Thanks to an eq2wire comment from Tom, we now know that EverQuest II: Destiny of Velious is now available for pre-order from for $39.95 and will include two in-game items. Standard of the Dain Cloak Velious Portal Painting
Month: January 2011
From EverQuest II – Destiny of Velious will be available for pre-order beginning on Tuesday, January 18, 2011! This exciting new expansion to the world of Norrath will be released on February 22, 2011. We’ll have more information about the pre-order options on Tuesday, so be sure to check for all the details. For more information on Destiny of Velious, please see Announcing EverQuest II – Destiny of Velious. Keep watching for more official information about Destiny of Velious, and don’t miss the new DoV note from Dave “Smokejumper” Georgeson, EverQuest II Producer, over on the...
From SmokeJumper on the EQ2 Forums: As you know, we’ve been working hard on the “Destiny of Velious” expansion pack. It was originally scheduled for release on Feb 8th, but after getting feedback from players, spending time playing the game internally, and discussing ways to make things better, we’ve decided to move the release date back to Feb 22nd instead. Feb 22nd gives us another couple of weeks for polish, tuning, and a honing of the fun factor for the expansion. We think the wait will be well worthwhile. Check for the announcement on pre-order dates! And also...
If you left a character in the Frostfell Wonderland Village and that character has been inaccessible since Frostfell concluded, you’ll be happy to read these updates from Bunji: We’re working on freeing those toons right now. Script is running now to relocate those stuck toons.
Ashlanne has posted this over on Beginning at 12am PST on Tuesday, January 11th, ALL SOE games, subscription and commerce services will be unavailable for maintenance. We expect this maintenance to take approximately ten hours. This might cause some forum accounts to temporarily lose permissions, due to the inability to verify account status while the maintenance is taking place. This is only temporary and normal permissions will return automatically once the maintenance is complete. We apologize for this interruption and will resume the affected services as soon as the maintenance is completed. I suspect this has something to...
An unexpected server downtime has been reported with login and authentication servers offline. More as we have it. A tongue-in-cheek Update from Brasse: Tha Internetz are down at SOE-SD. My team would be happier about it if it did not impact their ongoing “testing” of Dungeon Overlord.! Update 1:22pm PST: Login & Authentication Servers are back online.
It looks like those plans to merge Lucan D’Lere with Crushbone weren’t quite so preliminary and subject to player input. From SmokeJumper: It’s official. We’ll be doing the merge that Rothgar describes. LDL will merge with Crushbone. Sometime in early February, preferably. (It’ll take a bit to get everything set up for it.)
This just in from Still need to finish some of your Frostfell quests, and get those last few once-a-year items? Well you’re in luck! Enjoy a little more time with the festivities and stuff your pockets full of as much Frostfell goodness as you can, until the hotfix on Tuesday morning, January 11th! So there’s still time to get a few more lumps of coal before Frostfell goes away for another year. 🙂
Rothgar has put forth a possible server merge scenario for folks on the Lucan D’Lere server. This is not a merger that would be taken lightly, as Lucan D’Lere is a Role-play server and there is currently no server that its members could merge to that wouldn’t result in an overpopulated server. It will be interesting to read player reaction to the idea of merging with a non-RP server.
You would think that the Non-Disclosure Agreement for the EQ2 Destiny of Velious beta had already been lifted, given the Youtube videos and unintended leaks on EQ2’s own and other sites. But we can assure you it remains firmly in place. Today, we plant tongue firmly in cheek and deliver another illustration brought to us by The Destiny of Velious NDA is likely to be lifted towards the end of January. Until then, please be aware of the legal ramifications it may have for you, not to mention losing access to EQ2 and SOE games, should you choose...
