9 thoughts on “Silius Responds to “State of the GU” Request

  1. Is it me or were all his answers basically of the “beat around the bush” variety? I swear that dude should be a politician. Answering questions without actually giving any REAL info 🙂

  2. Yes it will matter, since most of the people who are going to make use of PotM and the new Spell auto attack will most likely be doing the new GU61 instances adn PoW content which will have those wands.
    That is a very good question though. I will look into it and see if I can get an official answer by our next show if Feldon doesn’t beat me to it 😛

  3. glad Gu61 is now active but slightly buggie and some of the loot gear from delving dead.

    lvl 90 heroic all I can say is wow it needs better stats and not even worth using needs to be changed but not seen any change to my armor after the re vamp. but the gear out of Element of War is better then easy mode x4 Dov zones and EoW is Legendery the change has frone the game side wiseno instance gear should be better then a x4 easy mode or x4 HM dov raids I like the new setup for the aa lines but shame not alot changed

    I think SoE has run out of idea’s or are they only consetrating on the charitors they like the most as an illusionist I am silghly disapointed
    was hoping for stronger nuke’s ie spell’s. Please do a proper gear alighment, ie make all x4 Raids easy mode better then any instance gear

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