8 thoughts on “Destiny of Velious Flying Mount Options

  1. We had a picture of the Highland Gryphon up, but I found out after I posted my picture that it changed quite a bit in Beta.

    These Gryphons actually look pretty good even when running on the ground.

  2. According to SOE Podcast #102, they mention at the 38:30 mark that the appearance mount included in the Collector’s Edition is actually a full mount…

    “…if you get the collector’s [edition] you also get the cryomantic armor and the stormfeathers brood guardian appearance…”
    “…except that I found out that it’s not actually an appearance it’s an actual mount.” “Oh REALLY?” “So bonus there” “Oooohhhhhhhh”
    “It’s one of those things that I think gets talked about along the way and a word gets thrown in here and there and ended up on the marketing pages ‘appearance’ but then I heard, ‘oh it’s actually a full mount.'”

    Yada yada yada…

    Thoughts?? Are they wrong?

  3. Tryon,

    Unfortunately I have not taken the time to listen to the SOE Podcasts. I am a visual and kinetic learner, but have a lot of trouble with auditory. Basically I have to choose — work on stuff *or* listen to a podcast — otherwise I tune one or the other completely out.

    So if it’s a real mount, then that would suggest you don’t need to complete the flying mount quest and you can equip it immediately. So that makes the Collector’s Edition a much more powerful item.

  4. Developer ttobey had this to say…

    “It works as a ground mount. I think it’s one of the better animated mounts. Capes and tails all work on it too.”

    You still need to do the 5-day quest to make the mount fly, but it IS a full mount, not appearance only.

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