7 thoughts on “August 30, 2011 Update Notes

  1. We really need them to show a list of which gear was ‘changed’ this time around because while it doesnt show except as a general thing, they SUPPOSEDLY fixed several thousand items …
    The reason we need a list, is so that we know when/if the item that is effed up for YOU .. have been ‘finally’ fixed or not, the headache on gear being used/attuned and then NOT fixed is just … exceptionally annoying

  2. Late Tuesday evening here in Yewrup, and no sign of a patch. My toons are still in the GHall, my Petitions go unanswered, and for the last four (or is it five?) days the game has been nearly unplayable.

    I don’t want a bloody Double XP Weekend. I want a Rollback, and some money back too.

  3. @Golur

    I don’t believe they have really ever done a rollback of anything super major and if they didn’t give us money back for the hack incident I doubt this is going to qualify.

    Though I definitely agree that it should work for you. Personally I think the double exp stuff has more to do with the holiday weekend in the US then much else though adding the double exp might be a gimmie for the pain.

  4. I had no problems at all with this patch.
    AA reset twice was a bit bad but i now my spec and its a thing of 5 minutes to spec again – no problem.
    My gear is still the same except the 1-2 year old stuff on some of my twinks – i laughed and transmuted it.
    The guildhalls where bugged? i tried to avoid ours but it worked fine all the time.
    It was fun trying not to use it. I can really life without these halls that destroyed the citys. I love crowded citys full of life 🙁

  5. Well they blew it again, I had 3 toons who logged in had several pieces of armor and jewelry in overflow even before asking if I wanted to unatoon. I guess those pieces got hit with another pass of whatever.

    Guild hall problem still not fixed for some, and the getting booted to character select while zoning is still an issue.

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