From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL [WEEKLY FEATURE – Ed.] All Access Members can now access the Broker almost anywhere. In the EQII menu, select the “Broker” option, or use the /start_broker_anywhere command. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion [Contested] Grulk’s Toxic Submission no longer drains noxious resistance, but instead causes Poisoned Marrow to inflict greater damage. ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Summoner Minions Translocation can no longer be cast while under the effects of Carnage Shield. ITEMS Totem of the Succulent may now only trigger once a second and has increased damage and healing. BATTLEGROUNDS Balance of Theer...
Year: 2014
Wow has it been 3 weeks since SOE Live 2014? I’m hopelessly behind on getting all my post-con stuff done, but Dellmon and Osgz have saddled up and recorded another episode of the best (wait, isn’t it the only?) EQ2 podcast! From EQ2Talk: Episode #77 – What Happens in Vegas recorded on Aug 30 Dellmon and Osgz’s lives are finally returning to normal after SOE Live 2014. With Dell’s on the ground experiences and Oz’s perspectives via Twitch, there is much to discuss. From zombie prom to tournament play to Fippy and a schwag bag, your EQ2 Talk hosts...
If you’ve never heard of Extra Credits, it’s a semi-weekly show by game designer James Portnow and animator/narrator Daniel Floyd, with various guest artists providing the sometimes comical artwork. The series of videos discuss issues pertinent to video games and game studies, particularly discussing issues concerning video game development, addressing the legitimacy of video games as art, and creating intellectual discourse on important issues in gaming culture. We try to watch it every week, and we have a sneaking suspicion the EQNext and Landmark teams do as well, as a lot of the concepts they talk about are raised on the...
EQ2Wire will be liveblogging EQ2 Insider Episode #4, which as it turns out will be Maggie “Luperza” Krohn‘s last episode as she has taken a position at You can watch EverQuest II Insider #4 at Twitch right now. This was a live blog of today’s EQ2 Insider Episode #4. Talking about SOE Live and how positive and fun it was. Talking about updates later this year. Kander encouraging people to play Altar of Malice beta as players will earn very nice rewards on Live for their efforts on Beta. Nathan (Kaitheel) will be talking today about Altar of Malice...
As long last we’ve resumed posting videos recorded from SOE Live 2014. After this, we’ve still got the EQ2 Art & Animation panel, as well as three player panels and the Player Studio panel. Oy vey! This was the last panel at SOE Live 2014 for EverQuest II — Questions & Answers #2. Due to room acoustics, this recording took an inordinate amount of time to edit and normalize. Fortunately, Audio quality improves around the 3 minute mark when questions begin.
Forgive us if we have whiplash, as for the third time this year, EverQuest II has been assigned a new community manager. From Maggie “Luperza” Krohn on the EQ2 Forums: Norrathians, We’ve had a short but sweet journey together. Although I’ve been a player in this community for a long time, it’s been wonderful being your Community Manager for the last few months. I am proud of the contributions we have made together in this community, and remain inspired by the passion you all bring to the game with your feedback. We created a new web show series, EverQuest II...
From the EQ2 Forums: PvP / BATTLEGROUNDS All pvp rewards have been doubled. Balance of Theer will no longer grant victory points while dead. Because the EQ2 devs don’t want us doing this…
From the EQ2 Forums: WEEKLY FEATURE Balance of Theer [PvP] battleground! A 6v6 deathmatch zone that is set on Roehn Theer’s platform. GENERAL Options to invite a guild member to a party, a raid, or gossip with them via tells about that healer that keeps forgetting to cure detrimentals are now available via the context menu in the Members list of the Guild window. Resolved an issue where certain wards did not properly display the amount of damage warded in the effects list of their description tooltips and examine windows. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION The Fabled Deathtoll Several minor...
There was a time when SOE kept this kind of information under their hats, but for the last six months, the Player Studio folks have been posting top 10 lists of the most popular items purchased in the EverQuest II Marketplace. What I like about Player Studio is, players get to design things and see them added to their favorite game, while other players get to give feedback to those players and ask for which items they want next! There’s a forum just for Player Studio designers to collaborate and help each other to solve problems and get items up...
