If you were hoping for the already overdue Pre-orders and Pricing information for EQ2’s twelfth expansion, I’m afraid Marketing is going to drag this out yet another two weeks until October 1st. Here’s today’s Producer’s Letter with what Holly “Windstalker” Longdale has been allowed to tease us with. We’ll be back with commentary. Maybe. Hail Norrathians! Our next expansion release is right around the corner! Yes, you heard me right – expansion! The team has been churning away and when we looked at the amount of content we created, we decided to call our next release an expansion rather than a campaign...
Month: September 2015
EQ/EQ2 Executive Producer Holly “Windstalker” Longdale tweeted late last night that we can expect a Producer’s Letter this morning at 10am PDT. Producer letters for #everquest and #eq2 coming tomorrow aboot (cdn) 10 am Pacific! — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) September 15, 2015 We can’t say with any certainty what the letter will contain, but we are rather overdue for the announcement of EverQuest II’s twelfth expansion. Typically, these are announced in July or August at the annual SOE Live event which is of course on hiatus this year. And yes, this fall’s update is going to be an expansion as EQ2 Lead...
September 15, 2015 9:17 am
A handful of players have been reporting an intermittent glitch with the Phantom Seas signature quest line, specifically at the Allu’thua Abduction subquest. The quest reaches a point where hailing the needed NPC no longer updates the quest. We’re unsure of how many people have experienced this issue. We did not find a Bug Report for it on the DGC Issue Tracker website. EQ2 designer extraordinaire Kaitheel has responded to the thread a couple of times and reports that the code side are looking into where the quest might be going awry.
September 15, 2015 12:11 am
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Phantom Seas The Rare Drop Merchant for Altar of Malice can now be found in the Phantom Seas! Precipice of Power [Raid] The stone adds in the Brell Serilis encounter should no longer kill pets unless directly attacking them. ITEMS Sturdy armor molds will no longer refuse to grant the quest for players that did not have enough city faction. The passive effect for Finsher III now grants potency, instead of offensive only potency. Commentary A merchant selling rare heroic drops from the previous expansion’s dungeons has been a late-summer mainstay...
The time has come for EQ2 players on the US servers being consolidated to pick their new server names. An in-game poll is being conducted to let players make this important decision. Crushbone/Oasis/Butcherblock denizens can choose from: Maj’Dul Poet’s Palace Shimmering Citadel Cleft of Rujark Scornfeather’s Roost Everfrost/Guk/Unrest denizens didn’t get a single one-word choice (what about Bonemire?): Halls of Fate Vault of El’Arad Sanctum of the Scaleborn Tenebrous Tangle Palace of the Awakened Freeport/Permafrost/Nagafen denizens got the most kickass choices by far: Veeshan’s Peak Chardok Kor-Sha Skyfire Protector’s Realm NOTE: Presumably, each account gets one vote per server....
Why are we reporting on a login server outage yesterday afternoon that’s already been resolved? Because communication on the forums was especially good this time around and we report good news too. Don’t worry though, the comments will make up for it. EQ/EQ2 Executive Producer Holly “Windstalker” Longdale and Community Manager Mepps (who normally tends the DCUO community) pitched in to keep players informed in a “Can’t Log in” forum thread, as well as on Facebook and Twitter. As a bonus, it was pointed out that the product specifications and marketing information for EverQuest II on the Steam Marketplace...
No notice of the downtime, but here’s today’s update notes: GENERAL Added guild leader voting commands for leaderless guilds: If you are a guild Officer, you may now use the command /initiate_guild_leader_vote to initiate the guild leader voting process if your guild does not currently have an active guild leader (no leader has not logged in within 60 days). Anytime during the voting process, if a leader logs in they can cancel the voting process using the command /cancel_guild_leader_vote. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION SilentCity: Delving Dead The door should once again allow entrance on non-TLE servers. Precipice of Power [Raid]...
For the last three years, Player Panels have added another perspective to the expected Developer-led panels at the annual Fan Faire SOE Live conventions. Last year, an EQ2 player named Katanallama presented a standing room only (including two EQ2 devs) panel which cracked the code of EQ2 Macros and Advanced Combat Tracker triggers. The concepts can go deep, but he presents it in a way that any EQ2 player can grasp. During the panel there was a ton of great information shared and useful questions asked and answered. This video has now been posted on Youtube. Katanallama also posted...
All day Saturday, Sunday, and Monday this Labor Day weekend, All Access customers will get to enjoy 100% Bonus XP on non-TLE servers. From the EQ2 Forums: This weekend is a great time to be an All Access member! Why? Because you’ll get DOUBLE XP (Adventure, Tradeskill, AA) all weekend long! The Double XP bonus will turn on at 12:01AM PDT on Saturday, September 5th and will last three full days. This means you have until 11:59PM PDT on Monday, September 7 to fill up those XP bars! The Double XP bonuses will be available for All Access members on all traditional servers. While...
From Kander on the EQ2 Forums: Altar of Malice Rare Drop Merchant! Coming soon! More info next week! Short and sweet. Not that Kander is short. Or sweet. Unless you mean the colloquialism “sweeeeeet”. He then added in another thread: Going to say it right now. It will not include the ethereal weapons. Those effects will be readily available in expansion 12 on a new item tier. More info super soon.
September 4, 2015 2:44 pm
From the EQ2 Forums: Greetings, intrepid Norrathians! After our hotfix next Tuesday morning, Sept. 8, the servers being consolidated will find a poll delivered through in-game mail with the top 5 appropriate name suggestions for their new servers. The vote will last 1 week until we hotfix again the following Tuesday, Sept. 15. The servers being consolidated will get their own naming polls based on themes assigned to them. We had a lot of great name suggestions that will be revealed Tuesday with the poll! Butcherblock, Crushbone, and Oasis servers will get their own Desert of Flames-themed naming poll....
September 1, 2015 8:34 am
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL TLE Servers The ‘Restore Items’ tab on the character window is now available. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Altar of Malice [Raid] Tserrina should once again cast her Malicious Shadows and Malicious Strife spells. Ritual Keeper V’derin should more reliably cast his Rain of Malice ability. Precipice of Power [Raid] Once spawned, avatars should now respawn if they sense they have not been defeated and reset for any reason. Teleporters to avatar islands no longer deactivate when an avatar is engaged. ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Summoner Flash Cast no longer references Empower Servant, as summoner...