Here are your hotfix notes for September 1, 2010 after the break:
Month: August 2010
August 31, 2010 12:39 pm
The previously reported rumor of bonus XP has been officially confirmed on Those playing during Labor Day weekend will be enjoying Double XP: This coming weekend, from 10:00 am PDT on Friday, September 3rd, until 10:00 am PDT on Tuesday, September 7th, we will be running a true Double XP promotion (+100% XP). The bonus applies to AA, tradeskill and adventure experience gained this weekend. Our French, German, Japanese, Test and EQ2 Extended servers will also be enjoying the increase in XP gain. Happy adventuring!
If you’re familiar with the Battlefield of Ganak, the Capture-the-Flag arena for PvP/Battlegrounds, you’ll know that players have demonstrated an uncanny ability to collect the opposing team’s flag and then hide somewhere that the other team cannot reach. Various tools have been used, from in-game tinkered spring shoes, to 3rd party jump/hack/positioning software. There was a thread soliciting feedback on how the EQ2 team could solve this problem. Already, there is a Truancy system in place, where if enough players vote that a player has gone AFK simply to collect Battlegrounds tokens. So how could this new problem of...
August 28, 2010 1:47 pm
EQ2 Extended (Free-to-Play) may seem to be “set in stone”, but in fact, changes are still being made and considered during its Public Beta/Soft Launch. Of particular discussion have been the price of race packs and just how limiting the lack of broker access is on the Bronze level. A possibility is to sell races individually, and looking at other options for in-game economy.
What’s on Test this weekend? Here are just a few items: UI: The XP bar will now stay put between logins. UI: Designers of custom UIs can now set the XP bar to not “snap” to top/bottom. UI: The Character window has seen multiple improvements. UI: The Implied Target arrow now reflects the ‘con’ color of the enemy, and can have its opacity adjusted. Items: 2-handed Weapons and Ranged Weapons have had their damage ratings increased. Ranged weapons will also have a bit of a damage penalty in PvP to compensate. The Guardian class has had over 25 changes...
August 27, 2010 3:36 pm
Players have been advised about The Dangers of Buying Plat and/or Power Leveling services for a couple of years now, including the consequences such as compromised accounts. However this July, SOE became aware of a more insidious and direct attack upon the EQ2 playerbase. We’re talking about an Account Phishing Scam that encourages players to login to an official-looking website using their SOE Station credentials. Personal information including logins, passwords, e-mail addresses, account names, are logged and eventually used to strip characters and otherwise compromise accounts for plat and item distribution within the game. In the Account Fraud panel...
SmokeJumper dropped this hint in response to the question… *whistles innocently* Check back Monday’ish.
One aspect of the EverQuest 2 Live vs. EverQuest 2 Extended (Free-to-Play) debate has been how Station Access fits into the picture. Many Station Access players are using the account not to play multiple SOE games, but for the extra 5 character slots. With the “EQ2 Subscription Perks” announced by SmokeJumper for monthly, quarterly, and yearly subscriptions, designed to offset and contrast against the EQ2 Extended servers, Station Access players have been feeling left out. In a thread entitled “Station Access Accounts – No Multi-Month, No Extras, No Nothing“, SmokeJumper has hinted at some possible changes going forward.
As we posted earlier this week, players have been experiencing an issue with hotbar icons being replaced in random ways as they level. Abilities on hotbars have been replaced with different spells entirely, for instance a group heal being replaced by an apprentice combat spell. After the jump, the latest update on this frustrating bug.
SmokeJumper posted on the EQ2 Forums: Hey, folks, Just wanted to let you know that we recorded all the sessions at Fan Faire, transcribed all the questions, and the team leads have spent the last couple of days pouring over the lists and prioritizing them for action. We’ll be spending several weeks making fixes and changes based on the feedback we got there and then update the game with those fixes in mid-October. We’ll post the list of what’s changing much closer to when we launch so that we don’t accidentally overcommit, but we think you’ll be pleased with...
When you target another player (say your group’s tank, or the raid Main Assist) to channel your damage through, it is sometimes helpful to not only see the Target Arrow (who you have selected), but the Implied Target Arrow (the enemy which your target has chosen). This can be especially important for scouts. So players have asked for a way to customize or more easily distinguish the color and opacity of the Implied Target Arrow. Rothgar’s comments after the jump…
From Silius on the EQ2 Forums: Hello again, I just wanted to update everyone on the situation. We will be unable to get this fix live until Tuesday. Once again I am sorry for the inconvenience but I offer some assistance. If you are unable to get into the same instance please do the following: 1. Have your raid leader petition so their is only one petition generated for the raid. 2. Place the petition in the stuck character category. The CS team is aware of this issue and they will do their best to promptly assist by pulling...
