppes “The Cove of Decay: A Treaty for Treasure” instance should now be accessible again without getting kicked out after zoning in. Charasis: Maiden’s Chamber The gate opened after slaying Sandstorm will now stay open even if you leave the zone and return at a later time....
When EverQuest II added the StationCash Marketplace, beside all the discussion and debate about the merits of Subscriptions vs. Pay-as-you-Go gaming, slippery slopes, and so forth, I had another question on my mind: If SOE is betting the future on microtransactions in the Marketplace, shouldn’t EverQuest2.com’s flagship feature be an online catalogue of every item up for offer? But year after year, we have yet to see any such website materialize, likely due to the work required to build and then maintain such a site. Dethdlr and I have been very fortunate to be involved in Census right from...
The Potent Potable quest in Cobalt Scar, which required keeping 5 Othmir alive by using healing items on them (which had to be repeatedly picked up from an NPC) has stymied a number of players. For them, this one quest has completely bottlenecked/stopped their progress in the Cobalt Scar quest lines. I personally was able to do the quest, but only solo (if I was grouped, then I got credit for any Othmir that died on my groupmates’ watch too 🙁 ). Not everyone grew up playing Castlevania and Mario, so I can see how it would be tricky...