From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Changed the time between changing your last name from 7 days to 15 minutes. Fixed the /namingpolicy command to show the proper webpage. Language You can now enable multi language fonts on your client. Open options, and go to User Interface, Game Windows, Multi Language Fonts. NOTE: you will need to restart your client for the changes to take effect. Doing this will switch the default fonts to ones that support multiple languages like Russian and Japanese. You can now enable or disable your cl_allow_ime setting in your eq2.ini file. Currently, only players wishing...
The Norrathian Spotlight is an opportunity for the EQ2 Community to recognize one player per month who contributes to the player community in some measurable way. The last official nomination was in January 2015 when I was featured. I’m overjoyed to announce that fellow EQ2 players take up the mantle of identifying one player per month and interviewing them about how they make Norrath just a little bit better for everyone else. From Suka on the EQ2 Forums: Hi everyone. Starting this month, we will try to spotlight one person a month who contributes to our experience in Norrath....
From the EQ2 Forums: Hey all, We’ve combined the results from Stormhold and Deathtoll for the March TLE vote, and players have chosen to unlock Echoes of Faydwer content on our Time-Locked Expansion server! Echoes of Faydwer content is scheduled to unlock on Stormhold on Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 12PM (NOON) PDT.
According to a Friday Press Release from Daybreak Games, the company has hired Larry LaPierre, a 14-year veteran of Electronic Arts and former Zynga general manager as well as Chris Wynn, senior director at BioWare, EA Sports, and a lead producer of Microsoft‘s Gears of War series. Both referred to H1Z1 as Daybreak’s “newest franchise” but did not reference other Daybreak games. The gaming industry is small and its people tend to hop from company to company. As anyone familiar with the gaming industry knows, EA and Zynga both have a tarnished reputation. EA was nominated Worst Company in America in...
We have received reports that Daybreak Customer Service is in the process of migrating from SOE’s rickety ticket system to a modern off-the-shelf solution called Zendesk. On the surface this appears to be good news, however there have been some growing pains in the process. Players have reported being unable to check the status of their own tickets, instead receiving a “Ooops, that page does not seem to exist” error. Others have been locked out of the site with automatic IP bans due to some kind of false positive. Also we’ve received reports that customer tickets have been automatically closed...
Bristlebane Day is back! From Friday, March 25th through Thursday, April 7th, enjoy one new quest, a new collection, more merchant goodies and perfectly serious items to craft, as well as content from previous years. On Friday, April 1st we’ll celebrate The Highest of Silly Days in the Enchanted Lands with our good friend Imenand. Niami has posted pictures of the new recipe and merchant items over on EQ2 Traders. TLE servers will have a special Bristlebane Day themed merchant, a Gigglegibber goblin, in both Freeport and Qeynos. Guide Sections: Achievement List Quest List New Content Returning Content Too...
From Content & Social Media Manager Dexella: On Thursday, April 28, EverQuest II will be launching GU 100! This members-only content, designed for highest-level players, will include new zones, content, features, and items. Today, we’re going to journey into the first new zone: Zek, the Scourge Wastes! From EQ2 Senior Designer Nathan “Kaitheel” McCall on and the EQ2 Forums: Ravaged by the horrors of war, the vast majority of the island of Zek has been unsuitable for habitation by anyone, ever since the Deathfist clan of orcs took control of the entirety of the island. They reduced the once-sprawling Jaggedpine Forest to...
It seems the difference in Daylight Savings Time between the US (which started DST on March 13) and the rest of the Western World (which starts on March 27) has thrown off the calculations in the official announcement, but we’ve got the correct times above. We have update notes as of 8:37am PDT: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Maldura: Forge of Ashes [Raid] Adds in the Captains encounter should now despawn when the respective captain is defeated. ITEMS Animate Core, Obsidian Earrings, Magma Rune and Molten Shard will now correctly add to the Terror of Thalumbra item set. Corrected a...
