22 thoughts on “Update Notes: Thursday, June 20, 2013 – Whole Lotta Disruption (and Ministration) Goin’ On

  1. There are 3 challenge Duo zones which you can access by clicking items in Cobalt Scar:

    – The zone for the Jar (found underwater) is called Absymal Aquaduct
    – The zone for the Cog is called Antechamber of the Automatron
    – The zone for the Anvil (found near tents) is called Furnace of Ages

  2. Troubs finally get an ability using Ministration that gives skill ups. Too bad it’s on a skill with a long reuse; it’s going to take forever to cap.

    2 min recast * 495 skill pts = long time

      1. Thanks! That one works.

        I’m guessing feedly (and other RSS apps) looks for the “application/rss+xml” tag in the HEAD of the document on the homepage.

        I tend to click through to read articles on the site with their custom looks but it’s really nice to be able to follow sites, especially on tablet apps these days RSS is completely transparent.

  3. Ministration only reduces the power cost of beneficial spells. It doesn’t make heals, etc any ‘better’. So the only ‘benefit’ to having more arts use the skill is for skill ups.

    1. What exactly does Ordination do?

      Ordination is the skill used by all Spells that Protect, whether Self, Friend or Pet. This skill is of particular importance to Priests, Mages and Bards.
      “This is how well you use spells that augment your friends and weaken your enemies.” This skill reduces the full-resist chance of debuffs and affects the power cost of spells that use this skill.


  4. group with a troubadour that is only running one song the song that increases ministration an ordination skill.then compare being grouped or having the song off and look at the power cost of menstration and/or nation skills you will notice that they cost less power the higher your ministration skill ordinations Skill.

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