6 thoughts on “EQ2 ZAM: Transcripts of both EQ2 Q&A panels & Mechanics from SOE Live 2014

  1. Thanks for posting this. I was not aware that the new race was going to be sold separately from the expansion. That’s a bit disappointing to hear. They were interesting looking, but I’m not sure that it’s worth dropping (most likely) 20 dollars for the one character I’d probably make.

    Oh well.

    1. If you remember they did freeblood the same way and after some push back they added the option to those who were at the time gold members.I think free to play members still have to buy that race if I am not mistaken.

  2. I applaud their effort in transcribing the AMAA panels. But I also noticed that they missed the question I asked at the AMAA on Sunday. I thought it was an interesting question so I’ll post it here.

    Q: The maintained spells window is getting full again. Any thoughts?
    A: We are planning to give you the ability to hide specific maintained spells.

  3. “A: (Caith) No. We don’t have plans for that. Crafting impacts the economy and people spend hours doing it.”

    Ha! The economy has been damaged beyond repair for years now. Not like it’s going to make a huge difference.

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