From Holly “Windstalker” Longdale on the EQ2 Forums: Greetings Norrathians, We’re all charged up and busy after a great time at SOE Live! The team is hunkered down and focused on the expansion, fixes, and updates on the schedule. Here are some details! When is the EverQuest II: Altar of Malice Beta? On Oct. 7 we will launch Limited Beta for All Access members. Most of the content will be focused on the Overlands and level increase content. We need your support! Oct. 14 will be Open Beta for everyone. We’d love you to come check out the content and help...
From the EQ2 Forums: EVERYONE can enjoy double status this weekend from Friday, September 5th, 2014 at 12:00 PM Noon PDT, until Sunday, September 7th, 2014 at 11:59 PM PDT! Don’t forget to send us screenshots of your adventures on the forums, Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus! *This event doubles the base status earned by defeating encounters, or rewarded from quests. Guild status is rewarded from that base amount, so yes it is in effect doubled.
I think these days, most players don’t consider their characters complete, competitive, or at least capable until they have upgraded a significant number of their combat arts or spells to Master level. It was not always so… Are We Entitled to Masters? It may be hard to remember, but there was a time before the Research tab and before Research Assistants when the only way to get Master spells was to defeat enemies. At launch, Masters were unbelievably rare and only dropped from Epic names. Over the years, they have trickled down to Epic trash, then to Heroic bosses. At...
It seems like every year, I sit down to write a post-mortem on SOE Live, and every year I get about halfway through it, realize I’ve probably said too much, or what I say will be interpreted as an attack on SOE, and so I give up. I’ve rewritten and almost deleted this a dozen times in the last two weeks, but at this point, I feel like I should post SOMETHING. Leaving Las Vegas So the panels are long since done, the computers have been neatly packed away, the last goodbyes have been said, and I’m once again...
As recently as this morning, episode #4 of the popular EQ2 Insider livecast was still on track for tomorrow, however it looks like it’s been bumped to next Wednesday. From the EQ2 Forums: BTW! This is now scheduled for 9/10/2014.
Time for our Tuesday Wednesday update notes from the EQ2 Forums. If you were following EQ2Wire, you already filled every slot of your bank with 2 copper shinies to sell for status. For everyone else — this is why you can’t find cheap shinies on the broker… WEEKLY FEATURE Collection items and adornments now sell for status to specific status merchants! POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Temple of Veeshan: Guardian’s Edifice Members of the Aerakyn Commanders ring event have had their health lowered.
From Holly “Windstalker” Longdale’s twitter: We will go over our planned Beta dates and more on #EQ2 Insider tomorrow! Also, you can sell shinies for status after the Wednesday update! — Holly Longdale (@WindstalkerEQ2) September 2, 2014 UPDATE: EQ2Insider #4 has been bumped to September 10th.
Holly “Windstalker” Longdale has stepped up and taken a bullet for Finance with these posts on the EQ2 Forums: Just so there’s no confusion or suggestion there’s a bug, a few prices have changed on SC items. Very few. About 6 items. We felt that doing that at the same time as the sale might be helpful for members, at least, who choose to purchase those few items. This week prices that changed are on purchases that you can obtain or use in-game in other ways (like merc slots and revive). As a few people have pointed out, we...
UPDATE: EQ2 Producer Holly “Windstalker” Longdale has addressed today’s price increases on six (out of over 2,700) Marketplace items here. Original op-ed follows: It is no secret that EverQuest II, EverQuest, DC Universe Online, and PlanetSide 2 are funding the freewheeling development costs of EverQuest Next and Landmark. Existing properties funding future development is standard procedure in the video game industry. It’s also no secret that the current incarnation of EverQuest Next is actually SOE’s fourth attempt to launch the product, with nearly 5 years of development effort being left by the wayside. What is a surprise is that,...
