6 thoughts on “Dethdlr’s Dungeon: So Long Longarm

  1. lol i still use my trusty longarm, for raid pulls when i dont want a x4 pounding on me all they way back to my healers. Still havnt wrapped up the new hq. i might use my bow 10 times a night, and just for a pull here and there, so i have not been to desperate to get a new one. hopefully i can find time to wrap this one up before the new xpac 😉

  2. arrow summoning bow is from DT (now access free), drops from the split-goo drake.

    underfoot is easily on par with any drop outside of a HM raid due to that range, (there’s onlt 3-4 fabled bows that i know beat its rating enough to make replacing it worthwhile as a dps item, 2 are hardmode drops, one’s a LotDQ 2nd name “rare” drop and other’s a crappily stated +defence bow from palace).

    The risty line is not needed to get the risty’s lucky string quest, the quest itself comes from a body/chest-drop that risty creates after he/she turns aggro at the end of “ritsy’s rewards”, so if someone is asking for help on the line/kill (not many classes that can solo the encounter due to the 4 ^ bodyguards), by all means pull out a character without the HQ and get in there, enough drops for however many people are in the group at the time, and no need to clear that annoying named-kill quest yourself.

  3. Void Reaver, Bow of Shadow – \aITEM -1827682974 -1852341130:[Void Reaver, Bow of Shadow]\/a

    is still the best “symbol” for crusaders,
    funny thing is this symbol can shoot arrows 😛
    (ok hardmode bow from underfoot has better DR but i dont like the stats tbh)

    btw: you can Makro a second bow like Long arm or underfoot
    row 1: Equip Item: Bowname.
    row 2: /autoattack 2

    Same makro for your standard bow.
    Makro will equip the bow and starts range autoattack.
    bow switch works in combat.

  4. @Azzaroth: Void Reaver, Bow of Shadow only has a range of 35 meters. I’m not making any claims at all on what the best normal usage bow is for any class, just one for pulling on a plate tank. 🙂

    And you’re absolutly correct about the macros. I tend not to do the /autoattack 2 personally since I’d rather have the ranged attack on my hot bar instead. It also keeps me from accidentally pulling something because I forgot to untarget before swapping bows.

    I do however macro in /autoattack 1 with my taunts. It took me a while to realize that two of my taunts weren’t turning on autoattack by themselves since there was no damage component. I want those swords to be swinging as soon as I can. Now /autoattack 1 is in my macro before my taunt.

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