7 thoughts on “Update Notes: Tuesday, August 26, 2014

  1. Vesspyr Isles: Pinch Aggregate, the Rare Item Procurer, now offers wares in a secluded location.

    I’m guessing this is the heroic loot merchant mentioned at SOE Live who will be selling the rare jewelry drops from ToV zones for beaucoup Etmyas.

      1. The Npc Pinch Aggregate, the Rare Item Procurer can be found
        at loc ( -220 , 217 , 131 ) on Daarspire isle.
        250m away from the druid ring, head North / North east
        Also a guard could give you it exact location.

        [eq2u]Chest of Glory[/eq2u] cost is abut 50 etyma + 5pp.

        \aITEM 918672054 -411596441:Chest of Glory\/a

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