13 thoughts on “DrumsUI Author Does the Math on Spirit Stones (green adornments)

  1. I have tried to run ProfitUI 3 times, and each time found it lacking in some fundamental way to my style of play. I found and tried DrumsUI a few months ago and haven’t looked back since. It doesn’t try and total convert you, but has loads of options and tweaks that you can opt in to. Fantastic UI and definitely worth a go. There is no readjustment curve if you are used to the default like there is with Profit. Can’t talk it up enough šŸ™‚ Thanks Drumstix!

  2. @Miragian, when you inspect a green adorn and hover your mouse over its experience bar, the pop-up will tell you if you need to kill Ethernere mobs or if you need to gain adventure exp. I have tested it in Sebilis that you can gain adventure exp while mentored for the adorn, but the rate of increase is so low that it really isn’t worth it. I suggest getting a Skyshrine group together and grind for days on end.

  3. I know it says gains level when you gain adventure exp. My point is once you are max AA and max level you stop getting exp messages, as a result it would appear that the item stops leveling.

    I’ve been killing stuff for several hours and it’s barely gone up, which seems to correspond to the few times I’ve had debt when I did get exp messages.

  4. @ Miragian

    At max level and max aa my adorns still do level but you have to be in any of the CoE zones to get experience for the green adorns. Outside of those zones they will not gain xp and level.

  5. @Gwen: Only certain green adorns require Ethernere mobs. The Nebulous Anchor, for instance, is only CoE zones. Crude/Refined/Prime Traps all gain adventure exp. You can mentor to 75/80 and run Sebilis, and they will still grow, albeit very slowly. It is recommended to get a SkyShrine group together to grind out the green adorn exp in addition to Claws of Veeshan faction, especially considering that SS faction vendor gear is just as good as CoE vendor gear.

  6. Thanks for the great work… At this point the only adorns I’ve found that level quickly are the ones that level from killing mobs in Ethernere… The taking damage ones and combat art usage ones go up so slow it will take months or years to level some of them.

    I’d love to see a list of just the ones that level in the ethernere so I could stock up on just those.

  7. Iā€™d love to see a list of just the ones that level in the ethernere so I could stock up on just those.

    There are four:

    Dreary Scuttler Chitin Shard
    \aITEM -1478707346 -347944406:Dreary Scuttler Chitin Shard\/a

    Fear-Touched Umbra
    \aITEM -851027583 -1663693549:Fear-Touched Umbra\/a

    Gravedigger’s Mark
    \aITEM -2004416301 -1598743871:Gravedigger’s Mark\/a

    Nebulous Reality Anchor
    \aITEM 1849402413 1782272960:Nebulous Reality Anchor\/a

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