17 thoughts on “Update Note: Tuesday, November 6, 2012

  1. This comes in very handy for those times the chests get stuck in the walls. I’ve wanted something like this for a long time. 🙂

    Wouldn’t it be weird if you could summon someone else’s chest in a contested area? hehe, oh the fun!!! 😉 I guess you can only summon chests that you have ownership of though.

    1. I can see the uses for this, but yet again, something completely pointless.

      Pointless unless you are a player that this has happened to.

      Or the Customer Service rep who has to spend 20 minutes logging the issue, logging into the game, looking at the chest, looking at the mob, making sure you are the person who killed it and are entitled to its contents, giving you the items in your mail, closing the ticket, and filing the report.

  2. My point was after nearly 9 years of playing, thousands of chests looted, and hundered of raids, its only ever happened once, im sure there would be things that they could fix and put time and effort into, that would be much more use than a chest summoning command.

  3. I think its maybe 10 meters? (wish we had a %distance variable to display distance to target) Its a good distance, but not ranged attack far.

    This is also great for times when you 1-shot a mob, hear a chest “drop”, and cant find it for the life of you. Or when you kill something from a platform, like over water (think the lily pads in Chelsith). Or the flying aviaks in Butcherblock (or anywhere in sky zones), that tended to die in mid air.

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