9 thoughts on “Update Notes: Tuesday, July 12, 2011


    The normal mode x4 raid zones (Temple, Throne, Kraytoc’s and Drunder zones) require less critical mitigation than before. Players with less critical mitigation should have a better chance for survival.

    Wonder how much less crit mit will be needed? <200%?

  2. Here are the stats for EM DOV – Kraytoc- 100, Thrones of Storms – 110. Temple of Zek-120.

    DRUNDER x4- sullon spire – 155, same for Vallon tower.

    HM Throne in comparison is 190.

    so this means. EM drunder has less crit mit requirment than HM DoV pre-GU60 content.. which might mean it is easier.

  3. Well- critmit is a requirement for surviving most raid kills. Crit chance drastically improves DPS, but is not a necessity for dragging down a raid mob. So yes, this does make things easier for undergeared raid forces to break into Velious raid content.

  4. I think that will help out some of the under geared toons. I took my coercer into Kraytocs before this change with only 72% crit mit. T1 SF gear. I had a few deaths, but we were able to work it out so the squishy people were kept alive. The biggest part was getting everyone to figure out what was working best for them and to get everyone on the same page.

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