17 thoughts on “Game Update 57 Notes


    We are updating, optimizing and standardizing every class spell visual in the game. AA and Entertainment spells are next on the list and will be revealed in a later game update.”

    That last bit worries me a bit. A lot of players base their characters around those fun spells. For me, it’s the Necromancer fun spell that gives the appearance of a smoky, ghostly form. I dress my character up in a black robe and cast it, and he looks fantastic! Very evil and menacing. It was changed once before to a bright, glowy ghost that ruined my Necro’s usual look. Thankfully it was changed back thanks to the dev who dealt with the change reading player feedback. I’d hate to see it changed yet again to something completely underwhelming and unlike what we have now because it uses particles…

  2. There’s a bunch of odd minor changes here. For instance, replacing spells on your hotbar with higher level versions is a downgrade in many cases once you’re beyond 60. I’m also curious what’s going to happen to the legacy non-pristine crafted items that some people seem to be hanging onto from the old days. I guess some hapless customer may end up buying them now?

  3. I don’t even know what to think of the $C update at this point. It looks like most of it is more about standardizing things than anything else. Well and sticking Smee Bucks right in our face. 🙁

  4. Ranger fixes in 57.5? All I heard commitment to was a tweak in bow damage and a reevaluation once that has settled in. If I remember correctly this is the 3rd time bows will have been tweaked this expansion. This sounds like just another “string along” to make us think they are listening while they go on about their other business. Whatever that was this GU.

  5. Loot All is no longer required – it just auto-loots the item right into your pack. This change rocks. They don’t mention it above, but the horse/flying mount type change also works in Odus. Also, the research button is gone from the Persona/Character window, but /research still brings it up. The Paineel teleporter now auto-brings you to the Launch Pad instead of to the airship as well. Generally a bunch of small, but very nice changes.

  6. pretty much what was expectted and what they announced.
    This one is “the great “new player” patch” and tbh it seems they have delivered exactly what they said they would.
    Lets just hope they realise that advertising works just as well, if not better than that free-server they made. We all know EQ2 needs more new players.

  7. lol the big middle finger from rothgar…

    Keep in mind that your monthly subscription doesn’t guarantee game updates. The monthly subscription just covers the cost of you being able to connect to the game for a month. Every game update will not hold the same “value” for every person. Any updates that SOE provides throughout the year are free content. Its up to each person to decide if the game brings you $15 dollars per month of value based on current content. I would never suggest that you make assumptions about what will be released in future game updates.

    a little later.
    Have you looked at the GU57 Update Notes?

    even later.
    The update notes haven’t been posted because we are still checking in some last minute bug fixes and having QA sign off on the last build. Until that is done, the notes aren’t finalized. It has nothing to do with who is in charge of posting them. When Amnerys get’s the confirmation that the update is locked, the notes will be posted.

    Sadly, i think rothgar needs to stfu… This gu is shit, and hes just told every one they dont care what we think. Best part, this gu was still in QA last night. Nothing like another unpolished turd.

  8. Other than the continued effort to make shader 3 more optimised I don’t see what this GU even did other than any people, no one asked for any of the other stuff and anyone I’ve spoken to thinks it’s worse or have no opinion.

    Not to mention the worst most intrusive XP bar in the history of online games, I’d be surprised if people with small monitors can even see past it.

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