This just in from In honor of President’s Day, SOE is presenting special offers and events in many of our games, and you won’t want to miss out! Here’s a sneak peek at the offers you’ll find in your favorite games this weekend: EverQuest® II and EverQuest® II Extended: It’s a Bonus XP Weekend, from 10:00 am PST February 18th until the servers come down on February 22nd! Enjoy the bonus on adventure, tradeskill and AA experience!
Month: February 2011
In furtherance of that less-than-optimistic thread about Destiny of Velious, SgtPmpkn had this to say: Supposedly this content is already created, as the art/lore/mechanics/etc are mostly complete. Once the base Velious is released, they will tweaks any bugs that arise, but also then be testing the content for the next GU, which would be a larger amount of time, to test and tweak, if they already have the art assets and other items already done. To which SmokeJumper (EQ2’s Senior Producer) responded: Yup. That’s the plan. We didn’t want to release everything at once, or else we’d get the...
A decidely frumpy thread speculating about the positive aspects of the upcoming Destiny of Velious expansion entitled “So… Has anyone got anything good to say about Velious?” has drawn the attention of SmokeJumper who announced that the main Signature quest telling the storyline of Destiny of Velious was withheld from Beta to keep it a surprise: Much of this gets explained in the signature quest line. As usual, the sig line was not included in the beta test so that it would be new to everyone at launch. This is slightly risky from a QA perspective, but is traditional...
Destiny of Velious introduces Public Quests. These are interactive battles between NPCs that players can join in and receive a variety of rewards. Drawing inspiration from Warhammer (and possibly Rift, although we don’t know the creative timeline here), these are the opposite of Contested content because everyone who participates receives a reward. If your gear is really limited, then you can even click on NPCs and coordinate fighting with them and use their abilities instead. All those present and participating in the battle gain access to a Loot Chest which can contain a piece of armor commeasurate with the...
Your questions answered about the Destiny of Velious Flying Mount: The Flying Gryphon is a level 86+ solo adventure or tradeskill quest with a 5 day timesink. Cloud of Bats is a level 86+ solo quest available to Freeblood characters to allow flight as a swarm of bats. You do not need to Pre-Order or meet any special requirement to get the mount, just buy Destiny of Velious, complete the quest, do the 5 day training of your gryphon, and then presto you have a choice of 3 colors of Flying Gryphon. The options are Snow Gryphon, Highland Gryphon,...
If you are an EQ2X player with Bronze or Silver access (a Gold monthly subscription is roughly analygous to an EQ2 live subscription), and are thinking about buying Destiny of Velious, you may wish to read this excellent post by Claviarm on the EQ2 Extended Forums about some extra fees you may be on the hook for: So now that the NDA has been lifted, I just wanted to let all the bronze and silver players out there know ahead of time that Destiny of Velious may not be a wise purchase unless you also set aside some money...
From the EQ2 Forums: Attention Fan Faire Attendees and EverQuest II: Extended Platinum Members: We have some hot news that we think will make your day! You’re already slated to receive the EverQuest II: Destiny of Velious Digital Standard Edition on 2/22/11 as part of your EverQuest II: Extended Platinum Membership or Fan Faire 2010 attendance, but we understand that many of you wished to upgrade to the Digital Collector’s Edition of Destiny of Velious so you can enjoy the bonus items and content. Here’s the great news! It is now possible to pre-order the Digital Collector’s Edition and...
From Rothgar on the EQ2 Forums: Ok, we’re there! If you find any issues or problems, please report them here asap or message me in game. I’ll be in chat. and regarding Call of Guild Hall, at least ONE member of your guild will have to zone into the guild manually to reactivate it: Keep in mind there is a known issue with your Guild’s Call to Guild Hall spell. Someone will need to zone into your GH through the door in order to re-establish that you have the call amenity. Once that is done, everyone’s spell should work...
With the screen shot restriction lifting on registered EQ2 Fan Sites, we are now starting to see more updates out there on Destiny of Velious. One of the first to get updated was Niami’s wonderful EQ2Traders site, which already has screen shots of many of the new Destiny of Velious carpenter recipes. Check out her ever-evolving DoV preview, as well as the new Carpenter Items page.
Flying Mounts are truly one of the best parts of the upcoming Destiny of Velious expansion. Level 86+ Adventurers can travel to the Goahmari Camp and help a tiny enclave of goat people (no relation to the Gruegach of course). They need your assistance and training to defend against the Order of Rime’s incursions into their territory and they will reward you with no less than a flying gryffon hatchling. Once you have invested a few days training your dragon gryphon, you’ll be soaring across the skies in new and old locales. You are offered a choice of blue,...
EQ2Wire has just received special authorization to share screen shots with you taken during the Destiny of Velious Beta. We’re still waiting to find out about video. You may also start to see screen shots on other fan sites today as well. This is just happening so please bear with us. We would like to thank SOE for changing their mind on this issue. Fan Sites provide an opportunity for us to showcase parts of new expansions and we put a lot of effort into informing players. Thanks for your patience, everyone!
One of the most popular requests during each EverQuest II Expansion Betas is to see screen shots of the Alternate Advancement (AA) Trees. With the dropping of the Destiny of Velious NDA, we thought we’d waste no time and post this information immediately. NOTE: This information is from the Destiny of Velious Beta and thus is SUBJECT TO CHANGE. EQ2Wire AA Browser for Destiny of Velious
In-Game Calendar If you have longed to be able to organize Guild Events into an in-game Calendar, post a Raid Schedule, or get a reminder on which City will be visited next by the roving City Festival, you’ll be pleased to see the addition of a Calendar in Game Update 59. The calendar will be populated with Live Events, possibly Server Events posted by Community Managers, and also your Guild leadership will have the ability to add events (it’s gained a new permission under Guild Ranks). Ready Check! From the Update Notes: Raid Leaders can now initiate a ready-check...
