From Jindrack: The harvesting hirelings only gather common materials, not rares or imbue material. Rares are left for the players to gather in the wilds of Norrath. We have been deciding on how many pulls the hirelings can do in two hours so I’d like to get all your feedback on it. So how many pulls do you think is fair for a hireling to do in 2 hours? Some notes on it. Hirelings don’t get a “Nothing Found” result on a pull. They have the player’s standard chance to harvest a 1, 3, or 5 yield per pull....
Month: August 2008
It’s official. Farming eyes in Silent City for 5-10 hours to get access to kill Godking is a thing of the past. And there was much rejoicing… The barrier holding the doors of the Godking’s temple have weakened with the onset of the void storms, allowing entry even without the sacred eyes!
Originally posted by Jindrack: The stable hand doesn’t sell mounts, he gives a +5% mount speed bonus when interacted with. Clip boards can be placed in the halls, and the two tradeskill writ agents give out free clipboards to place. About refunding Amenities: Originally posted by Rothgar: This is to keep people from selling back amenities, paying upkeep with zero amenities and then buying them back again. I’ll discuss a partial refund with Jindrack. It really comes down to whether or not people can exploit the system. Originally posted by Jindrack: We can go with a 50% buy back...
At Fan Faire, it was announced that if you upgrade your guild hall from T1 to T2 or T2 to T3, your amenities get fully refunded and you can take all the items and move them to the bigger hall. BUT you did not get any of your purchase price back. An update this morning from Rothgar: The T3 guild halls do not require faction to purchase. T1 and T2 guild halls only require someone with the appropriate faction to purchase them, just like a regular house. But once its purchased anyone can come and go regardless of faction....
Zoltaroth is adding a feature to most furniture items so that they can be scaled up and down to look good in guild halls and player housing. Basically it gives you the ability to scale the size of house items in both player houses and in guild halls. So you can now use those really tiny fireplaces and scale them up to something epic in a guildhall, or scale down those ponds for use in smaller homes. It’s currently setup to (resize using) Shift + Wheel. Raising / Lowering items should be Control + Wheel. I will look into...
PvP now allows all character classes on Qeynos and Freeport. Bell from Nektulos back to Commonlands. Bell from Thundering Steppes back to Antonica. Carpet to Sinking Sands from Faydwer Carpet to Sinking Sands from Neriak Cloth and Leather styles revamped with much better colors and looks Many “missing” pieces of armor from 1-69 added.
Someone clearly got better pictures and details than I did and got the full list of amenities including purchase and upkeep costs. Check out the Amenities Calculator here:
Originally posted by Jindrack: Level 30 guilds start with 5 amenity slots. At levels 35, 45, and 55 you gain 2 amenity slots. At levels 40, 50, and 60 you gain 3 amenity slots. Starting at level 62 you get 1 amenity slot every other level. (Every even level) A level 80 guild would have 30 amenity slots. All amenities are available right away. It is up to your guild to decide which ones you want to buy. Tier 1 and 2 have a maximum amount of amenities it can hold, regardless of guild level. Tier 1: 15 Tier...
An unauthorized article posted at Massively strongly suggests that there are in fact only 7 dungeons in The Shadow Odyssey which are recycled and reused for different purposes. Illucide, an EQ2 developer, has this response: That article is actually quite a bit off. There are twenty unique group dungeons, not seven. Perhaps they were thinking ‘themes’, but there were quite a few misprints there. I think I saw a much more accurate representation on ‘Zam’s site. For absolute certain, the dungeons are very different. The way that they mention missions really makes them sound much more like LDoN than...
Well it’s official. The almost entirely negative feedback about the price of the T1 and T2 guild halls and other issues have driven SoE to respond and make some improvements. >> Guild Hall Pricing Update << Level 30 Guild Hall (Tier 1) Cities: Qeynos, Freeport, Neriak, Faydwer, Gorowyn Purchase: 50p 100p Upkeep: 50g, 50k status 1p, 100k Description: A 5 room guild hall (not based on the 5 bedroom house on Bayle Ct in Qeynos) Level 50 Guild Hall (Tier 2) Cities: Qeynos, Freeport Purchase: 250p 500p Upkeep: 2.5p, 100k status 5p, 150k Description: A 10 room guild hall...
And the rest of my photos from Vegas and Fan Faire can be found as a photo slideshow.
Due to the dim lighting, it was impossible to get any good still images of the guild hall. The video walkthroughs are better anyway. Level 50 Guild Hall (T2) video on Youtube Level 70 Guild Hall (T3) video on Youtube NOTE The T2 Guild Hall video above does not depict the Atrium and larger rooms being added in response to feedback about the guild halls received post-Fanfaire.
