From Rothgar on the EQ2 Forums:
Ok, we’re there!
If you find any issues or problems, please report them here asap or message me in game. I’ll be in chat.
and regarding Call of Guild Hall, at least ONE member of your guild will have to zone into the guild manually to reactivate it:
Keep in mind there is a known issue with your Guild’s Call to Guild Hall spell.
Someone will need to zone into your GH through the door in order to re-establish that you have the call amenity. Once that is done, everyone’s spell should work again.
But I Can’t Connect!
If you have characters on Lucan D’Lere, then the first time you login, you’ll need to go to the Character Select screen and pick your character there. If you try to pick a character on your Launcher, you’ll be trying to connect to Lucan D’Lere instead of Crushbone.