5 thoughts on ““Power”-based Avatars Won’t Replace Regular DM Avatars

  1. You paragraph about the more flesh out “Character” was basically my feedback in conjunction with the other style. Having both and eventually “fleshing” both out with more spells/abilities is ideal in my mind.

  2. Pretty much everyone who as tried this new “Power” system overwhelming does not like it, so why is SOE continuing its development? It seems a waste of resources and time to continue to develop something that will not be used. They should scrap further effort here and concentrate on something else that is either more appealing or improve upon what is already in use. Seems like a waste to throw good money after bad resources.

  3. @Aethn

    Seems like its already been developed, so why not offer it as an alternative?

    Its not what the players wanted, but at least they listened to the feedback and adjusted, rather than just force the change down our throats.

    Kudos to SOE for making it an option.

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