From the EQ2 Forums: This weekend, SOE will be officially wrapping up summer with some great savings for All Access members! All Access membership offers great value like in-game perks, a claimable monthly 500 SC reward, and 10% off in-game Marketplace items. But this weekend, we’re going to crank the Marketplace discount from 10% to 25% off! From Friday, August 29th at 10AM PDT to Tuesday, Sept. 2nd at 10AM PDT, members will get a 25% discount on in-game Marketplace purchases*! The discount is only available in Marketplaces for games currently part of the All Access program. Excludes Landmark...
From the EQ2 Forums: ITEMS [eq2u]Cozen Ethereal Hood[/eq2u] and [eq2u]Cozen Ethereal Shroud[/eq2u] are now lore. Corrected an issue that was preventing some players from consuming their [eq2u]Cozen Hood[/eq2u] patterns. Subversive Acts will now persist through death. Weapons obtained within The Fabled Deathtoll henceforth will be more amazing than weapons obtained previously within The Fabled Deathtoll. and an important update about the Cozen hoods from Gninja: This effect is intended to not stack with the steward’s cloak. It is a replacement for the cloak so you do not have to equip it any longer. We have no plans to make...
Recently, EQ2Wire was contacted by the folks at GuildLaunch, a guild hosting platform with over 3.5 million registered players on over 500 supported games including EverQuest II. GuildLaunch offers free guild hosting, while its subscription plans grant full site customization and theming, advanced DKP, attendance tracking, and much more. You can see their feature comparison guide on their site. The Contest! GuildLaunch were nice enough to give us five promo codes to give away which are good for 1 year of GuildLaunch Prime subscription (normally $7/mo or $84/yr). We’re going to hook up 5 guilds with pretty much everything they will need to manage their...
EQ2 Programmer Maevianiu has been working over the last few months on some significant performance tweaks to the EQ2 client and server, including at least one change that touched 10 year old code. As a part-time semi-amateur coder, that scares me deeply. So I’m gonna say it’s uberimportant that players login to Beta and test everything out to make sure these changes don’t impact any existing systems. It won’t just be a testing session though as it looks like there’s going to be quite a turnout of EQ2 devs on the Beta server today! From Maevianiu: We have our first...
Because sleep is overrated, EQ2 fan Afista spent the weekend meticulously transcribing the two EverQuest II Q&A panels and has posted them on EQ2 ZAM. Also don’t miss the notes from the all-important Mechanics panel posted by Cyliena as linked below. I got a kick out of hanging out with both of them at SOE Live and seeing what they’re doing for the EQ2 community. I’m starting to feel like a bit of a slacker now… 😉 At SOE Live 2014, the community had questions and the devs had answers! ZAM was there to keep track of what everyone wanted to know. Afista has written a...
From the EQ2 Forums: WEEKLY FEATURE Vesspyr Isles: Pinch Aggregate, the Rare Item Procurer, now offers wares in a secluded location. QUESTS Fixed a bug where the Shinies Beneath the Moonlight automatically awarded even if someone didn’t complete the proper collections. Blaisy Bookmaker and Unlucky in High Keep Contested, and Dawper in the Fabled Sanctum of the Scaleborn will no longer temporarily disappear after you’ve completed Dawper’s mission, “Blasted Droags!” ITEMS One player cannot trigger both Practiced Tactics and Practiced Tactics II. The effects will stack when applied from multiple casters. [Fixed on 5/16/2014] Players may now obtain over...
In the EverQuest II: Systems panel, the EverQuest II team talks about the upcoming expansion, specifically class balance, mechanics, some new features, and takes player questions. On the panel: Akil “Lyndro” Hooper, Kyle “Kander” Vallee, Michael “Xelgad” Ganz, Robert “Caith” Fouts, Dave “Maevianiu” Kish, Douglas “Endymion” VanDerveer, and Justin “Jamiss” Michael. We recorded this at SOE Live 2014 in Las Vegas and are happy to be able to share it. On YouTube: