8 thoughts on “EQ2 Panel #3 – Tradeskills and Housing

  1. Btw: Feldon…thank you SO much for doing this. After going last year and the timing making it impossible to go this year…you’re helping a lot! If we make it next year first round is my shout! 🙂

  2. Steve,
    Some of the changes are ones they had on the board last year, but MUCH of it is a complete redirect from what they’ve been doing. My comment to SJ next year is that MMO’s will be evolutionary until someone figures out how to make player designed content WORK…then the revolution begins.

    I’m impressed and excited for the devs. It looks like they may be getting to do some of the stuff they had ideas for. A bit less restriction on them and it’s amazing what they can do!

    Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are using EQ2 as a test bed for some of the ideas they may include in EQ-Next. The next year in game is going to be pretty dynamic…which means we’ll likely gain a lot of new players, and lose a lot of purists.

    Back to hanging for Feldon’s next few sentences. *lol* …

  3. I just want to know when they are going to get with the program and allow characters to actually use the furniture that we place in our houses. Such as sitting and laying down on beds. Why have this whole system for immersion but then we just have to stand next to a chair.

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