17 thoughts on “Age of Discovery CE Item Screenshots from the F2P/AoD Livecast

  1. Honestly with the announcement of FtP going to the live servers (wasn’t surprised btw) this “expansion” should be dropped all together. You want to do DyOD, want to play as a Beastlord, want a trade skill apprentice, then put down some SC for each option. Why they are charging 40 bucks just makes me scratch my head for options that might not ever get used, those that don’t are essentially paying 40 dollars for more AAs. A full FtP model should just be their going forward people can really pay what they want into the game to get what they want out of it.

    With that said… God i hope it doesn’t get as nickel and dime as them charging for Raid zones or Instance zone additional content though it wouldn’t shock me (putting a separation between the raiding and instance player base). Every quarter GU will just end up being a 10 dollar fee to the player base so they can experience new content.

    Either way I’m just s spectator now… just makes me sad when I continue to see the game heading into the void. DoV unfortunately is SW-NGE in my eyes but i no longer am directly effected by it.

    Wish for the best, fear the worst…

  2. the game looks good but not sure $40 is a good price for the expatiation pack Ce. but since you can get it with station cash well that will be a different story. i do like that they are finally merging the two games into 1 the live and the free to play they should of done this when they were thinking of going to the free to play model at the beginning why did it take so long for them to do that? i just hope that they do this for the everquest game and do it right and not the two game like they did to this one. now that would be awesome. smoke jumper you listening tell the everquest 1 team to do a free to play mode. please?

  3. 20+ dollar race 40+ dollar class 30+ dollar mounts tradeskill rares being sold for SC I can’t wait to see what’s next… my guess is they just all out start selling zones and pretty much everything in the game like quests and raid gear for SC. Lets face it you all have proven you’ll buy anything these people put out and love it. No thanks my money is better spent on anything else like drugs and whores. It was a mistake coming back to this game for DoV more power to the people who stick with the game through all this though… you guys are really hardcore.

  4. This decision will potentially be the end of EQ2, simply due to the fact that they (SoE) refuses to advertise their products. They will earn next to 0 revenue with so few of their merchandise on the shelves. They will continue to add expansions and content and eventually NO ONE will notice… kinda like Vanguard

  5. What game changing items are on X market now? I logged in just to see the price of slots, additional races and classes. I didnt see anything game changing. Tracking pots, evac, and rez items mean nothing to me.

  6. immabigsukr said:

    20+ dollar race 40+ dollar class 30+ dollar mounts tradeskill rares being sold for SC I can’t wait to see what’s next… my guess is they just all out start selling zones and pretty much everything in the game like quests and raid gear for SC.

    If you are playing the game for free, you get to play SOME races and SOME classes. If you want to play other races or other classes, you have to unlock them. The unlocks are NOT $20 or $40. There is no evidence or even rumor out of SOE that they will ever charge for dungeons, quests, raid gear, etc.

    Basically, you’re talking out of your backside.

  7. B0lster said:

    This decision will potentially be the end of EQ2, simply due to the fact that they (SoE) refuses to advertise their products. They will earn next to 0 revenue with so few of their merchandise on the shelves.

    Retail is on its way out. I get everyting off Netflix or streaming through Pandora, or Amazon. GameStop makes most of their money off used games these days.

    It costs SOE *so much money* and they have to compromise so much on the digital download (which is all the Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand can get) to put retail boxes on the shelves and the only people who buy those boxes are EXISTING subscribers. It’s a massive waste of money.

    EQ2X was advertised quite a bit last year, but not in any publication that most of us read. It’s targeted towards people who *don’t* play MMOs.

  8. Originally posted by Odoni:

    Honestly with the announcement of FtP going to the live servers (wasn’t surprised btw) this “expansion” should be dropped all together. You want to do DyOD, want to play as a Beastlord, want a trade skill apprentice, then put down some SC for each option. Why they are charging 40 bucks just makes me scratch my head for options that might not ever get used, those that don’t are essentially paying 40 dollars for more AAs.

    I couldn’t agree with you more. Making this an “expansion” was foolish and generates hard feelings.

    These should have been features that are just added to the game every month or so and cost extra. Beastlords could have been $15 for an account unlock, or $20 for an account unlock for you and a friend.

    I would have given DYOD to everyone for 60 days and then require a one-time 1250SC unlock. Further, this would have allowed the EQ2 devs to give awards for the best player-made Dungeons:

    • Free ‘DYOD Unlock’ for your account.
    • Your player-made Dungeon gets added to the permanent EQ2 game.
    • You get a title ‘Master Designer’

    I think Reforging should have been just included in the GU.

    Mercenaries and TS Apprentices would be let’s say 500SC per character or 1250SC for the account.

    Or you can just pay $40 (4000SC) and get it all.

  9. Honestly, if this had included DoV, I would have bought it. Hell, I might have even bought the collector’s addition. As it is, it seems SOE either decided to try some false advertising, or suddenly changed their minds, and you now have to buy DOV and AOD separately, unlike previously expansions that included all before it. This was enough to drive me off from returning fully to the game.

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