12 thoughts on “EQ2Wire’s Frequently Asked Questions ’bout Velious

  1. The seriously need to release pics of the “Everfrost Summer Home”

    I’m guessing there will be a bunch after the NDA is lifted, but still would be nice to help decide if I wanted Collector’s Edition.

    BTW, calling it “collector’s edition” is kind of dumb for an all-digital release. “Collector’s” traditionally like to have something physical to collect. Should just be Premium Edition or something.

  2. Indeed, it is pretty funny to call something a collector’s edition when there’s nothing to collect. But hey, SOE convinced people to pay the same price for digital cards that Magic the Gathering used to sell you physical cards for. And now we’ve come full circle, with a Magic the Gathering online game from SOE.

    I’d rather them just set up an SOE online store and sell maps, pewter figurines, T-shirts, etc. Just do it in a 2 week blowout so they don’t have to set up a permanent operation.

    The working theory is that the Everfrost Summer House will be based off the Miragul’s Managerie zone. But it seems an odd choice for a house imo.

  3. “Neither does renewing and cancelling your credit card every month. We’re not sure why people do this, but it does not count as an ‘account in good standing’.”

    Mainly because some people prefer being in control of wether or not to re-sub when the time comes. If one plays more than one mmo with a subscription it can be a pain to remember which ones to sub or un-sub from each month.

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