August 26, 2010 2:01 am
The hits keep coming for GU57, and we don’t mean critical heals. Some quick updates on GU57 from the overnight dev responses all in one handy post…
Players on a variety of servers (in two different threads) have reported that yesterday’s change to how players reach the Palace of Roehn Theer, requiring each player to individually click on the zone-in, instead of a raidwide zone-in, is resulting in multiple separate instances. Currently there seems to be no fix, as even players who zone in one-at-a-time are still ending up in separate instances and must wait 30 minutes before their timers reset.
From the EQ2 Forums: This is a notification that UK worlds will be updated at 5:00 AM London Time on the 08/25/2010. The estimated downtime will be 2 hours. – SOE Operations team then… Runnyeye and Splitpaw are being kept offline a little longer while the team inspects an issue that has, well…several NPC’s seem to have forgotten to get dressed when they woke up from the downtime! /blush We apologize for their indecency and the fact that the servers will take a little longer to be brought back online. and then: I don’t have an official up time...
Remember when Player-vs-Player was the red-headed stepchild of EQ2? Remember when there wasn’t even a PvP developer, but instead those tasks were delegated to developers who already had a full workload? Fast forward to today and one of the areas of the game getting the most attention is the PvP side, including those issues that extend into Battlegrounds. So let’s go down the list of responses so far from PvP developer Olihin…
Players on standard EQ2 accounts with more than 7 characters in a region, or players on Station Access accounts with more than 12 characters in a region were locked out of accessing these “hidden” characters with a change in Game Update 57. Although intended to close an exploit, the primary motivation for this change has been to protect the monetization of character slots, which are for sale on EQ2 Extended servers. Note: This change has been rolled back as of Tuesday, August 24th, to allow players to “get their house in order”. On Tuesday, August 31st, players who have...
If you haven’t read the Game Update 57 Feedback thread, it’s a real eye-opener, let me tell you. I have always seen players who manage find a silver lining in every cloud, and always find something good in each Game Update, even the relatively content-light Game Update 54 “bug stomp” from last fall. However I have never seen such universal negativity as that directed towards Game Update 57. Players have overwhelmingly expressed their distaste for many policy initiatives included, and content excluded in GU57.
August 24, 2010 4:13 pm
One of the changes in today’s hotfix was that some Mastercrafted items now also show a Fabled or Legendary tag. Domino gives us further explanation.
August 24, 2010 9:58 am
EQ2 Lead Designer Rich Waters is seeking player feedback on why players stick with Exile despite the huge disadvantages. He posed the question: Exiles were definitely a side-effect of the betrayal quest, and not an intentional feature. Some support was given to them in the past, but I wouldn’t plan on anything new. Other than a wider deity choice, what motivates players to stay as exiles on the PVE servers?
August 24, 2010 9:51 am
From Xelgad on the EQ2 Forums: As a quick update, internally, we have changed Crane Twirl to grant a total of 20% AE Auto-Attack in addition to the proc it currently grants.
On Thursday evening, a player logged in to discover that one of their gameplay-acquired mounts, a War-Barded Black Cavalry Horse, had unattuned itself. This led to the discovery that a variety of in-game mounts had vanished from the in-game Stable Merchants, only to be found later on the StationCash Marketplace for a cost of 1250SC ($12.50). Other mounts included the Two-Toned Warg , and the black-saddled Blue Flame Nightmare.
Hotfix notes for Tuesday, August 24, 2010 after the jump:
Although there are no update notes or official announcement just yet, numerous forum posts from EQ2 devs have indicated that a Hotfix is expected on Tuesday to correct some issues caused by Game Update 57. We’ll keep you posted as these notes become available.
This is reprinted from the original article which seems to have gone missing. Greetings, Norrathians! We are thrilled to make the highly-anticipated announcement of the winners of our Notable Norrathians Forum Challenge! It was not easy to choose just ten out of the amazing entries we received. The talent and creativty displayed were truly wonderful and there’s a certiain very-jealous dark elf in the office right now! We’d like to thank everyone who submitted an entry (the dark elf made note that she’s saving a few for her own desktop wallpaper) and we invite everyone who didn’t win...