Once GU58 went live, some users reported crashing while using Profit UI. Rothgar loaded up Profit to see if he could reproduce the problem. Fairly quickly he came up with a work around. Amnerys posted this note on the official forums:
Some players are reporting a crashing issue after today’s update. If you are experiencing this, here’s some info from Lead Programmer, Rothgar:
The crash is related to having a UI without the Mount tab. We will have a fix for it as soon as possible but in the meantime, you can delete your eq2ui_mainhud_persona.xml file from your custom directory and revert back to the standard Character window.
They intend on having some short downtime later today to patch in a server side fix for this as well.
It should be noted that this workaround will also get you the new currency and mount tabs regardless of which custom UI you are using if the author hasn’t updated their UI to be GU58 compliant. By deleting this file from your custom UI folder you are telling the game to revert back to the default version of that window which contains the new tabs. This is the same thing that my GU58 bandaid patch does for FetishNightfall.
Profit has apparently been updated for GU58 but it seems as though you may need to manually drop in some files from TalTal to get it to work properly.
Update: SmokeJumper just posted this on the official EQ2X forums. Basically, by telling people to delete their eq2.ini file, he’s telling them to not run Profit until after today’s patch since that’s where the game reads which UI it should load. If it doesn’t find this file, it loads the default UI. Not sure all this is needed since I’m pretty sure the workaround above would work fine but here goes just in case it’s helpful to someone out there. In his instructions, replace Freeport with the name of your server:
I don’t know if this has been posted on these forums yet, so here goes:
If you are running Profit UI, then there is a crash issue. We have it fixed and will be updating the servers in a couple hours with the fix…however…in the meantime:
You may want to make backups and then delete the following files and folders from your game folder:
cache folder
eq2.iniAs well as the character specific files, these will appear as such:
Freeport_characters.iniThat will let you run the game now, and then after today’s update, you can restore those files back into your game folder and run Profit normally.
If you are crashing and NOT running Profit UI, please speak up!
Update 2: Reading through some of the threads about crashing clients, people are reporting the same crashes with the default UI. If the game is crashing on you repeatedly and you’ve tried the steps above already, it might be a good time to find a good book until the server patch a few hours from now. Looks like this one really caught them off guard. I tried it out on Test this Saturday and it was working fine.
I’ve been on the test server leveling a Ratonga Brigand the past few days and had no problems at all. I was using DrumsUI only i deleted the character window.