5 thoughts on “Fixes: EQ2 Client Memory Usage, Pathing, AoE Double-Casting, Authenticators

  1. I was once taken aside by an IBM manager and advised that IBM computers dont catch fire they have Smoke Issues AND i should use this term when talking to our mutual clients.
    It seems SOE does not have memory leaks, just memory footprint issues.

  2. They’re saying it isn’t a memory leak because it probably isn’t a memory leak. There are multiple problems that can crop up with memory usage and though some will look alike it doesn’t mean they are, which also requires different fixes.

    It also could easily have taken some time to figure out why some people have the problem and others dont. Which requires making a fix that doesn’t screw over someone who doesn’t have the problem when you fix the people who do.

  3. memory leaks or not, my client is definitely crashing when it’s not prior to AoD.
    There are two possibilities, either memory leaks (which they say is not) or client is loading more stuff than it should (which i suspect it is)

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