The monthly Moonlight Enchantments event begins tonight! The grottos open up on the 20th at 12:01am PT and close on the 21st at 11:59pm PT. The time applies directly with no conversion for all servers. Grotto Zone & Location Collection Quest(s) Brownie Darklight Wood /loc 14, -32, -238 Tree Bark Festive Flowers Strong Brew Root Beer Zygomyd Nektulos Forest /loc -363, 0.42, -682 Mushroom Spores Earthly Tasks Comforting Confections Naiad Enchanted Lands /loc -278, 5, 18 Naiad Scales Naiad Aid Dryad Antonica /loc -696, -4, 621 Dryad Leaves Pollution Problem Fay Greater Faydark /loc -132, -44, -771 Flower Petals...
Yesterday’s EverQuest II Spring Update Livestream is now viewable on YouTube. You can learn about Zek, The Scourged Wastes, the new Signature quest, the three heroic instances, and the x4 raid zone all coming on April 28th. From the EverQuest II YouTube channel:
From the EQ2 Forums: If you were tuned in to the livestream, you just heard some HUGE news about upcoming updates to EverQuest II! Well, we’ve got even more good news coming your way… this week is another BONUS WEEK in Norrath! What does that mean? From 12:00PM PDT on Tuesday, March 15 through 12:00PM PDT on Tuesday, March 22, the following will be available: DOUBLE XP (Adventure, Tradeskill, and AA) for Members 25% Off Sale On Consumables/Experience items and all “Services” items in the Marketplace 2 for 1 Heroic Character Bundles for 5000 DBC* *Please note: Heroic Characters cannot be used...
We liveblogged today’s EverQuest II Spring Update Livestream on Twitch… EQ/EQ2/Landmark Executive Producer Holly “Windstalker” Longdale, Lead Designer Kyle “Kander” Vallee, Senior Designer Carlos “Gninja” Mora, Senior Designer Chris “Chrol” Garlick, Designer/Systems Robert “Caith” Fouts, and Community Manager Ry “Roshen” Schuller presented a livestream today. The new Spring Update — Game Update 100 (what happened to GU72?), becomes available to All Access subscribers on Thursday, April 28th. You’ll need membership to play any of the content and to use the items. Beta starts April 4th. The content starts in a version of the overland Zek known as Zek — the...
EverQuest II has tweeted a reminder that the Spring Update Livestream will be going live in about 45 minutes. We will be liveblogging the event. Our spring update livestream starts in about an hour! Will YOU join us at 11AM PDT today? — EverQuest II (@everquestii) March 15, 2016
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Thalumbra All collectibles within the Glittervein Mines should be reachable now. Icy Keep Retribution The Icy Sledge is no longer Appearance only, and can once again break past the ice barrier. ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Reduced the damage Devastation of War deals to named heroic encounters. ITEMS “Aura of Immolation” no longer resets the ability “Transfer Contagion” or “Divert Breach”. Spiked Dragonscale Aegis and Draconic Deflector shields have had block chance added to them. Corrected stats on the Dwarven ringmail Tunic.
As you have by now heard, EverQuest Next has been cancelled, and the great purge is underway to remove all trace of the product from Daybreak’s official channels and websites. and the EQNext YouTube channel have been cleared out. Next up is the EQ Worlds App for iOS and Android. The EQ Worlds app is not something I ever featured or talked about here on EQ2Wire, and perhaps that was an error on my part. I objected to the glitchiness that players reported when they first used the app at SOE Live 2013, and I was less than enthusiastic...
From the EQ2 Forums: Our next stream is Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 11AM Pacific Time* and we would like to invite YOU to join us at During this stream, the EQ2 team will share highlights from the spring game update that Holly mentioned in her producer’s letter here. We look forward to hanging out with you on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, and sharing the details from our big game update with you!
It seems that after a decade of development effort (2006-2016), including four separate reboots, all financed largely by the success of EverQuest and EverQuest II, which had been increasingly strangled for resources, development on EverQuest Next has once and for all been cancelled. This comes as little shock to us at EQ2Wire as there has been almost nothing revealed about the game since the smoke-and-mirrors PvP presentation at SOE Live 2014. Further, all discussion of EverQuest Next had been banned from the official EQN forums for almost a year now (as RadarX pointed out to me, it’s now allowed...