How Many Points, Where Can I Spend? Destiny of Velious increases the number of AAs you can earn from 250 to 300 points, and adds an entirely new “Heroic” tree where additional AA points can be spent. The first row of 3 abilities in the Heroic tree are common to all 24 classes. You can raise your Main Stats, Ability Mod, Health/Power. You must first have spent 200 points in the other trees (Subclass, Class, and Shadows). The second row of 3 abilities in the Heroic tree are also common to all 24 classes. You can increase your Crit...
Big changes to Mechanics and Itemization have coincided with the last 2 expansions and Destiny of Velious is no exception. Today we delve into changes to: Procs (Item Effects) Adornments Critical Chance Critical Avoidance Primary Stats (Stamina, Intelligence, Agility, Wisdom, and Strength) Health Power Melee Range Multiattack Ability Mod
From Rothgar on the EQ2 Forums: The merge process is moving forward on schedule. There have been no issues so far and I’ll update again in the morning.
Calthine over at EQ2 ZAM has posted their Destiny of Velious Preview, sans screen shots.
Here is our list of dungeons and raid zones from Destiny of Velious and some difficulty indicators provided by developers updated with player feedback. Updated for Game Update 62. Destiny of Velious Solo Zones: Great Divide (86-90) Eastern Wastes (89-90) Crystalline Breaks (solo) Instanced Group Zones: Crystal Caverns: Collapse Tower of Frozen Shadow: Shadowed Corridors Tower of Frozen Shadow: Umbral Halls Tower of Frozen Shadow: Haunt of Syl’Tor Velketor’s Labyrinth: Forgotten Pools Velketor’s Labyrinth: The Ascent Velketor’s Labyrinth: The Fortress Spire Kael Drakkel: Iceshard Keep Kael Drakkel: Throne of Storms Kael Drakkel: Temple of Rallos Zek (EM) The Fortress...
According to, TenTonHammer has scored exclusive screen shots of Destiny of Velious.
EQ2Wire has spent the past several weeks working on articles for release when the Destiny of Velious Beta NDA drops. This includes features on Itemization and Mechanics changes with Developer Quotes, previews of Public Quests, the new Dungeons and Raid zones, new graphics features such as Ambient Occlusion and Sunshafts, as well as an awesome AA browser that lets you browse the new AAs in Destiny of Velious. We have also been preparing a special Destiny of Velious Flying Mounts video which would show you the new flying Gryffons, talk a little bit about the quest to acquire them...
From The Destiny of Velious NDA has officially lifted! If you participated in the Beta test, you’re now free to start talking about Destiny of Velious. We hope you enjoyed the new expansion as much as we’ve enjoyed working on it. Please remember that all posts made on the Beta forums are still protected under the NDA and should not be shared publicly. In addition, screenshots were disabled in the Beta test so any images taken by bypassing the disabled screenshot feature also fall under this restriction. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Beta test. We appreciate...
In a change that has so far received mostly positive feedback, Destiny of Velious will likely alter the methods Tradeskillers will choose to level up most efficiently. While the Destiny of Velious NDA remains in effect, Domino has been allowed to share this change with the community to provide an opportunity for feedback before Velious (and its associated game update which we are calling Game Update 59 — SOE has yet to name it). Most tradeskillers level up by first crafting new recipes (thus receiving a 200% Crafting Pristine Bonus), and then move on to writs (Rush Orders or...
Kerane has brought to our attention some special pricing by DLGamer for past customers and families to purchase EverQuest II: Destiny of Velious at a discount. The official SOE (and Direct2Drive) price for the Destiny of Velious expansion is 34,95 €. EverQuest ® II Destiny of Velious ™ All-In-One X2 (Familly pack) 59,99 €. Two copies of EQ2 for your friends/family. And according to an e-mail received by Kerane: All who ordered the previous expansion from DLgamer can buy Destiny of Velious for 31.99 €“. If you did not receive such an e-mail from DLGamer, shoot them an e-mail...
From the EQ2 Forums: The Lucan D’Lere and Crushbone servers will be taken offline at 12:00am PST on Wednesday, February 16th [Thursday 16 Feb @ 8:00] and will be offline for an estimated 24 hours. The merged Crushbone server should be back online sometime around 12:00 am PST on Thursday, February 17th. The following services will be affected for all EQII servers during this downtime and may experience interruptions: Cross-server chat Chat channels In-game mail Friends Lists We apologize for any inconvenience and will resume all affected services when the merge is complete. and this update: Lucan will be...
From Upcoming Dev Chat Webcast #4: This Friday, February 18th, members of the EQII Development Team will join us again to give an exclusive tour of Destiny of Velious! Friday, February 18 at 4:00 pm PST [Midnight-1:00 GMT on Feb 19]: Live Tour of Destiny of Velious! Join members of the EQII team for a live walkthrough of the new expansion. Producer Dave “Smokejumper” Georgeson and Game Designer Paul “Cronyn” Molina will be on hand to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at Destiny of Velious. Tune in on Facebook or on Stickam to watch the fourth webcast...