Last night, the Destiny of Velious beta forums were taken offline and then restarted from scratch under the EQ2X Forums. It has been indicated that this change was to allow EQ2X players to contribute their feedback and reports in the Beta forums. However this means all discussions and threads about the Beta will need to be restarted, as the current Forum software lacks the ability to move threads from one game to another. Users who have signed the NDA and wish to participate in the Destiny of Velious beta forums must now first navigate to the EQ2X forums and,...
EQ2 Servers are back up after an extended update.
EQ2 Live Servers are offline for an extended window for today’s hotfix. an unscheduled downtime. More as we have it. Antonia Bayle(is currently locked) Butcherblock(is currently locked) Everfrost(is currently locked) Freeport(is currently locked) Guk(is currently locked) Lucan DLere(is currently locked) Nagafen(is currently locked) Splitpaw(is currently locked) Storms(is currently locked) The Bazaar(is currently locked) Unrest(is currently locked) Valor(is currently locked) Vox(is currently locked)
A cantankerous discussion on the EQ2 Forums posted over the New Year’s holiday addresses the issue of Account Hacks and Compromised Accounts. Due to the holiday schedule, some players have experienced as long as a 2 week wait to have their accounts restored or rolled back. Update: We’ve found a far more constructive thread on the subject of the increase in Compromised EQ2 Accounts. Amnerys has posted an update on the situation as well as a word on Velious Winter Rewards for those who were not automatically granted them:
From the EQ2 Forums: Attention Fan Faire attendees! Are you in the Destiny of Velious Beta test? Do you want to be? So far, fewer than 200 Fan Faire 2010 attendees have been flagged because they either haven’t filled out a Beta application, or because they haven’t yet accepted the NDA. If you would like to participate in the EQII Destiny of Velious Beta, these are two things you need to do before we can flag you for access! If you attended Fan Faire 2010, you will be admitted into the Beta program as a thank you for attending....
Here are your exceptionally brief Update Notes for today, January 6, 2011: ITEMS The following adornments should now properly display what slots they can adorn: Focus: Lesser Intimidation Focus: Lesser Power Focus: Lesser Vengeance Focus: Lesser Effectiveness Focus: Lesser Resilience
We are hearing reports from the community that the Destiny of Velious EQ2 Beta is now underway. As the Beta is under strict NDA, that is the limit of what we are able to report, however as we get closer to release, we’ll post any free-and-clear information we get our mitts on. 🙂 If you have not already filled out the Destiny of Velious beta application, you may do so here. If you went to Fan Faire you should be flagged by the end of the day today (January 5, 2011). From SmokeJumper on the EQ2 Forums: The first...
Here are your blink-and-you-missed-it Update Notes for today, January 4th, 2011: GENERAL Escrow deposit log entries will now be combined properly when a player makes a deposit if the player’s name or ID changed due to a server transfer or server merge. QUESTS Freebloods can now complete the Heritage quest “The Journey is Half the Fun“.
From Domino on the EQ2 Forums: The festival is now active on those servers (Butcherblock and Permafrost) and has been for a while, but did start almost a day late. We will extend the event on the affected servers. The Gorowyn city festival on Butcherblock and Permafrost this month will end at 11:59pm on the 8th [07:59 on the 9th GMT]. (The festival will still end on all other servers at 11:59 on the 7th). Apologies for any inconvenience!
EQ2 developers are trying to track down the exact cause of certain Freeblood characters unable to use (or see) their Inner Demon appearance. Zoltaroth requests feedback here on the EQ2 Forums: Is anyone still having this issue? We are having trouble reproducing it and would like to see a sample character if possible. If anyone is having this issue still please PM me your character name and server.
I’ve been helping Feldon out here at EQ2Wire for about eight months now. My first post was on April 4th 2010 so I haven’t quite been here a full year. In that time I’ve sifted through over seven thousand items to bring you almost 100 articles here on EQ2Wire. Hopefully you’ve found at least a few of them useful. I look forward to continuing my work in 2011 and bringing you all the latest highlights of what’s going on in the world of EQ2. Happy New Year Everybody!