48 thoughts on “Upcoming Webcast — Thursday, November 10, 2011 “Very Exciting News for EverQuest II”

  1. The community team did a test broadcast last night (though it was a Justin TV link but seems to be the exact same channel since I’m logged in at the new link) and it was a LOT better than Stickam. I was actually able to watch the video and listen to the audio at the same time! *gasp* 🙂 Video quality didn’t seem quite as good but it wasn’t horrible either.

  2. I asked them why they weren’t using twitch or something besides stickam and they fed me some legal BS reason as to why. I’m glad they decided to move to something obviously superior.

  3. “Very Exciting News for EverQuest II”

    OMG they are actually going to start opening their purse strings and spend money on tv marketing like wow did…….then reality set in…must have been in fantasy land.

  4. :::Spoiler:::

    The Thursday SURPRISE ANNOUNCEMENT will be, “Greetings, fellow Norrathians. We have finally come to the determination that Smokeblower is completely worthless and has been fired as of today. Happy 7th Birthday, Everquest 2!”

    Didn’t mean to spoil it but… well… Good news is hard to keep under wraps!

    On a more serious note… I can’t think of ANYTHING that would be “very exciting news” with this game anymore 🙁

  5. And Again… I’ve noticed EQ2 on the mainstream. heard about this exciting announcement thought for sure someone here would be in the know.

    The only thing that could be “Very Exciting” would be a complete F2P conversion.

    I called it last time, but didn’t know it was limited to one new server. This time it will be all servers, and personally, it’ll be the best thing to happen to this game in a long time.

    Still not interested but still think it would be best thing for the game.

  6. Video opens with Smokeblower in a black hood with some EQ2 fanatics dressed in appropriate garb. They present Sony their demands- free Norrath from tyranny of the stat changes and reitemization and return the game to what it once was. But you can still give us Beastlords. Or we’ll have the troll chop off Smokeblower’s head. Meanwhile we’ll torture him with repetitive questions about crit mechanics and class balancing. Or else!

  7. Beastlord CAN NOW TAME 51 PETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2 hour event with a 1 hr preview of that extra pet and a after review of that 1 pet event.


    We will Have another DOUBLE xp Weekend ! and !!!!!! free in game colonoscopies.

  8. “At least one commenter above is right.”

    You got some inside info your holding out on us Feldon? 🙂 Or are you just that confident we will be receiving free in-game colonoscopies!

  9. Lets see this is my ‘suspecions of what it could be’ in no special order:

    AoD will be FREE along with Gu62, after all we did promise the LARGEST expansion ever


    All Eq2 servers will be F2P from dec 1st


    AoD pricing

    … not sure i can get excited about any of them

  10. I seriously hope its all servers will be merged in to a total of 3 servers. 1 Freeport 2 Qeynos and 3 a PVP server. and that this game is going 100% F2P with a LOTRO style F2P format. Smokeblower just continues to destroy this game and anger the players by him opening his mouth and constantly giving false or inaccurate information.

  11. Seriously, announcing all the servers are going to FTP would not suprise me in the least. It’s the only thing I can envision SJ presenting to the live servers as really exciting news. It seems to be the only thing he gets excited about.

    It’s probably nothing more than AoD pricing and info, with double station cash tossed in as a sweetener. Maybe a double exp weekend somewhere along the line, but that’s stretching it.

  12. The announcement will be that Skyrim is available for preload on Steam.

    That’s exciting to me.

    Seriously, I hope it is F2P going for all servers. Game is dying, and the bizarre tiered F2P structure is confusing.

    Most likely, it will be that AoD is considered to be GU62, and will not be a paid upgrade.

  13. OK, do i have this right, later today we’ll get the news correct?

    If it is F2P imagine how many people will return. Personally I have no intention or desire to play this game anymore. BUT… i know for a fact that if it’s free i will most certainly log in at some point and have a look around, visit my old toon’s, there’s absolutely no doubt i will. I must admit the thing that really intrigues me is that i might run into people i spent many a late night with years ago as well.

    Take all the people that do what i do, they will notice that there is a population again, there’s no doubt some will return, and you take someone like me who may pop in and out only to look around, that’s another body there in the game others will notice.

    When EQ2 went F2P i thought OK i could start over there and continue to play EQ2, but after the novelty of it’s free wore off, i was left with a feeling of I’d rather be on my 6 year old account, where all my memories, good times are and of course all the investment i had made over the years.

    So now i have two existences, a start up on F2P, and a 6 year investment on another server, this separation and the not knowing what they were going to do next, overall i went to Rift, and ultimately to WoW, leaving EQ2 in the dust (well there’s more to leaving EQ2 behind, not here to get into that).

    Overall I didn’t want to invest a load of time into F2P only to find out a year later that all servers are going F2P and i could in the end play on my original account. They lost me.

  14. from the marketing page http://everquest2.com/get_the_game/buy_now

    EverQuest II will transition to a “Free to Play” model concurrently with the launch of the Age of Discovery expansion pack. This means that all players will have access to EverQuest II through free and optional paid membership levels. All membership levels will provide players with access to game world content through the EverQuest II Sentinel’s Fate expansion. Platinum-level subscribers will also have access to the EverQuest II Destiny of Velious expansion. For all other players, the EverQuest II Destiny of Velious and EverQuest II Age of Discovery expansions may be purchased separately.

  15. Well i was right in not investing too much in the F2P “test” server after all as i wrote above.

    They should have just did this in the first place, man! this is going to be exciting time for all of you kinda wish i was still into EQ2.

  16. Since most people abhor PUGs…why are so many people so excited about just getting a bunch of new people on the servers now…for free?

    Still trying to figure out how “more people that I won’t group with and won’t group with me” equals “a more exciting game”.

  17. can someone explain thsi to me, does this mean I still get to pay 15$ a month because I am an end game raider yet ppl will get to my server for free?
    Because i always wanted freaking pets around norrath community service ftws!

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