Ok folks, the beauty of the Internet. Anything wrong gets called out. 😉 So there are 5 new Heritage Quests in The Shadow Odyssey. And 1 lengthy Signature Quest. No epics though. People were asking in the Q&A if the epic weapons were going to be upgraded!! The new overland zone is Moors of Ykesha (the former Innothule) by the way. Just reading about it from a Dev who took the time to post here on my blog. Here’s the website:
NOTE: This pricing info is now OUT OF DATE. Please see the updated pricing here. UPDATE; Due to strong demand on the EQ2 forums, all members may now buy a new faction item in their home city to translocate from their house to their guild hall. UPDATE: On 8/20 I looked at the photos again very carefully and revealed 10 more. UPDATE: Clockwork Gaming Collective has posted a Guild Hall Amenities Calculator which lists all the amenities and costs, including several I missed. Travel Guild Translocation Beacon “Call of Guild Hall” Purchase: 1p, 250k status 10p 2 mil status...
The Shadow “of” Odyssey Marketing department added the “of” in Shadow Odyssey. Many jokes made by SOE about it. Marketing dept was surprised that a EQ2 expansion didn’t have “of” in the middle. 🙂 The Shadow Odyssey New lvl 77+ overland zone. 20 dungeons Najena — A very large dungeon. Very tall (4 story stairs and just really cool). Very organic, wood, ropes, not the current stone boxes. Najena’s forge is the new place to go to craft various master weapons, etc. taking the place of the existing Solusek Ro forge. Nuroga Guk — “upper” and “lower” Befallen Most...
There was some question and answer time including 1 hr of gameplay and 1 hr anything goes. Of course a few questions which had already been answered in guild halls were asked. I tried to ask Aerilik a ranger question but a monk cornered and monopolized him for 10 min to see if monks could do something like aggression mitigation (basically a complicated way to hold agro). I get the impression that the new AA lines will offer an additional taunt (help for crusaders too) but not sure.
Lots of great questions about PvP and exile. Alas it was almost a throwaway factoid rather than a discussion. I’m sure there will be more info. Thanks for reading my blog! It was a lot of fun. Might keep it going if there is interest. Btw I post at as feldon23. I’m Feldon on Butcherblock (80 ranger/jeweler).
The Lost from Butcherblock won the EQ2 tournament in the new zone Veksar:The Invasion.
Tradeskill Group Quests (Missions) 9 recipes which must be completed. Each requires their own tradeskill arts (no more Geocrafting/Geomancy). So with 6 tradeskilers they must craft the other 3 recipes using someone elses arts with some difficulty (sorta like Frostfell). Rewards include Tradeskill Mounts. Existing animal, new look, range of run speeds. One of the new AA lines will be Tradeskill Harvesting. Will increase items harvested per node. Tradeskill Rush orders give +300 faction Tradeskill Work orders give +200 faction Domino and others have had a lot of discussions about loams vs cluster cost. Changing recipes or increasing drop rate is...
GU48 Crafted armor 1-69 No more incomplete armor sets Imbue all armor 10+ Shadow odyssey Tradeskill mounts Tradeskill missions 6 man group 3 at launch Rewards Tradeskill zones may scale 50-80
SoE would like to boost taunt as one of the new AA lines so crusaders and bruisers can catch up and match the damage of current weapons. Torch slot or maybe more items with light effect. No more 80s running around with lightstone. On the flipside perhaps an option to auto-hide light sources on stealth. Maybe too easy? 🙂 Auto mentor 80 down to match some zones instead of having to have a 60 tag along. Make mentoring more rewarding include AA. Warden asked about having to cast 14 wards on every death. SoE might allow more than 2...
Itemization — We have a plan. Raiders should not need legendary items. Rodcet nife is new avatar. We have thought about splitting avatars into good evil neutral for more frequent spawns. No plans. No other contesteds being added. Cannot respec and move existing AA (140) to new tree 6 man Group Missions — do a dungeon at the request of an NPC 1 per day, 1 per dungeon Reward is tokens which can be spent on legendary and low fabled items. Might add loot to Tangrin. No epic quests. 1 more signature quest. Long but not repetitive. Good and...
New AA tree: General Archetype (Priest/Mage/Fighter/Scout) Class (Cleric/Summoner/etc) Subclass (Warden/Ranger/Assassin/etc.) Instead of a “tree” that forces you to take AA items you don’t want, AA lines are straight across and you just pick ones. End of line reward for each level. Tradeskill AA Harvesting AA increase # harvests per node Asymetrical armor pieces if you want one big shoulder, one small shoulder. 🙂
New overland 77+ 20 dungeons 4 new raid 60 pts for new aa tree Missions – even if good loot does not drop you can get shards to turn in for weapons Re use existing zones Most dungeons scale 50-80 Najena’s is a new big ass dungeon. Very tall (4 story stairs and just really cool). Very organic, wood, ropes, not the current stone boxes. Najena’s forge is the new place to go to craft various master weapons, etc. taking the place of the existing Solusek Ro forge. Upper and lower Guk One of the two dieties being added...