4 thoughts on “Dethdlr’s Adornment Calculator – Red Adorns

  1. Not quite sure why, but all the adornment guides seem to have forgotten the Rune: Destruction adorn.
    \aITEM 762859067 720734653:Rune: Destruction\/a

    1% flurry and 1% strikethrough that goes on forearms, shoulders, or hands.
    I believe it requires 10k Thurgadin faction to buy it.

  2. Can you confirm that it actually goes on shoulders and hands in game? If so, I’ll get it updated. It’s tough to keep all this stuff straight since some of the sites out there got the data from beta.

    Here is the item from the selector which shows the tooltip from Zam.

    And here is the in-game link: \aITEM 762859067 720734653:Rune: Destruction\/a


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