Introduced as an addon feature fourteen months after the game’s launch, Player vs Player combat in EverQuest II has always had an identity crisis. In spring 2006, open-world PvP was bolted onto EverQuest II’s core game through the introduction of several open world PvP or “red” servers — Darathar (UK), Talendor (DE), Gorenaire (FR), Venekor (US RP), Vox (US), and of course Nagafen (US). In 2009, the population of Venekor, a RP PvP server, was merged with Nagafen. With the collapse of LiveGamer player auctions in 2011, Nagafen absorbed the Vox population. Despite significant and later sporadic development effort to...
From the EQ2 Forums: US & EU EverQuest II Live Servers will be brought offline on Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 7:00AM PST* for an update. Estimated downtime is approximately one hour. From Caith on the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Halls of Seeing [Raid] The Enforcer of Captivity is once again epic x4. Maldura: Forge of Ashes [Raid] The Forge Golem should now spawn correctly when getting a flawless kill on Cronnin/Dellmun, Kiernun, Bereth, Htardlem/Amzzem/Uigirf, and one of the Captains. The Forge Golem has had new items added as an additional drop to his loot table. Bereth...
From the EQ2 Forums: Attention players: we will perform a general maintenance beginning at 5:00AM PST* on Tuesday, March 8th. The amount of downtime may vary, depending on the service. If the downtime extends beyond four hours, we will update this thread. This maintenance may impact the following Daybreak services across all games: Game logins for all Daybreak games Forum & Web logins for all Daybreak games Commerce and account management for all Daybreak games PLEASE NOTE: This is not a game-specific maintenance. There will be no update or patch notes. Thank you for your patience as we complete...
Event season is in full swing and next up is Brewday! This year the event will begin at 12:01am PT on Thursday, March 3rd and conclude 11:59pm PT on Wednesday, March 17th. There are new merchant items, one new collection, and a new tradeskill book this year, in addition to previous content. Niami has posted pictures of the new recipe and merchant items over on EQ2 Traders. The TLE servers will have a special Brewday themed merchant, a boozy celebrator, in both Freeport and Qeynos. Guide Sections: Bar of Brell Locations Achievement List Quest List New Content Returning Content...
Roshen has posted an EU server consolidation FAQ on the EQ2 forums. It also mentions the RU servers merging into Splitpaw, and Sebilis merging into Antonia Bayle. EverQuest II is best with friends! Over the course of the next few months, we’ll be bringing players from our EU servers together. We’ll be consolidating servers, as we did with the US servers last year. We want to wrap this up this spring, and this is the time frame we’re currently working towards: Russian servers (Barren Sky and Harla Dar) are scheduled to be merged with Splitpaw on Thursday, March 31,...
From the EQ2 forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Laboratory of Lord Vyemm The Uncaged Alzid’s adds are now heroic. Ancient Bound Abominations are now x2 instead of x3. Reduced the damage of Lord Vyemm’s Scream of Chaos. Deathtoll Tarinax’s Adds are now heroic. Halls of Seeing Enforcers of Captivity adds are now heroic. Mistbound sentry adds are now heroic. Mistbound vindicator adds are now x2 instead of x3. Lyceum of Abhorrence Gnillaw the Demented’s linked adds are now x2 instead of x3. Gnorbl the Playful’s linked adds are now heroic. Maldura: Forge of Ashes [Raid] Corrected an issue that...
It’s time to stock up on blue marble – the Neriak City Festival returns to Darklight Wood from March 1-7! Spend City Tokens on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink. Make sure all your characters have finished the Neriak Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 89 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Fearless Flyer title. WHEN: 12:01am PT on March 1st – 11:59pm PT on March 7th WHERE: Darklight Wood, outside Neriak, /loc -554, -53, -74 QUESTS: Special Delivery, Special Order Crafting,...
From EQ2 Lead Designer Kyle “Kander” Vallee on the EQ2 Forums: Hello everyone, I wanted to take a moment to tell you exactly what is going on with the TLE servers. Itemization We’re done with global adjustments to Kingdom of Sky loot. We know that some items simply do not measure up, and we are absolutely fixing/adjusting these on a case by case basis as we find them (such as the Gnorble earring brought to our attention today). In this time, we have done a thorough pass on Echoes of Faydwer loot to assure the progression is significantly better...